1 00:00:01,360 --> 00:00:04,000 The proxy that we're going to be using is birth proxy. 2 00:00:04,030 --> 00:00:09,940 Now birth is a really big program that can be used for a lot of things but we're going to be focusing 3 00:00:09,970 --> 00:00:13,240 on how to use the proxy in this lecture. 4 00:00:13,240 --> 00:00:16,080 So we're going to be using the proxy in a lot of lectures. 5 00:00:16,120 --> 00:00:20,350 I'm going to explain how to run it and configure the browser to use it once. 6 00:00:20,440 --> 00:00:22,670 And in the future I'll be skipping through this step. 7 00:00:22,750 --> 00:00:27,100 I'm just going to say I'm going to run Bert proxy and you should carry out these steps. 8 00:00:27,670 --> 00:00:33,140 So hope Burke is going to work as we have outlined here and we have the web server just like we've seen 9 00:00:33,140 --> 00:00:38,110 it before and we have BHM a website loaded on our candy machine. 10 00:00:38,170 --> 00:00:44,950 So when we send the request and we said instead of sending it directly to the web browser we're actually 11 00:00:44,950 --> 00:00:48,880 going to configure our browser to send the request to burp. 12 00:00:48,970 --> 00:00:50,800 So this is our proxy running here. 13 00:00:50,880 --> 00:00:54,810 Bert you'll see all the parameters that are being posted to the Web site. 14 00:00:54,850 --> 00:01:00,790 So we're going to see the post request they get requests and we'll see them after all the client code 15 00:01:00,790 --> 00:01:02,010 has been applied. 16 00:01:02,050 --> 00:01:04,360 So some Web sites apply client side code. 17 00:01:04,360 --> 00:01:07,080 As I said to the request before they send it. 18 00:01:07,150 --> 00:01:12,750 So we're going to be able to see the requests after the client side code has been applied. 19 00:01:12,790 --> 00:01:16,870 This is very important because a lot of Web sites use filtering as client side. 20 00:01:16,870 --> 00:01:21,600 And then we'll be able to bypass all of these filters by intercepting the request. 21 00:01:21,910 --> 00:01:27,090 Then once we modify the request in birth we're going to forward it to the Web site the website will 22 00:01:27,090 --> 00:01:31,260 execute it and give it back to us. 23 00:01:31,260 --> 00:01:37,290 So again we're going to redirect the requests to burp modify them here send them to the Web site Web 24 00:01:37,290 --> 00:01:39,870 site executes it give it back to us. 25 00:01:39,870 --> 00:01:44,400 Now we're going to be using this a lot in the future and the idea will become much more clear in the 26 00:01:44,400 --> 00:01:44,730 future. 27 00:01:44,730 --> 00:01:49,110 So if you don't really get it now just keep going through the lectures and I think it'll become much 28 00:01:49,110 --> 00:01:49,850 more clear. 29 00:01:51,140 --> 00:01:53,380 Let me show you how to configure burp. 30 00:01:53,720 --> 00:01:59,760 So first of all I'm just going to start work so you can run it here from the dock or you can run absoute 31 00:01:59,810 --> 00:02:03,530 from the terminal. 32 00:02:03,540 --> 00:02:09,360 Now this is just telling me about some Tim project I had We're just going to click next to use a template 33 00:02:09,360 --> 00:02:15,230 project and we're going to use the defaults. 34 00:02:15,310 --> 00:02:17,270 So we have a problem here. 35 00:02:17,440 --> 00:02:20,310 And as I said it's a really big Seuthes with a lot of options. 36 00:02:20,320 --> 00:02:28,120 What we're interested in the proxy so we can see that the proxy is set to ON and the most important 37 00:02:28,120 --> 00:02:35,760 thing now is to go on options and you'll see that the proxy is running on port 80 80 OK. 38 00:02:35,900 --> 00:02:42,990 Now anything we do here is still not centerboard because we are not redirecting anything to it yet. 39 00:02:42,990 --> 00:02:49,770 So we need to set up this we need to tell our web browser to send all the requests to the port that 40 00:02:49,770 --> 00:02:50,730 verb is running on. 41 00:02:50,730 --> 00:02:52,550 So Burke is running on 88. 42 00:02:52,920 --> 00:02:58,400 So now I'm going to go to my preferences. 43 00:02:58,540 --> 00:03:09,290 I'm going to go in advanced network settings and we're going to use manual proxy configuration and we're 44 00:03:09,290 --> 00:03:16,330 going to use port 80 80 and the IP is 7 0 0 0 exactly like it's in here. 45 00:03:16,350 --> 00:03:19,380 And the options I'm going to click on. 46 00:03:19,380 --> 00:03:20,020 OK. 47 00:03:21,570 --> 00:03:30,000 And now anything I do on this web browser will be redirected to burp before it goes to the website or 48 00:03:30,010 --> 00:03:32,680 anything I do here will be redirected to the proxy. 49 00:03:32,680 --> 00:03:36,850 I can modify all the requests and send it to the web server. 50 00:03:37,180 --> 00:03:44,080 So let's see how is this going to work so I'm going to go back here to the intercept and I'm just going 51 00:03:44,080 --> 00:03:45,430 to click on any link in here. 52 00:03:45,430 --> 00:03:53,790 So if I just go for example on the file inclusion you'll see that perp here has intercepted a packet. 53 00:03:54,130 --> 00:03:55,990 And if we go here on the parameters 54 00:03:59,940 --> 00:04:03,090 you'll see the stuff that perp is sending. 55 00:04:03,240 --> 00:04:07,310 So we can see that it's asking for a page called include poetry. 56 00:04:07,490 --> 00:04:12,060 It's telling that the security should be low and it's sending. 57 00:04:12,120 --> 00:04:14,140 SS ID. 58 00:04:14,250 --> 00:04:19,440 So again on the headers you'll see all the headers that's been sent and you can modify any of these 59 00:04:19,440 --> 00:04:21,400 values by double click on it. 60 00:04:21,600 --> 00:04:24,240 So you can modify this double click it modify it. 61 00:04:24,240 --> 00:04:30,470 Hit enter and then once you're done modifying it you can click on forward and that will forward the 62 00:04:30,470 --> 00:04:34,010 packets and then the page is displayed here. 63 00:04:34,010 --> 00:04:36,140 Now we're going to be able to find these things in the future. 64 00:04:36,140 --> 00:04:41,570 So right now I'm just showing you that the bar is set up correctly and in the future will be modifying 65 00:04:41,570 --> 00:04:42,640 that. 66 00:04:42,650 --> 00:04:44,690 Let me just show you an example of a follow up. 67 00:04:44,710 --> 00:04:47,720 Now again if I click on file upload nothing happens. 68 00:04:47,840 --> 00:04:52,280 I have to forward it back here so you can see the values that we use and you can see the headers here 69 00:04:52,310 --> 00:04:53,040 as well. 70 00:04:53,240 --> 00:04:58,720 And I have to forwarded then the website will load it here and I have to forward again. 71 00:04:58,850 --> 00:05:01,210 And as you can see now it loaded. 72 00:05:01,220 --> 00:05:04,990 So let's try to upload an image. 73 00:05:05,210 --> 00:05:10,950 And when I click on upload again you'll see that the website pauses and we can see all the stuff that 74 00:05:10,970 --> 00:05:12,140 we send in here. 75 00:05:13,140 --> 00:05:19,950 So you can see that the image name you can see the image type and you can see all the variables that 76 00:05:19,980 --> 00:05:21,090 we insert as well. 77 00:05:21,090 --> 00:05:25,830 Again this is a post request and usually you don't see anything in here in the or out. 78 00:05:25,890 --> 00:05:30,110 We can modify the values in here and then send them again. 79 00:05:30,120 --> 00:05:35,220 This might not make much sense now but in the future once you start learning other attacks and we'll 80 00:05:35,220 --> 00:05:36,020 be using. 81 00:05:36,210 --> 00:05:38,620 You'll see how useful this can be. 82 00:05:39,710 --> 00:05:45,980 Once don't use unberth because now if you if we close were the browser will still try to redirect the 83 00:05:45,980 --> 00:05:48,540 packets to port 88 you were purpose running. 84 00:05:48,740 --> 00:05:55,280 So if I try to open anything I will lose my connection because it's the proxy server is refusing connections 85 00:05:55,520 --> 00:05:57,130 because I self burp. 86 00:05:57,200 --> 00:06:04,650 So once you're done with Bergh go back to your preferences and make sure that you use you set up your 87 00:06:04,650 --> 00:06:06,860 proxy settings to not use a proxy. 88 00:06:06,990 --> 00:06:11,910 So advanced network settings and then go to no proxy. 89 00:06:11,940 --> 00:06:12,820 OK. 90 00:06:13,650 --> 00:06:15,630 And then you should be good to go. 91 00:06:15,630 --> 00:06:17,310 Now if I do I try again. 92 00:06:18,360 --> 00:06:20,080 The website works as well. 93 00:06:20,160 --> 00:06:26,640 So again this is going to be really handy to intercept post get and bypass filters and also bypass any 94 00:06:26,640 --> 00:06:34,140 type of client side code that gets applied to the requests made by the website in the future I'll be 95 00:06:34,140 --> 00:06:39,240 doing this very fast and once I say I'm going to use BEARUP you should take it that you need to start 96 00:06:39,480 --> 00:06:43,520 up and configure your browser to redirect packets to go through burp.