1 00:00:00,120 --> 00:00:06,960 Not want to talk about Mau Mau Where is the all encompassing term that refers to all of the programs 2 00:00:07,050 --> 00:00:09,470 that are written with malicious intent. 3 00:00:09,840 --> 00:00:16,050 So my work can include lots and lots of things we'll go through some of the main ones and then we'll 4 00:00:16,050 --> 00:00:20,740 talk about the ones that need to be of particular concern with them. 5 00:00:21,000 --> 00:00:24,120 So top of the list you have macro viruses. 6 00:00:24,300 --> 00:00:31,960 This is a virus that has been written in a macro language such as the ABs that is usually platform independent. 7 00:00:32,060 --> 00:00:36,470 Many applications allow macro programs to be embedded in the documents. 8 00:00:36,690 --> 00:00:41,610 The programs may be run automatically when that document is open. 9 00:00:41,610 --> 00:00:49,140 So that means for example Word documents and Excel documents will have embedded macros and VBA scripts 10 00:00:49,740 --> 00:00:52,810 which can run these macro viruses. 11 00:00:53,030 --> 00:01:00,930 You have stealth viruses or virus that hides the modifications is made virus tries to trick anti-virus 12 00:01:00,930 --> 00:01:08,070 software by intercepting its request to the operating system and providing false some bogus information. 13 00:01:08,220 --> 00:01:17,730 Polymorphic viruses produces very operational copies of itself a polymorphic virus may have no parts 14 00:01:17,730 --> 00:01:24,120 that remain identical between infections making it very difficult to detect directly using signatures 15 00:01:24,200 --> 00:01:25,990 in anti-virus software. 16 00:01:25,990 --> 00:01:32,180 You have self gobbling viruses which attempt to hide from anti-virus software by modifying its code. 17 00:01:32,270 --> 00:01:35,550 So it does not match predefined antivirus signatures. 18 00:01:35,640 --> 00:01:37,720 You have bots or zombies. 19 00:01:37,920 --> 00:01:43,140 And that's really a collection of hacked devices under a command and control of a hacker. 20 00:01:43,140 --> 00:01:50,940 So if your machine does get compromised it could be part of a bot network or being a zombie. 21 00:01:50,940 --> 00:01:52,240 You have worms. 22 00:01:52,320 --> 00:01:57,410 These viruses simply spread from one machine to another to another to another. 23 00:01:57,660 --> 00:02:03,230 You have root kits rootkit are the worst software based malware that you can get. 24 00:02:03,240 --> 00:02:10,440 They are usually embedded into the kernel of the operating system so it can hide its existence completely 25 00:02:10,440 --> 00:02:15,520 from the operating system and then you have firmware root kits. 26 00:02:15,600 --> 00:02:17,480 These are the worst of all. 27 00:02:17,490 --> 00:02:25,200 So for example within your hard drives firmware chip you could have some sort of malware even formatting 28 00:02:25,200 --> 00:02:29,580 your drive and reinstall the operating system won't shift it. 29 00:02:29,580 --> 00:02:39,720 This is NSA GHQ level malware saying that there has been some talk in some papers about how this is 30 00:02:39,720 --> 00:02:44,830 done so it is likely that there are hacking groups actually doing this. 31 00:02:44,910 --> 00:02:49,260 You have key loggers key loggers do as they sound. 32 00:02:49,260 --> 00:02:51,450 They log your keystrokes. 33 00:02:51,660 --> 00:02:59,640 And this Trojan horses Trojan horses or simply programs that appear to be one thing but are actually 34 00:02:59,640 --> 00:03:07,110 malware So you download say for example a piece of software and it acts as that software. 35 00:03:07,110 --> 00:03:14,190 But at the same time it is also malware in the back you have remote access tools all rats. 36 00:03:14,190 --> 00:03:21,990 These are malicious programs that run on your system and allow intruders to access your system remotely. 37 00:03:22,290 --> 00:03:24,750 So they like remote administration tool. 38 00:03:24,760 --> 00:03:29,830 If you're familiar with things like Team view a team view for the hacker. 39 00:03:29,940 --> 00:03:36,690 So remote access tool and popular ones at the moment are hey Vicks alien spy comrade. 40 00:03:36,810 --> 00:03:40,160 These can be bought and these can also be downloaded. 41 00:03:40,320 --> 00:03:45,570 Even though we've gone through all of those different times it's not really necessary for you to know 42 00:03:45,570 --> 00:03:47,020 every type of malware. 43 00:03:47,040 --> 00:03:49,530 You just need to know of them. 44 00:03:49,680 --> 00:03:55,740 Those are outdraw specific attention to are particularly prevalent the moment and the first of those 45 00:03:55,830 --> 00:04:02,920 is ransomware and this typically takes a form of malware taking control of your PC in some way. 46 00:04:02,970 --> 00:04:09,240 Then behind the scenes covertly encrypt all your personal files with a decryption key. 47 00:04:09,240 --> 00:04:13,160 Only the hacker knows then when it's done you will get a message. 48 00:04:13,170 --> 00:04:14,280 Something like these 49 00:04:30,460 --> 00:04:35,630 these are the most prevalent as of recording your options are to pay the ransom. 50 00:04:35,680 --> 00:04:40,390 They tend to crack the encryption which has had much success so far. 51 00:04:40,420 --> 00:04:42,400 Or lose the files. 52 00:04:42,400 --> 00:04:43,740 Most people pay. 53 00:04:43,900 --> 00:04:52,510 They tend to keep the amount relatively low so that people do tend to pay and you paying via a cryptocurrency 54 00:04:52,510 --> 00:04:58,840 such as Bitcoin which is relatively untraceable ransomware because of its high margin profits and rather 55 00:04:58,840 --> 00:05:04,940 simple chain of people need to be involved like likely surge in the near term for PC users. 56 00:05:04,990 --> 00:05:12,790 Next Great concern is Malva Tyson mal the top is an online advertisement that is infected with a virus 57 00:05:13,030 --> 00:05:14,740 malware online. 58 00:05:14,740 --> 00:05:19,750 There are a number of major and minor advertisement networks exist. 59 00:05:19,840 --> 00:05:23,880 Here is an example of what people pay to place ads. 60 00:05:24,100 --> 00:05:28,130 These ads will appear on thousands of different Web sites. 61 00:05:28,180 --> 00:05:34,120 The owners of the sites often don't even know what the specific ads will be. 62 00:05:34,150 --> 00:05:40,030 Hackers are now placing their own ads that contain scripts to get around security checks these scripts 63 00:05:40,030 --> 00:05:45,910 point to all the scripts which download all the scripts from another location and repeat this process 64 00:05:45,910 --> 00:05:50,090 a few times until finally now is present to the user. 65 00:05:50,110 --> 00:05:56,110 The Web site because of this chain of scripts from different changing locations is hard to know for 66 00:05:56,110 --> 00:05:59,660 the advertising network that the ad is bad. 67 00:05:59,670 --> 00:06:07,090 Many of these ads place through automated processes anyway sites themselves can have their own advertisement 68 00:06:07,170 --> 00:06:12,000 network such as Forbes Which also host and malware recently. 69 00:06:12,280 --> 00:06:16,010 So my retirement is a growing attack vector. 70 00:06:16,120 --> 00:06:21,820 You need to be aware of and then we have drive by attacks which is really a bit of a strange name to 71 00:06:21,820 --> 00:06:27,580 be given for simply visiting a Web site that contains code to exploit your machine. 72 00:06:27,610 --> 00:06:32,410 So don't think they're going to only know Web sites will keep you safe. 73 00:06:32,410 --> 00:06:35,690 The example of malwa Times is one reason why. 74 00:06:35,740 --> 00:06:41,000 And also you need to consider if the Web site itself has been compromised. 75 00:06:41,350 --> 00:06:46,210 So here's an example of the UK fat tongue chef Jamie Oliver's website being hacked. 76 00:06:46,210 --> 00:06:52,530 For the third time infecting his surface for the benefit of the hacker that hacked him.