description = [[ Checks if an FTP server allows anonymous logins. ]] --- -- @output -- |_ ftp-anon: Anonymous FTP login allowed author = "Eddie Bell" license = "Same as Nmap--See" categories = {"default", "auth", "safe"} require "shortport" portrule = shortport.port_or_service(21, "ftp") --- Connects to the FTP server and checks if the server allows anonymous logins. action = function(host, port) local socket = nmap.new_socket() local result local status = true local isAnon = false local err_catch = function() socket:close() end local try = nmap.new_try(err_catch) socket:set_timeout(5000) try(socket:connect(host.ip, port.number, port.protocol)) try(socket:send("USER anonymous\r\n")) try(socket:send("PASS IEUser@\r\n")) while status do status, result = socket:receive_lines(1); if string.match(result, "^230") then isAnon = true break end end socket:close() if(isAnon) then return "Anonymous FTP login allowed" end end