description = [[ Retrieves the authentication scheme and realm of a web service that requires authentication. ]] --- -- @output -- 80/tcp open http -- | http-auth: HTTP Service requires authentication -- | Auth type: Basic, realm = Password Required -- |_ HTTP server may accept admin:admin combination for Basic authentication -- HTTP authentication information gathering script -- rev 1.1 (2007-05-25) -- 2008-11-06 Vlatko Kosturjak -- * bug fixes against base64 encoded strings, more flexible auth/pass check, -- corrected sample output author = "Thomas Buchanan" license = "Same as Nmap--See" categories = {"default", "auth", "intrusive"} require "shortport" require "http" require "base64" portrule = shortport.port_or_service({80, 443, 8080}, {"http","https"}) action = function(host, port) local realm,scheme,result,authheader local basic = false local authcombinations= {"admin:", "admin:admin"} local answer = http.get( host, port, "/" ) --- check for 401 response code if answer.status == 401 then result = "HTTP Service requires authentication\n" -- split www-authenticate header local auth_headers = {} local pcre ='\\w+( (\\w+=("[^"]+"|\\w+), *)*(\\w+=("[^"]+"|\\w+)))?',0,"C") local match = function( match ) table.insert(auth_headers, match) end pcre:gmatch( answer.header['www-authenticate'], match ) for _, value in pairs( auth_headers ) do result = result .. " Auth type: " scheme, realm = string.match(value, "(%a+).-[Rr]ealm=\"(.-)\"") if scheme == "Basic" then basic = true end if realm ~= nil then result = result .. scheme .. ", realm = " .. realm .. "\n" else result = result .. string.match(value, "(%a+)") .. "\n" end end end if basic then for _, combination in pairs (authcombinations) do authheader = "Basic " .. base64.enc(combination) answer = http.get(host, port, '/', {header={Authorization=authheader}}) if answer.status ~= 401 and answer.status ~= 403 then result = result .. " HTTP server may accept " .. combination .. " combination for Basic authentication\n" end end end return result end