description = [[ Retrieves POP3 email server capabilities. POP3 capabilities are defined in RFC 2449. The CAPA command allows a client to ask a server what commands it supports and possibly any site-specific policy. Besides the list of supported commands, the IMPLEMENTATION string giving the server version may be available. ]] --- -- @output -- 110/tcp open pop3 -- |_ pop3-capabilities: USER CAPA RESP-CODES UIDL PIPELINING STLS TOP SASL(PLAIN) author = "Philip Pickering" license = "Same as Nmap--See" categories = {"default","discovery","safe"} require 'pop3' require 'shortport' require 'stdnse' portrule = shortport.port_or_service({110,995},{"pop3","pop3s"}) action = function(host, port) local capa, err = pop3.capabilities(host, port) if type(capa) == "table" then -- Convert the capabilities table into an array of strings. local capstrings = {} local cap, args for cap, args in pairs(capa) do local capstr = cap if type(args) == "string" then capstr = capstr .. "(" .. args .. ")" end if type(args) == "table" then local arg capstr = capstr .. "(" for i, arg in ipairs(args) do capstr = capstr .. arg .. " " end capstr = string.sub(capstr, 1, #capstr - 1) .. ")" end table.insert(capstrings, capstr) end return stdnse.strjoin(" ", capstrings) elseif type(err) == "string" then stdnse.print_debug(1, "%s: '%s' for %s", filename, err, host.ip) return else return "server doesn't support CAPA" end end