====================================================================== forceSQL v2.0 SQL Server Password Auditing Tool by Network Intelligence India Pvt. Ltd. http://www.nii.co.in Author - Nilesh Burghate ====================================================================== SQL Server Password auditing tool *** forceSQL v2.0 *** Download: forceSQL is available for a free download at: http://www.nii.co.in/tools.html The features of v2.0 are: 1. Easy Command-Line Control 2. Dictionary Attack 3. Brute Force Attack 4. Much faster than v1.0 This tool just needs the IP address or machine name of the SQL Server and the user ID that you wish to check. If you choose to brute force, enter the characters to search for in the 'charset.txt' file and the maximum password length at the command line (see Usage below). Also make sure to include the dictionary file ' words.txt ' in the same place as forceSQL.exe for the dictionary attack. Usage : 1. For the Dictionary Attack: forceSQL [IP] [UserID] -d 2. For the Brute Force Attack: forceSQL [IP] [UserID] -b [length] New Features: The tremendous increase in speed of v2.0 over v1.0 is because we are no longer using any SQL/ODBC API. We spent some time figuring out the packet structure of the authentication packet as it flows over the wire. We then replicated the packet and used that to carry out the authentication, thus bypassing everything else and going directly to the Network Layer. This greatly reduced the overhead of allocating and using the SQL Handles, and the SQL API. It now checks for 40 passwords per second depending on network connectivity. The second significant feature we have added is that of Brute Forcing. Sincerely, Nilesh Burghate Systems Security Analyst Network Intelligence India Pvt. Ltd. Email: nileshb@nii.co.in Web: www.nii.co.in Tel: 91-22-2001530 / 2006019 ====================================================================== Network Intelligence India Pvt. Ltd. is a company that believes in independent security research. We will continue to contribute to the security community with useful tools, and vulnerabilities that we find in critical software. Email us at info@nii.co.in ======================================================================