1 00:00:00,392 --> 00:00:05,557 In the previous video, we already learn about sftp in sublime. 2 00:00:06,939 --> 00:00:16,835 So now we can edit python script from sublime, and when we save the file, the file will automatically saved on ubuntu server. 3 00:00:18,232 --> 00:00:25,837 Next in this video, we are going to learn how to install python package to do a network automation. 4 00:00:26,632 --> 00:00:31,306 There are many python package that we can use to do network automation. 5 00:00:31,772 --> 00:00:34,925 But The simplest one is paramiko. 6 00:00:35,693 --> 00:00:39,473 Let’s just see how we can install paramiko. 7 00:00:40,271 --> 00:00:48,448 To install python package, first, we need to have python package manager, which is pip. 8 00:00:49,482 --> 00:00:59,858 So first, we need to install python pip. Let’s update first, sudo apt update, type the password. 9 00:01:00,902 --> 00:01:07,057 This is will be update to internet, so make sure that you have internet connection. 10 00:01:07,802 --> 00:01:09,686 Wait for a minute here. 11 00:01:11,542 --> 00:01:20,251 Now let’s install the python pip, the command is apt install python3-pip. 12 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:27,267 Here we can see all application that will be installed, 13 00:01:28,061 --> 00:01:36,925 this will use 200mega of harddrive. Yes here and then enter. Wait for a minute. 14 00:01:40,192 --> 00:01:48,000 Okay we have done installing pip. To make sure, we can use pip –version. 15 00:01:50,662 --> 00:01:55,212 Here we have pip version 20.0.2. 16 00:01:56,262 --> 00:01:59,166 Okay now we have python package manager. 17 00:01:59,862 --> 00:02:08,028 Next, We can see all python package that already installed, using command pip3 freeze. 18 00:02:11,701 --> 00:02:19,146 Here we can see many python package already installed, but we don’t have paramiko yet. 19 00:02:21,200 --> 00:02:27,747 To install paramiko, the command is pip3 install paramiko. 20 00:02:36,472 --> 00:02:39,936 Okay done, pip3 freeze again, 21 00:02:44,932 --> 00:02:48,513 here we can see that now we have paramiko. 22 00:02:49,171 --> 00:02:56,006 To make sure that paramiko is installed correctly, we can go to python interpreter, 23 00:02:56,812 --> 00:03:00,306 and then let’s try to import paramiko here. 24 00:03:01,811 --> 00:03:05,734 Okay this is success. This is means that paramiko 25 00:03:05,734 --> 00:03:13,196 is installed correctly. If the paramiko is not installed we will get an error here. 26 00:03:13,872 --> 00:03:20,398 Let’s try to import package that not installed yet. Let’s say netmiko, 27 00:03:21,060 --> 00:03:28,797 netmiko is also python package to do network automation, but we don’t install netmiko yet. 28 00:03:29,312 --> 00:03:33,335 Let’s try to import it, import netmiko 29 00:03:34,960 --> 00:03:39,535 Here we get an error no module named netmiko. 30 00:03:40,312 --> 00:03:43,008 Okay I think enough for this video 31 00:03:43,314 --> 00:03:46,832 Thank you for watching and see you on the next video.