1 00:00:00,294 --> 00:00:08,688 In this video, we will still learning about paramiko. Now we will modify the input script. 2 00:00:09,417 --> 00:00:20,016 Here I will add or parameter, so let’s say or and then 3 00:00:20,821 --> 00:00:30,765 In the user, let’s add or cisco, in the getpass, we also able to add or parameter, 4 00:00:31,309 --> 00:00:34,300 so here or cisco. 5 00:00:35,011 --> 00:00:39,903 this or parameter is used to define the default value. 6 00:00:40,628 --> 00:00:45,099 When we run the script, we need to input the ip address right? 7 00:00:45,745 --> 00:00:56,525 But because now we have or parameter, we can just enter, and the value will be 8 00:00:57,301 --> 00:01:01,666 Let’s try it, go to python interpreter. 9 00:01:04,796 --> 00:01:10,023 Here, ip_address input ip address, 10 00:01:15,654 --> 00:01:17,736 let’s just enter here, 11 00:01:18,672 --> 00:01:21,178 Now let’s print ip_address, 12 00:01:24,392 --> 00:01:27,885 Here we can see that the ip_address is empty. 13 00:01:28,741 --> 00:01:45,707 Now let’s try to use or, so here ip_address input, ip address or, 14 00:01:48,156 --> 00:01:50,245 Let’s just enter here, 15 00:01:50,945 --> 00:02:02,179 Print the ip address, here we can see that the value is 16 00:02:02,865 --> 00:02:11,820 Okay, so remember that or parameter in input like this is used to define the default value. 17 00:02:12,545 --> 00:02:20,521 But if we type the ip address in the input, the default value will not used. Let’s try, 18 00:02:21,000 --> 00:02:37,456 ip_address input ip address or, enter, let’s input, 19 00:02:38,807 --> 00:02:40,612 print the ip address, 20 00:02:42,079 --> 00:02:51,528 okay here we can see that the value is, so the default value is not used. 21 00:02:56,501 --> 00:03:01,008 Let’s save the script, let’s also change the loopback, 22 00:03:01,505 --> 00:03:10,946 let’s say here we will create loopback2, the ip address is, save. 23 00:03:13,072 --> 00:03:23,233 Let’s run the script again, python3 paramiko_basic.py, 24 00:03:23,778 --> 00:03:26,154 Just enter enter here. 25 00:03:27,861 --> 00:03:34,706 Here we can see that we are success login to router 1, and create loopback2, 26 00:03:36,000 --> 00:03:51,000 Let’s check on router 1, do show ip interface brief and then here I add argument exclude unassign, 27 00:03:53,596 --> 00:03:56,706 this is means that we see the interface, 28 00:03:57,265 --> 00:04:03,426 but if there is a word unassign, so that is will not shown. 29 00:04:04,501 --> 00:04:08,354 Here we can see that we get a lot of interface, 30 00:04:08,857 --> 00:04:15,565 but we don’t need an interface that unassign, so we can exclude it. 31 00:04:17,941 --> 00:04:25,758 Here the result is only interface that have an ip address. And here we can see loopback2, 32 00:04:26,410 --> 00:04:33,895 Okay I think enough for this video, I hope you understand the function of or in input. 33 00:04:34,442 --> 00:04:38,156 Thank you for watching and see you on the next video.