1 00:00:00,238 --> 00:00:04,338 In this video, we are going to start learning about Cisco. 2 00:00:04,803 --> 00:00:08,295 First we will learn about cisco devices. 3 00:00:08,788 --> 00:00:17,295 There are so many devices provided by cisco, like switch, router, firewall, access point, wireless 4 00:00:17,295 --> 00:00:25,100 controller, and others. But in this course, we are going to focus on cisco switch and routers. 5 00:00:25,929 --> 00:00:31,613 Here we can see that we have cisco router, and this is a cisco switch. 6 00:00:32,202 --> 00:00:40,064 The main different between cisco router and cisco switch is in the number of ports. In the cisco router 7 00:00:40,064 --> 00:00:47,592 we usually just have some port like this. But we will have many more port in cisco switch. 8 00:00:48,228 --> 00:00:52,653 So to connecting many PC, we will use cisco switch, 9 00:00:52,960 --> 00:00:58,717 and then to connecting different block subnet, or different room, we will use a router. 10 00:00:59,520 --> 00:01:04,085 I hope you remember the function of switch and router that we already learn 11 00:01:04,085 --> 00:01:10,121 in the previous video. If you forgot, try to rewatch the earlier video again. 12 00:01:11,354 --> 00:01:18,724 Okay let’s back here, to configure a cisco devices, either router or switch, we will 13 00:01:18,724 --> 00:01:27,298 use console port. Here we can see that we have a console port, and this is similar to LAN port, 14 00:01:27,726 --> 00:01:34,450 but if we see here, there is a blue title that say this is a console port. 15 00:01:35,231 --> 00:01:40,696 And in the switch, the console port is in the back, we can see it here. 16 00:01:41,402 --> 00:01:46,035 To remote the cisco devices, we will need a console cable like this. 17 00:01:46,569 --> 00:01:54,487 The first end is just similar like RJ45, and the other end is a serial port. 18 00:01:55,199 --> 00:02:02,000 This one that similar to RJ45 will be connected to the console port in the cisco router 19 00:02:02,000 --> 00:02:08,195 or switch. And then the serial port will be connected to our computer. 20 00:02:09,332 --> 00:02:15,920 But now, I think most of computer don’t have a serial port. So in this case, 21 00:02:15,920 --> 00:02:23,680 we will need a serial to USB converter like this. So the serial port of console cable will 22 00:02:23,680 --> 00:02:31,176 be connected to serial port in the converter, and the USB will be connected to our computer. 23 00:02:32,671 --> 00:02:38,234 If the console cable already connected to the router or switch, then the serial port 24 00:02:38,234 --> 00:02:44,669 is connected to the converter and from the converter also connected to our computer, 25 00:02:45,280 --> 00:02:53,114 then we can open a device manager in the computer. Here in the device manager we will 26 00:02:53,114 --> 00:03:01,395 see serial port like this. We need to remember the number here, in this case the number is COM3. 27 00:03:02,537 --> 00:03:08,792 Next, we will need an application called putty to remote the cisco devices. 28 00:03:09,540 --> 00:03:18,130 If you don’t have putty yet, you can download it from putty.org. Here is the display of putty, 29 00:03:18,586 --> 00:03:26,616 we can choose serial, and then here we can put the COM number like we see in the device manager, 30 00:03:27,220 --> 00:03:30,883 in this case, the COM number is COM3. 31 00:03:32,282 --> 00:03:39,261 After that we can just open the putty, and then we can just configure cisco router and switch. 32 00:03:40,340 --> 00:03:47,471 Okay this is how we can configuring the cisco router and switch. But in this course, we are not 33 00:03:47,471 --> 00:03:55,693 going to use cisco real device, but we will use software simulation, which is Cisco Packet Tracer. 34 00:03:56,480 --> 00:04:02,335 With Cisco Packet Tracer, we can learn many thing about cisco without buying 35 00:04:02,335 --> 00:04:09,280 any cisco devices. And don’t worry, if you are familiar with Cisco Packet Tracer, 36 00:04:09,280 --> 00:04:13,582 you will be able to configuring the real device of cisco. 37 00:04:14,660 --> 00:04:20,243 Okay I think enough for this video. In the next video we are going to start learning 38 00:04:20,243 --> 00:04:23,789 about cisco with Cisco Packet Tracer. 39 00:04:25,075 --> 00:04:28,665 Thankyou for watching and see you on the next video!