1 00:00:00,595 --> 00:00:05,152 In this section, we are going to learn about telnet and ssh. 2 00:00:06,280 --> 00:00:09,365 What is the function of telnet and ssh? 3 00:00:10,007 --> 00:00:17,167 Before we talk about telnet and ssh, we need to remember that if we want to configure cisco 4 00:00:17,167 --> 00:00:20,331 devices, we need a console cable. 5 00:00:21,236 --> 00:00:27,746 In packet tracer, we can configure the cisco router or switch using tab CLI like this, 6 00:00:28,494 --> 00:00:33,287 but in the real device, we need to use a console cable. 7 00:00:33,978 --> 00:00:40,544 Let’s try it, in cisco packet tracer, this blue cable is console cable. 8 00:00:41,449 --> 00:00:46,774 So here let’s connecting the router to the pc using console cable. 9 00:00:48,097 --> 00:00:51,282 In the pc choose rs232. 10 00:00:52,469 --> 00:00:59,311 This is a serial port in the pc, and then in the router let’s choose console port. 11 00:01:00,400 --> 00:01:09,000 Next, to remote the router, we can open the pc, desktop, and then open the terminal. 12 00:01:09,901 --> 00:01:12,655 Here let’s just choose ok. 13 00:01:13,696 --> 00:01:18,162 Okay here we have successfully remote the router using console cable. 14 00:01:18,667 --> 00:01:21,471 So we can configure the router from here. 15 00:01:22,627 --> 00:01:28,924 The point is, if we want to configure the cisco devices, we need to connecting the cisco 16 00:01:28,924 --> 00:01:32,751 devices to our computer using console cable. 17 00:01:33,870 --> 00:01:37,863 This is means if we want to configure the cisco devices, 18 00:01:38,135 --> 00:01:42,429 we need to come to the location where is the cisco devices. 19 00:01:43,119 --> 00:01:50,146 Let’s say the cisco devices is in the data center, so every time we need to configure 20 00:01:50,146 --> 00:01:54,195 the cisco devices, we need to come to Data Center. 21 00:01:55,654 --> 00:02:02,485 Absolutely this is not effective, let’s say we are in the vacation in another city, 22 00:02:02,952 --> 00:02:10,370 and suddenly there is a problem with our network so we need to check it in the cisco devices, 23 00:02:10,924 --> 00:02:16,561 there is impossible to go to Data Center because we are still in another city. 24 00:02:17,708 --> 00:02:21,907 To solve this problem, we can use telnet or ssh. 25 00:02:22,928 --> 00:02:28,137 With telnet or ssh, we can remote the cisco devices using network. 26 00:02:29,148 --> 00:02:36,558 For example here let’s say we want to remote from pc vlan 10 in the room 2 to the router. 27 00:02:37,258 --> 00:02:40,366 This is possible using telnet or ssh. 28 00:02:41,241 --> 00:02:44,308 This is also work for the Data Center case. 29 00:02:45,096 --> 00:02:51,771 Let’s say we are in the another city and need to remote the cisco devices in Data Center. 30 00:02:52,519 --> 00:02:55,787 This is possible using telnet or ssh. 31 00:02:56,818 --> 00:03:01,570 So we don’t need to come to Data Center again every time we need to configure the 32 00:03:01,570 --> 00:03:03,103 cisco devices. 33 00:03:03,560 --> 00:03:06,401 But we can use telnet or ssh. 34 00:03:07,597 --> 00:03:12,903 So usually console cable is only used to doing initial configuration, 35 00:03:13,875 --> 00:03:21,789 after we configure the ip address and enable telnet or ssh, we no longer need to use console cable 36 00:03:21,789 --> 00:03:27,307 to configure the cisco router or switch, we can use telnet or ssh. 37 00:03:28,445 --> 00:03:31,291 Okay I think enough for this video, 38 00:03:31,583 --> 00:03:36,000 in the next video we are going to learn how to configure telnet. 39 00:03:36,545 --> 00:03:39,979 Thankyou for watching and see you on the next video.