1 00:00:00,280 --> 00:00:05,650 And Lou everybody when it comes to my advanced ethical hacking networking penetration testing goes 2 00:00:15,040 --> 00:00:24,270 and this video we are going to talk about the new abilities can you can do that in a previous lecture. 3 00:00:24,310 --> 00:00:31,420 In a previous course we have showed you many tools which we can use to penetrate or to scan some Web 4 00:00:31,420 --> 00:00:35,560 site in order to penetrate some operating system. 5 00:00:35,560 --> 00:00:38,700 I mean some vulnerable operating system. 6 00:00:38,710 --> 00:00:42,360 So for example you can use the you can use in my lab. 7 00:00:42,370 --> 00:00:47,440 You can use WP scan and then you can use many tools. 8 00:00:47,470 --> 00:00:57,280 And we had Bourke Street as a very well-known tool that we can use to to get access to something or 9 00:00:57,430 --> 00:00:59,510 to decode some text. 10 00:00:59,650 --> 00:01:01,770 Well so let's get into it. 11 00:01:02,120 --> 00:01:04,970 So we will use nexus. 12 00:01:05,070 --> 00:01:13,390 This is a misuse is a tool which we can use to penetrate or to scan some vulnerabilities but always 13 00:01:13,390 --> 00:01:17,220 being in mind since it is a manmade source. 14 00:01:17,230 --> 00:01:22,150 So of course it would give you some false positives result but never mind. 15 00:01:22,150 --> 00:01:30,910 So we will always find at least an overview or we will you will always find something to that the website 16 00:01:31,000 --> 00:01:37,510 or the thing that you are going to scan either that work so you will see that it is vulnerable to some 17 00:01:37,510 --> 00:01:38,670 particular attacks. 18 00:01:38,810 --> 00:01:39,140 Okay. 19 00:01:39,150 --> 00:01:46,030 So to do that we will use or killing machines or we studied you are going to launch it or which form 20 00:01:46,060 --> 00:01:50,170 of which are books like individual or served. 21 00:01:50,200 --> 00:01:55,710 So we can click here to start it take you to a story. 22 00:01:55,730 --> 00:02:02,150 Okay right so well so we didn't have it installed. 23 00:02:02,160 --> 00:02:08,790 For example if you had it installed or we can use emitters put out as well to get it inside it might 24 00:02:08,800 --> 00:02:14,370 explode but for now for the sake of this video we are going to show you a step by step how to install 25 00:02:14,370 --> 00:02:18,950 it first and then how to configure it and then how to use it well. 26 00:02:19,080 --> 00:02:27,030 So we can close this and we can let this open a little bit so go here to Firefox or to wean you off 27 00:02:27,030 --> 00:02:35,840 your browser you can just minimize this to so we are going to wait and then we are going to install 28 00:02:36,130 --> 00:02:41,280 they're going to download it first and then show you the process of the installation. 29 00:02:41,370 --> 00:02:49,530 After that we are going to show you how we can how you can use this tool to just kind some websites 30 00:02:56,360 --> 00:03:00,620 care so you can use Google of course. 31 00:03:00,640 --> 00:03:03,980 But for us as usual we use stoppage 32 00:03:12,120 --> 00:03:18,380 know what we can do we can try to type this software which is let's use this system. 33 00:03:18,390 --> 00:03:19,110 Sure. 34 00:03:19,750 --> 00:03:24,200 And throughput in order to proceed to the download. 35 00:03:24,210 --> 00:03:29,880 So we use this first link as it is the official link to download it so we click on it 36 00:03:35,500 --> 00:03:41,330 so we click on it and then here to proceed upload 37 00:03:44,350 --> 00:03:52,390 you to proceed you have to wait you store and by doing so it is look like if you don't register you 38 00:03:52,390 --> 00:03:54,070 will be able to download it. 39 00:03:54,430 --> 00:04:00,010 So if you want you can just put your name but if not we can just type. 40 00:04:00,010 --> 00:04:09,940 For example let's say blah blah blah Oh go on and then to put your email address. 41 00:04:09,940 --> 00:04:14,840 But in this case we are not going to give them or to a manager. 42 00:04:14,860 --> 00:04:19,130 So we are going to use a specific e-mail address. 43 00:04:19,150 --> 00:04:21,970 I mean a temporary email address. 44 00:04:22,900 --> 00:04:33,040 So to do so we are going to use this website Tam email dot org in the new center so that we can generate 45 00:04:33,570 --> 00:04:36,300 a temporary email address. 46 00:04:36,290 --> 00:04:40,910 Oh since it is not working with its target again. 47 00:04:41,110 --> 00:04:50,660 Try again all and more is not we you know this certificate. 48 00:04:51,170 --> 00:05:00,450 OK so let's not waste our time by way by configuring or Firefox since cohere here and then we can type 49 00:05:07,240 --> 00:05:07,910 stoppage 50 00:05:11,690 --> 00:05:13,450 so let's go here. 51 00:05:13,500 --> 00:05:13,880 WOMAN 52 00:05:21,060 --> 00:05:24,510 So for the sake of the video what is it you are going just to click through. 53 00:05:24,960 --> 00:05:25,170 OK. 54 00:05:25,170 --> 00:05:29,870 And so we've been a type Tam. 55 00:05:29,990 --> 00:05:31,000 Yes. 56 00:05:31,320 --> 00:05:32,030 And then it goes on. 57 00:05:33,090 --> 00:05:34,160 So here we are. 58 00:05:34,260 --> 00:05:39,540 And then so here we can just type it here and I'll just copy it. 59 00:05:39,660 --> 00:05:53,310 So let's make it like that OK so we can close this tab control lead and then you can go you can just 60 00:05:53,310 --> 00:05:54,350 copy your boss it here. 61 00:05:54,520 --> 00:06:04,650 So an 8 gain 4 6 3 eight 4 alpha males that come. 62 00:06:04,650 --> 00:06:07,700 So now we can check to see you of this. 63 00:06:07,710 --> 00:06:08,540 No we don't need it. 64 00:06:08,580 --> 00:06:10,660 So we just click here. 65 00:06:10,690 --> 00:06:11,190 All right 66 00:06:15,860 --> 00:06:16,700 excellent. 67 00:06:16,700 --> 00:06:21,480 Now we can download diversion of any issues that we want. 68 00:06:21,500 --> 00:06:23,620 So this is very good. 69 00:06:23,630 --> 00:06:31,930 Now what we can do we can just click on Download part because now we are here or 8 70 00:06:35,420 --> 00:06:46,240 now what we can do we have to look for diversion of our system or system six O system is 64 bit. 71 00:06:46,320 --> 00:06:48,730 So we are going to go down 72 00:06:52,220 --> 00:06:57,640 OK OK we can go again known in the US child 73 00:07:03,620 --> 00:07:05,870 OK so we can choose this one. 74 00:07:05,870 --> 00:07:17,480 So I'm put to a vote on nine point ten or we can try to fine point it is version of 1 2 Let's check 75 00:07:17,480 --> 00:07:17,750 it 76 00:07:26,670 --> 00:07:27,840 no this isn't that what's 77 00:07:36,140 --> 00:07:36,490 its 78 00:07:41,940 --> 00:07:45,630 we want OK we want a different version 79 00:07:55,450 --> 00:07:56,620 OK here we go. 80 00:07:56,720 --> 00:08:02,320 So we can download this version so we can agree. 81 00:08:02,380 --> 00:08:08,010 Know so the downloading is is proceeding now. 82 00:08:08,260 --> 00:08:08,630 Prefer 83 00:08:11,310 --> 00:08:12,680 so why. 84 00:08:12,930 --> 00:08:14,360 Well we are waiting for download. 85 00:08:14,540 --> 00:08:16,910 I think it's already here. 86 00:08:16,920 --> 00:08:17,640 No not yet. 87 00:08:17,730 --> 00:08:18,190 OK. 88 00:08:18,220 --> 00:08:27,480 So here in this so we can just go down and click these because we will use a key. 89 00:08:27,480 --> 00:08:30,380 I mean this key so we get it. 90 00:08:30,760 --> 00:08:31,750 Activation key. 91 00:08:31,820 --> 00:08:33,150 So we will need it. 92 00:08:33,150 --> 00:08:37,020 So we can just copy eat or write it down. 93 00:08:37,020 --> 00:08:43,260 So here we all go into it's not a problem for post to just quickly type it because we could be a high 94 00:08:43,260 --> 00:08:45,050 speed of typing. 95 00:08:45,090 --> 00:08:52,380 So let's quickly take the activation code or 96 00:08:55,220 --> 00:08:56,060 the when 97 00:08:58,860 --> 00:09:07,590 I'm being seen for a B six weeks for me. 98 00:09:08,080 --> 00:09:09,920 But so perfect. 99 00:09:09,930 --> 00:09:12,390 Or you can just click it here and download it. 100 00:09:12,390 --> 00:09:15,720 So now we have everything that we need to proceed. 101 00:09:15,720 --> 00:09:16,730 So let's go back to 102 00:09:19,870 --> 00:09:26,940 0 8 Okay so that's. 103 00:09:29,010 --> 00:09:30,590 So now what can I do. 104 00:09:30,840 --> 00:09:32,460 Try now to install it. 105 00:09:32,820 --> 00:09:36,320 So click here and we open the folder. 106 00:09:37,630 --> 00:09:48,890 Okay it's here so we can click properties and finish in the securing files. 107 00:09:49,810 --> 00:09:51,350 All right so now you can. 108 00:09:51,350 --> 00:09:57,790 Just like you can open your terminal and any type DP DG minus. 109 00:09:57,880 --> 00:10:03,410 I mean it's so focused there and then now when I read 110 00:10:06,420 --> 00:10:12,450 so hopefully we will not need any dependencies but if if so. 111 00:10:12,450 --> 00:10:20,430 So you will just google it and install all the dependencies which is which are required by NASA's 112 00:10:43,970 --> 00:10:45,710 we still winning 113 00:10:50,600 --> 00:10:51,430 next use. 114 00:10:51,440 --> 00:11:00,170 Is it really a well known tool we can use it to scan websites for forgetting some vulnerabilities so 115 00:11:00,170 --> 00:11:10,180 that we can try to to secure the website or just to make a report about it. 116 00:11:11,060 --> 00:11:15,050 Okay we're still going to wait. 117 00:11:15,200 --> 00:11:16,440 Sometimes it's. 118 00:11:16,800 --> 00:11:19,630 It just wouldn't last so long. 119 00:11:19,640 --> 00:11:23,780 But yeah so we have just to wait a little bit 120 00:11:29,270 --> 00:11:30,170 now. 121 00:11:30,400 --> 00:11:31,770 We have it downloaded. 122 00:11:31,840 --> 00:11:38,890 So what we can do as we have seen here as you see here you can start Nancy scanner by typing this comment 123 00:11:38,920 --> 00:11:39,760 in your terminal. 124 00:11:39,760 --> 00:11:42,440 So now we're going to copy this comment. 125 00:11:42,520 --> 00:11:52,990 So we just copy it right lake and copy so we can just try to put it here in this file so we can copy 126 00:11:52,990 --> 00:11:56,540 and paste it here so that we can have it. 127 00:11:56,560 --> 00:12:00,280 And then after if we want we can save this file and it doesn't matter. 128 00:12:00,310 --> 00:12:01,260 So for a future. 129 00:12:01,870 --> 00:12:02,190 Okay. 130 00:12:02,280 --> 00:12:14,060 And here we can copy it again and after we we will state in old boxer so that we can enter the website 131 00:12:14,300 --> 00:12:15,860 define or dashboard. 132 00:12:15,860 --> 00:12:32,390 I mean okay so it can just delete and let's say meet save low and use common and it's OK. 133 00:12:32,420 --> 00:12:36,610 So it's still oh let's put it on. 134 00:12:36,700 --> 00:12:40,270 Or document. 135 00:12:40,340 --> 00:12:43,120 Yeah excellent. 136 00:12:43,820 --> 00:12:44,550 Yeah. 137 00:12:45,840 --> 00:12:46,240 Yeah. 138 00:12:46,320 --> 00:12:54,330 So now what we are going to do we are going to try to type in this comment so that we can start on issues 139 00:12:55,590 --> 00:12:56,200 okay. 140 00:12:56,230 --> 00:13:03,140 So this drug issue. 141 00:13:04,520 --> 00:13:10,130 Okay so now we will copy this or we can just type it this one. 142 00:13:10,130 --> 00:13:11,690 It's it's a joke. 143 00:13:11,780 --> 00:13:12,050 It 144 00:13:16,050 --> 00:13:17,690 started. 145 00:13:17,920 --> 00:13:19,170 Everything is okay right. 146 00:13:19,250 --> 00:13:20,150 Yeah. 147 00:13:21,130 --> 00:13:22,070 Okay that's good. 148 00:13:22,130 --> 00:13:32,740 So now we can try to open up or folks or let's try to go here to some to come here. 149 00:14:08,740 --> 00:14:09,280 Okay. 150 00:14:09,280 --> 00:14:11,750 So now you can check out events. 151 00:14:13,370 --> 00:14:14,550 Proceed. 152 00:14:14,570 --> 00:14:15,560 It's never mind so. 153 00:14:15,610 --> 00:14:16,550 So we know what we do. 154 00:14:16,900 --> 00:14:18,980 So now what we can do. 155 00:14:19,130 --> 00:14:25,780 We can just click on counting and let it as a default on this issue and Troy's essentials. 156 00:14:27,940 --> 00:14:30,410 Now we click here and continue. 157 00:14:31,090 --> 00:14:33,080 So click here. 158 00:14:33,280 --> 00:14:39,630 Okay so it says something like get an activation code to receive an email to see if any matter we do 159 00:14:39,640 --> 00:14:45,550 have free ness was essential and so we should keep this part because we have already created a username 160 00:14:45,610 --> 00:14:46,750 with any mail. 161 00:14:46,780 --> 00:14:50,080 So we have already have activation code. 162 00:14:50,110 --> 00:14:56,410 So we just click here and then now it's time to enter the activation code. 163 00:14:56,650 --> 00:15:05,620 So let's go here and compete and see they they'll just copy so you can just press clemency inside the 164 00:15:05,620 --> 00:15:08,240 courtroom does it here. 165 00:15:08,980 --> 00:15:10,640 And then you can continue. 166 00:15:11,620 --> 00:15:14,820 So he created a cone created and this is the cone. 167 00:15:14,830 --> 00:15:24,140 So we can try to create an account let's call it John and the password John. 168 00:15:25,070 --> 00:15:27,940 Oh let's try something else like 169 00:15:39,250 --> 00:15:40,350 OK. 170 00:15:40,480 --> 00:15:41,960 Now again three submit 171 00:15:46,900 --> 00:15:47,590 okay. 172 00:15:48,680 --> 00:15:54,230 So this set up we're going to take an Adam little bit longer. 173 00:15:54,260 --> 00:16:01,520 So we have just to wait to the downloading of the proteins are complete. 174 00:16:01,600 --> 00:16:07,930 So I mean why do we can come back to early learnings and try to put them here so that we don't forget 175 00:16:07,930 --> 00:16:14,150 them in the future for its DNA was done. 176 00:16:14,870 --> 00:16:21,760 And plus word is a solid case with nothing. 177 00:16:21,820 --> 00:16:23,780 So we think here to save it. 178 00:16:24,010 --> 00:16:24,500 Right. 179 00:16:24,510 --> 00:16:25,210 Okay. 180 00:16:25,420 --> 00:16:26,960 So we can come back here. 181 00:16:27,700 --> 00:16:30,660 So we are going to wait till the installation is complete. 182 00:16:30,720 --> 00:16:36,840 I mean until the downloaded download of all the plug ins will be complete. 183 00:16:36,840 --> 00:16:37,330 All right 184 00:16:41,910 --> 00:16:42,660 still winning 185 00:17:24,020 --> 00:17:31,370 OKAY NOW EVERYTHING IS OKAY soil it can click on submit or close just because the thumb so we are going 186 00:17:31,370 --> 00:17:36,190 to click on the X and then here this is the dashboard that we have. 187 00:17:36,290 --> 00:17:44,930 So we didn't need to log in again because we have logging in as because we have logged as John and then 188 00:17:45,190 --> 00:17:46,080 puts my password. 189 00:17:46,120 --> 00:17:53,810 So now what we're going to do I'm going to click on that on this new scan and then here you have all 190 00:17:53,810 --> 00:18:01,000 the tools which you wish you have to use to proceed with the scan that you want. 191 00:18:01,010 --> 00:18:10,250 So we have our discovery basic network scan our events scan or of application to this mobile device 192 00:18:10,250 --> 00:18:14,750 scan anything but log detection credential path audit. 193 00:18:14,810 --> 00:18:16,220 Very very nice. 194 00:18:16,370 --> 00:18:16,980 And then yeah. 195 00:18:17,000 --> 00:18:19,320 So this is all that you have to do. 196 00:18:19,350 --> 00:18:22,460 So yeah that's all for this video now. 197 00:18:22,480 --> 00:18:28,940 In the following videos we are going to show you how to make the deep scan with this tool and wheat 198 00:18:29,780 --> 00:18:37,490 and with some other tools like she'd like and map and so on that we have done and of first course. 199 00:18:37,490 --> 00:18:38,240 OK. 200 00:18:38,390 --> 00:18:38,730 Thank you.