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Name Size
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15. Object.assign.mp4 13M
10. Binding Of This With Arrow Functions.mp4 9.4M
7. Rest Operator.mp4 8.6M
31. Callback Problem.mp4 8.6M
9. Arrow Functions.mp4 8.0M
30. ES6 Class Inheritance.mp4 8.0M
43. Points To Note On ES6 Modules.mp4 7.5M
5. Default Parameters.mp4 7.2M
6. Expressions As Default Values.mp4 7.2M
2. let.mp4 6.8M
36. Run Multiple Promises At Once.mp4 6.8M
12. Object Destructuring.mp4 6.4M
14. Template Strings.mp4 6.3M
40. Named Exports.mp4 6.2M
20. WeakMaps.mp4 5.9M
38. Setup.mp4 5.7M
41. Default Export.mp4 5.7M
4. Let Gotchas.mp4 5.7M
37. Import As Object And Export All At Once.mp4 5.6M
34. Promises In Action II.mp4 5.6M
33. Promises In Action I.mp4 5.5M
8. Spread Operator.mp4 5.4M
42. Default Export And Named Export With Classes.mp4 5.1M
23. Plain Objects And The for..of loop.mp4 4.7M
26. WeakSets.mp4 4.6M
18. Array.find.mp4 4.5M
24. What Are Sets.mp4 4.1M
3. Let in for loops.mp4 3.9M
32. Promise Concepts.mp4 3.8M
17. For of loop.mp4 3.4M
39. Setup Part 2.mp4 3.0M
22. Iterating Maps With for..of.mp4 2.5M
13. Adding Functions To An Object.mp4 1.9M
1. Introduction.mp4 1.1M
1.1 You can get all of the transcripts of the video in Github.html 97