The Basic Activity template has changed in Android Studio 3.6.

It now creates Fragment files, which we won't be using until later in the course.

Until you've learnt about Fragments, make the following changes to any projects that you create using the Basic Activity template.

The first time you'll do this is in the next video.

1. Open up content_main.xml

In the Component Tree, select the nav_host_fragment widget, and delete it.

2. Delete the nav_graph.xml file

Click OK when you get the confirmation dialogue

4. Delete the 2 Fragment code files

Click OK when the confirmation dialogue appears

You'll get a message that the files are unsafe to delete.

That's fine, click Delete Anyway

5. Delete the Fragment XML files

Click OK when the confirmation dialogue appears.

You'll now have almost the same as Tim shows in the video.

The content_main layout won't contain a "Hello World" TextView, but you'll be learning how to add things like that, in the next few videos.