elhacker.INFO Downloads
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Name Size
Parent Directory -
009 Sqlite Querying Data.mp4 166M
011 More Complex Joins.mp4 154M
010 Order By and Joins.mp4 153M
012 Wild Cards and Views.mp4 146M
026 Checking Permissions at Runtime.mp4 146M
030 Intents, setData and Uris.mp4 138M
016 Cursor and Navigation.mp4 116M
018 Android File System.mp4 109M
005 Command Line and Path Setup for Mac.mp4 92M
025 Permissions.mp4 89M
013 Housekeeping and Challenge.mp4 87M
027 Testing the App.mp4 83M
015 Create Table Add Data and Test.mp4 78M
007 Introduction to Sqlite.mp4 76M
014 Basic SQL in Android.mp4 74M
028 Avoiding Crashes Snackbars and a Challenge.mp4 73M
008 More SQL with Sqlite.mp4 70M
031 Problems Storing State.mp4 65M
023 ContentResolver and Abstraction.mp4 62M
024 Retrieving Data with a ContentResolver.mp4 61M
021 Contact Provider App Layout.mp4 59M
004 Command Line and Path Setup for Windows.mp4 54M
006 Command Line and Path Setup for Ubuntu Linux.mp4 45M
022 The ContactsContract.mp4 43M
020 Setting up the Emulators.mp4 41M
029 More on Snackbars.mp4 41M
033 Test Scripts Challenge and Cleanup.mp4 40M
032 Remove Saving of State.mp4 34M
003 Database Terminology.mp4 33M
002 Introduction to Databases.mp4 22M
019 Content Providers.mp4 7.4M
001 Introduction.mp4 5.5M
016 Cursor and Navigation_en.srt 26K
030 Intents, setData and Uris_en.srt 25K
018 Android File System_en.srt 25K
020 Setting up the Emulators_en.srt 23K
026 Checking Permissions at Runtime_en.srt 21K
029 More on Snackbars_en.srt 21K
009 Sqlite Querying Data_en.srt 21K
010 Order By and Joins_en.srt 21K
025 Permissions_en.srt 21K
012 Wild Cards and Views_en.srt 20K
014 Basic SQL in Android_en.srt 16K
015 Create Table Add Data and Test_en.srt 16K
003 Database Terminology_en.srt 15K
004 Command Line and Path Setup for Windows_en.srt 15K
022 The ContactsContract_en.srt 15K
011 More Complex Joins_en.srt 15K
033 Test Scripts Challenge and Cleanup_en.srt 15K
007 Introduction to Sqlite_en.srt 14K
013 Housekeeping and Challenge_en.srt 14K
027 Testing the App_en.srt 14K
008 More SQL with Sqlite_en.srt 13K
024 Retrieving Data with a ContentResolver_en.srt 13K
031 Problems Storing State_en.srt 12K
021 Contact Provider App Layout_en.srt 12K
005 Command Line and Path Setup for Mac_en.srt 12K
023 ContentResolver and Abstraction_en.srt 12K
028 Avoiding Crashes Snackbars and a Challenge_en.srt 11K
006 Command Line and Path Setup for Ubuntu Linux_en.srt 9.3K
002 Introduction to Databases_en.srt 8.7K
032 Remove Saving of State_en.srt 7.7K
019 Content Providers_en.srt 4.0K
017 Correction.html 3.6K
external-assets-links.txt 2.9K
001 Introduction_en.srt 2.4K