1 00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:04,260 Mobile devices have become part of our daily lives and routine. 2 00:00:04,830 --> 00:00:08,970 Their use has tremendously increased over the last couple of years. 3 00:00:09,750 --> 00:00:16,710 It is expected that the trajectory will remain increasing as mobile devices are becoming ubiquitous. 4 00:00:17,250 --> 00:00:23,370 Given this fact, the number of malicious mobile applications is tremendously increasing. 5 00:00:24,360 --> 00:00:31,890 If you work in cyber security, it is imperative to expand your skillset to include the understanding 6 00:00:32,010 --> 00:00:34,530 and analysis of mobile malware. 7 00:00:35,040 --> 00:00:38,550 Welcome to the course Android malware analysis and Kelly. 8 00:00:39,000 --> 00:00:43,380 My name is Mohammad Marel and I will be your instructor in this course. 9 00:00:44,100 --> 00:00:48,420 I have a master's degree in computer science from the Lebanese American University. 10 00:00:49,230 --> 00:00:57,630 I am a certified CISSP, Caesar, BNP, ITIL and AYSEL two seven zero zero five. 11 00:00:58,260 --> 00:01:04,050 I have 15 plus years of experience in the I.T. domain with a focus on cybersecurity. 12 00:01:04,860 --> 00:01:09,060 I have a couple of online courses and I am currently authoring a book. 13 00:01:09,780 --> 00:01:17,400 I work in GCSE with one of the multinational French companies and where I am responsible for the I.T. 14 00:01:17,550 --> 00:01:18,960 and Otey security. 15 00:01:19,890 --> 00:01:24,030 In this course you will learn the basics about Android security architecture. 16 00:01:24,960 --> 00:01:31,950 Then we will set up our lab using Kelly Linux in where we will install all the relevant applications. 17 00:01:32,430 --> 00:01:40,050 Moving forward, we will learn about major malware analysis techniques and then we will download malicious 18 00:01:40,170 --> 00:01:43,110 applications, decode and decompiled them. 19 00:01:43,680 --> 00:01:51,550 We will wrap up our course with performing malware detection techniques on the decompiled sample as 20 00:01:51,550 --> 00:01:52,280 a prerequisite. 21 00:01:52,410 --> 00:02:00,120 You need to be experienced mainly in Java and example, you need to be familiar with Linux as well as 22 00:02:00,120 --> 00:02:00,870 the command line. 23 00:02:01,500 --> 00:02:08,580 You need to have basic cybersecurity knowledge and of course, interested in malware hunting. 24 00:02:09,030 --> 00:02:13,470 After you've finished the course, you will understand Android security architecture. 25 00:02:13,980 --> 00:02:16,980 You will understand the Android attack surface. 26 00:02:17,340 --> 00:02:22,680 You will learn the difference between static and dynamic malware analysis techniques. 27 00:02:23,030 --> 00:02:30,390 You will be able to reverse engineer Android mobile apps, understand the reverse engineered components, 28 00:02:31,050 --> 00:02:36,330 and, of course, detect malicious and data exfiltration code. 29 00:02:36,870 --> 00:02:44,010 It is important to note that the malware sample we will be using in this course is real and life. 30 00:02:44,160 --> 00:02:50,640 Do not attempt to install it on your personal or corporate devices as it can cause harm.