L0330 Optics: WEC/WEF - Event Channels and Subscriptions

Lab Contents

Lab Overview

WinLogBeat is one of the tools used to ship logs from Windows hosts to a defined data ingestor. Filebeat can be used for Linux, Mac, pfSense, and BSD log shipping. This lab utilizes Logstash for Windows event log ingestion. The Logstash service runs on the lab’s Linux server and listens for inbound data. Logstash then collects, parses, and transforms the log data.

Lab Overview

Lab Overview

Connect to the ELK system using putty and check that the docker containers are running properly. Install and Configure WinLogBeat on the Domain Controller. Verify that the Kibana interface is accessible. On the Windows 10 workstation, attempt to create suspicious logs. Lastly, hunt for the suspicious logs in Kibana

Login to Domain Controller

Connect via Remote Desktop to the Domain Controller, DC01.
See Lab L0200 for connection instructions.


Launch Windows PowerShell from the Windows Start Menu. See Lab L0250 for instruction on launching PowerShell.

Confirm User Context

First, confirm the correct user and system context by using the "whoami" and "hostname" commands.

PowerShell Input


PowerShell Output

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\itadmin> whoami
labs\itadmin <------------------------------VERIFY RESULT
PS C:\Users\itadmin> hostname
dc01    <-----------------------------------VERIFY RESULT

If the result of the above commands differs, please confirm you are operating on the correct system and user context.

Group Policy Management Addendum VL0320

The remainder of this lab utilizes PowerShell to administer Group Policies. It is possible to complete the same tasks with the Group Policy MMC Snap-in. For more information, See [Lab Addendum VL0320][VL0320] on using the Group Policy Management Snap-in instead of PowerShell. VL0320 is a walk-through of Lab L0320 using the Group Policy Management MMC Snap in, however the same procedure would be appropriate for this lab and its GPO import and linking. Reviewing the GPO MMC Snap-in VL0320 is optional.

Group Policy Object Creation, Import, and Linking

We will import three previously built Group Policies, and link the Imported Policies into the Domain.

Group Policy Import

Import the Group Policy using the Import-GPO method.

PowerShell Input

Import-GPO -Path “\\dc01\LABS\LabPack\LABPACK-master\Lab-GPOs\Windows Event Forwarding” -BackupGpoName "Windows Event Forwarding” -CreateIfNeeded -TargetName "Windows Event Forwarding" -Server DC01

PowerShell Output

PS C:\labs> Import-GPO -Path “\\dc01\LABS\LabPack\LABPACK-master\Lab-GPOs\Windows Event Forwarding” -BackupGpoName "Windows Event Forwarding” -C
reateIfNeeded -TargetName "Windows Event Forwarding" -Server DC01

DisplayName      : Windows Event Forwarding
DomainName       : labs.local
Owner            : LABS\Domain Admins
Id               : 249b6aa0-abb3-4e55-a425-435ed3cde64a
GpoStatus        : UserSettingsDisabled
Description      :
CreationTime     : 9/21/2020 9:02:49 PM
ModificationTime : 9/21/2020 9:02:49 PM
UserVersion      : AD Version: 1, SysVol Version: 1
ComputerVersion  : AD Version: 1, SysVol Version: 1
WmiFilter        :

Configure Subscription Host URL

The GPO Import included contains a Subscription Host URL that is for a previous domain. Lets check its current configuration and update the Group Policy from PowerShell directly.

Review Subscription Host URL

Using PowerShell's Group Policy Module Get-GPRegistryValue, retrieve the value of the Subscription Manager Registry Key.

PowerShell Input

Get-GPRegistryValue -Name "Windows Event Forwarding" -Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\EventLog\EventForwarding\SubscriptionManager

PowerShell Output

PS C:\labs> Get-GPRegistryValue -Name "Windows Event Forwarding" -Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\EventLog\EventForwarding\SubscriptionManager

KeyPath     : SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\EventLog\EventForwarding\SubscriptionManager
FullKeyPath : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\EventLog\EventForwarding\SubscriptionManager
Hive        : LocalMachine
PolicyState : Set
Value       : Server=http://dc01.labs.local:5985/wsman/SubscriptionManager/WEC,Refresh=60
Type        : String
ValueName   : 1
HasValue    : True

Note the "Value" key above.

Update Subscription Host URL

Using PowerShell's Group Policy Module Set-GPRegistryValue, set the value of the SubScription Manager Registry Key to the correct subscription URL for this lab environment

PowerShell Input

Set-GPRegistryValue -Name "Windows Event Forwarding" -Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\EventLog\EventForwarding\SubscriptionManager -ValueName "1" -Type String -Value "Server=http://dc01.labs.local:5985/wsman/SubscriptionManager/WEC,Refresh=60"

PowerShell Output

PS C:\labs> Set-GPRegistryValue -Name "Windows Event Forwarding" -Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\EventLog\EventForwarding\SubscriptionManager -ValueName "1" -Type String -Value "Server=http://dc01.labs.local:5985/wsman/SubscriptionManager/WEC,Refresh=60"

DisplayName      : Windows Event Forwarding
DomainName       : labs.local
Owner            : LABS\Domain Admins
Id               : 249b6aa0-abb3-4e55-a425-435ed3cde64a
GpoStatus        : UserSettingsDisabled
Description      :
CreationTime     : 9/21/2020 9:02:49 PM
ModificationTime : 9/21/2020 9:04:08 PM
UserVersion      : AD Version: 1, SysVol Version: 1
ComputerVersion  : AD Version: 2, SysVol Version: 2
WmiFilter        :

Confirm Subscription Host URL Updated

Again, using the Get-GPRegistryValue module, confirm the updated subscription host value.

PowerShell Input

Get-GPRegistryValue -Name "Windows Event Forwarding" -Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\EventLog\EventForwarding\SubscriptionManager

PowerShell Output

PS C:\labs> Get-GPRegistryValue -Name "Windows Event Forwarding" -Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\EventLog\EventForwarding\SubscriptionManager

KeyPath     : SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\EventLog\EventForwarding\SubscriptionManager
FullKeyPath : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\EventLog\EventForwarding\SubscriptionManager
Hive        : LocalMachine
PolicyState : Set
Value       : Server=http://dc01.labs.local:5985/wsman/SubscriptionManager/WEC,Refresh=60
Type        : String
ValueName   : 1
HasValue    : True

Note the "Value" key above.

Link the imported and updated Group Policy Object with the PowerShell New-GPLink module.

PowerShell Input

New-GPLink -Name "Windows Event Forwarding” -Target "dc=labs,dc=local" -LinkEnabled Yes

PowerShell Output

PS C:\labs> New-GPLink -Name "Windows Event Forwarding” -Target "dc=labs,dc=local" -LinkEnabled Yes

GpoId       : 249b6aa0-abb3-4e55-a425-435ed3cde64a
DisplayName : Windows Event Forwarding
Enabled     : True
Enforced    : False
Target      : DC=labs,DC=local
Order       : 5

Review the Contents of the GPO

Review the contents of the imported, updated, and linked Group Policy Object by using the Get-GPOReport powershell module.

PowerShell Input

Get-GPOReport -Name "Windows Event Forwarding" -ReportType HTML -Path "c:\Labs\GPOReport-Windows-Event-Forwarding.html" 

Step Two WEC (Windows Event Collector): Enable Event Collection

Login to Domain Controller

Connect via Remote Desktop to the Domain Controller, DC01.
See Lab L0200 for connection instructions.


Launch Windows PowerShell from the Windows Start Menu. See Lab L0250 for instruction on launching PowerShell.

Confirm User Context

First, confirm the correct user and system context by using the "whoami" and "hostname" commands.

PowerShell Input


PowerShell Output

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\itadmin> whoami
labs\itadmin <------------------------------VERIFY RESULT
PS C:\Users\itadmin> hostname
dc01    <-----------------------------------VERIFY RESULT

If the result of the above commands differs, please confirm you are operating on the correct system and user context.

Enable Event Collection

Use "wecutil" to enable the Windows Event Collection service on the Domain Controller, DC01. Its worth noting that these are not PowerShell commands, but rather typical Windows Command Link (CMD/DOS) utilities.

PowerShell Input

wecutil qc /q

PowerShell Output

PS C:\Users\itadmin> wecutil qc /q
Windows Event Collector service was configured successfully.
PS C:\Users\itadmin> 

Import Custom Event Channel Manifest

We now will stop the wecsvc, unload any existing wecutil channel manifests, build our custom manifest, and install the newly built manifest.

Stopping WEC

Use the "Net Stop" command line to stop the WEC service.

PowerShell Input

net stop wecsvc

PowerShell Output

PS C:\Users\itadmin> net stop wecsvc
The Windows Event Collector service is stopping.
The Windows Event Collector service was stopped successfully.

Unload Existing Manifests

Using the wevtutil command line utility with the "um" (unload manifest) option, we will unload any existing configured manifest. An error here is expected as there should be no previously configured manifests.

PowerShell Input

wevtutil um C:\windows\system32\CustomEventChannels.man

PowerShell Output

PS C:\Users\itadmin> wevtutil um C:\windows\system32\CustomEventChannels.man
C:\windows\system32\CustomEventChannels.man(0): Error 0x800c0006: At column=0, The system cannot locate the object specified.

Copy Palantir Manifest

Its worth noting that the following are PowerShell commands again.

Copy the Palantir Manifest into system32. This will copy two files, the Manifest (.MAN) and the required Dynamic Link Library. We will use the "ls" command to list the source directory. The "cp" command to copy the necessary files, and lastly, the "ls" command again to confirm the files were added to the new location.

PowerShell Input

ls c:\LABS\LabPack\LABPACK-master\Lab-WEF-Palantir\windows-event-channels\
cp C:\LABS\LabPack\LABPACK-master\Lab-WEF-Palantir\windows-event-channels\CustomEventChannels.* C:\windows\System32\
ls C:\windows\System32\CustomEventChannels.*

PowerShell Output

PS C:\Users\itadmin> ls c:\LABS\LabPack\LABPACK-master\Lab-WEF-Palantir\windows-event-channels\

    Directory: C:\LABS\LabPack\LABPACK-master\Lab-WEF-Palantir\windows-event-channels

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM          21504 CustomEventChannels.dll
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM          19673 CustomEventChannels.man
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           7001 README.md

PS C:\Users\itadmin> cp C:\LABS\LabPack\LABPACK-master\Lab-WEF-Palantir\windows-event-channels\CustomEventChannels.* C:\windows\System32\
PS C:\Users\itadmin> ls C:\windows\System32\CustomEventChannels.*

    Directory: C:\windows\System32

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM          21504 CustomEventChannels.dll
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM          19673 CustomEventChannels.man

Import Palantir Manifest

We now will use the wevtutil with the "im" (install manifest) argument to install the manifest into the Collection service.

PowerShell Input

wevtutil im C:\windows\system32\CustomEventChannels.man

PowerShell Output This command will take a seconds/moments to complete. A successful result will not return an error.

Restarting WEC

Use the "Net Start" command line to start the WEC service. PowerShell Input

net start wecsvc

PowerShell Output

PS C:\Users\itadmin> net start wecsvc
The Windows Event Collector service is starting.
The Windows Event Collector service was started successfully.

Confirming the Manifest

Before we can fully validate the function of the imported manifest, we need to finish the Event Forwarding configuration. It is possible however at this point to ensure that the Manifest has been loaded and has created new Event Collection containers for logs to be destined.

PowerShell Input

Get-WinEvent -ListLog WEC*

PowerShell Output

PS C:\Users\itadmin> Get-WinEvent -ListLog WEC*

LogMode   MaximumSizeInBytes RecordCount LogName
-------   ------------------ ----------- -------
Circular             1052672           0 WEC-Authentication
Circular             1052672           0 WEC-Code-Integrity
Circular             1052672           0 WEC-EMET
Circular             1052672           0 WEC-PowerShell
Circular             1052672           0 WEC-Process-Execution
Circular             1052672           0 WEC-Services
Circular             1052672           0 WEC-WMI
Circular             1052672           0 WEC16-Test
Circular             1052672           0 WEC2-Application-Crashes
Circular             1052672           0 WEC2-Applocker
Circular             1052672           0 WEC2-Group-Policy-Errors
Circular             1052672           0 WEC2-Object-Manipulation
Circular             1052672           0 WEC2-Registry
Circular             1052672           0 WEC2-Task-Scheduler
Circular             1052672           0 WEC2-Windows-Defender
Circular             1052672           0 WEC3-Account-Management
Circular             1052672           0 WEC3-Drivers
Circular             1052672           0 WEC3-External-Devices
Circular             1052672           0 WEC3-Firewall
Circular             1052672           0 WEC3-Print
Circular             1052672           0 WEC3-Smart-Card
Circular             1052672           0 WEC3-Windows-Diagnostics
Circular             1052672           0 WEC4-Bits-Client
Circular             1052672           0 WEC4-DNS
Circular             1052672           0 WEC4-Hotpatching-Errors
Circular             1052672           0 WEC4-Shares
Circular             1052672           0 WEC4-System-Time-Change
Circular             1052672           0 WEC4-Windows-Updates
Circular             1052672           0 WEC4-Wireless
Circular             1052672           0 WEC5-Autoruns
Circular             1052672           0 WEC5-Certificate-Authority
Circular             1052672           0 WEC5-Crypto-API
Circular             1052672           0 WEC5-Log-Deletion-Security
Circular             1052672           0 WEC5-Log-Deletion-System
Circular             1052672           0 WEC5-MSI-Packages
Circular             1052672           0 WEC5-Operating-System
Circular             1052672           0 WEC6-ADFS
Circular             1052672           0 WEC6-Device-Guard
Circular             1052672           0 WEC6-Duo-Security
Circular             1052672           0 WEC6-Exploit-Guard
Circular             1052672           0 WEC6-Microsoft-Office
Circular             1052672           0 WEC6-Software-Restriction-Pol
Circular             1052672           0 WEC6-Sysmon
Circular             1052672           0 WEC7-Active-Directory
Circular             1052672           0 WEC7-Privilege-Use
Circular             1052672           0 WEC7-Terminal-Services

Step Three Event Subscriptions

In this section we will add the new WEC (Windows Event Collector) subscriptions. After the subscriptions are enabled, we will update the log maximum sizes, force the Domain Controller and workstation to accept new Group Policy changes, reboot and validate that the subscription feeds are working appropriately.

Install WEC subscriptions

To install the WEC subscriptions, we will first change directory into the WEF-Master repo. We will then run a for loop that executes wecutil "cs" for each subscription. The "cs" argument is used to Create Subscription

Confirm User Context

First, confirm the correct user and system context by using the "whoami" and "hostname" commands.

PowerShell Input


PowerShell Output

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\itadmin> whoami
labs\itadmin <------------------------------VERIFY RESULT
PS C:\Users\itadmin> hostname
dc01    <-----------------------------------VERIFY RESULT

If the result of the above commands differs, please confirm you are operating on the correct system and user context.

For Loop to Install Subscriptions

PowerShell Input

cd C:\LABS\LabPack\LABPACK-master\Lab-WEF-Palantir\wef-subscriptions
foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem *.xml)) {wecutil cs $file}

PowerShell Output

PS C:\LABS\LabPack\LABPACK-master\Lab-WEF-Palantir\wef-subscriptions> ls

    Directory: C:\LABS\LabPack\LABPACK-master\Lab-WEF-Palantir\wef-subscriptions

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1471 Account-Lockout.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           6041 Account-Management.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           2953 Active-Directory.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1577 ADFS.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1588 Application-Crashes.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1800 Applocker.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           3190 Authentication.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1194 Autoruns.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1334 Bits-Client.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1480 Certificate-Authority.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           2067 Code-Integrity.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1252 Device-Guard.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           2302 DNS.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1704 Drivers.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1228 Duo-Security.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1442 EMET.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1829 Event-Log-Diagnostics.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1536 Explicit-Credentials.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1783 Exploit-Guard-ASR.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1651 Exploit-Guard-CFA.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1879 Exploit-Guard-EP.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1809 Exploit-Guard-NP.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           2529 External-Devices.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           4771 Firewall.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1976 Group-Policy-Errors.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1704 Kerberos.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1336 Log-Deletion-Security.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1323 Log-Deletion-System.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1219 Microsoft-Office.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           2623 MSI-Packages.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1676 NTLM.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1856 Object-Manipulation.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           5366 Operating-System.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1670 PowerShell.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1329 Print.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1547 Privilege-Use.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1505 Process-Execution.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           4775 README.md
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1601 Registry.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           2282 Services.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           2304 Shares.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1413 Smart-Card.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1868 Software-Restriction-Policies.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1228 Sysmon.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1276 System-Time-Change.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1842 Task-Scheduler.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           3469 Terminal-Services.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1588 Windows-Defender.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1388 Windows-Diagnostics.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1674 Windows-Updates.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1459 Wireless.xml
-a----        9/20/2020   8:49 PM           1627 WMI.xml

PS C:\LABS\LabPack\LABPACK-master\Lab-WEF-Palantir\wef-subscriptions> foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem *.xml)) {wecutil cs $file}
PS C:\LABS\LabPack\LABPACK-master\Lab-WEF-Palantir\wef-subscriptions>

Note that the "foreach" wecutil loop does not return a response upon successful completion.

Resize Log Container Buckets

We will now resize the log containers to an appropriate size for the increased optics log volume.

Check current log maximum size.

We will use the "wevtutil" "gl" argument to GetLog metadata information. Note the maximum size of the log. Here we sample the "WEC3-PRINT" log as a sample query.

PowerShell Input

Wevtutil gl WEC3-PRINT

PowerShell Output

PS C:\Users\itadmin> Wevtutil gl WEC3-PRINT
name: WEC3-PRINT
enabled: true
type: Operational
owningPublisher: WEC3
isolation: Application
channelAccess: O:BAG:SYD:(A;;0x2;;;S-1-15-2-1)(A;;0xf0007;;;SY)(A;;0x7;;;BA)(A;;0x7;;;SO)(A;;0x3;;;IU)(A;;0x3;;;SU)(A;;0x3;;;S-1-5-3)(A;;0x3;;;S-1-5-33
  logFileName: %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\WEC3-PRINT.evtx
  retention: false
  autoBackup: false
  maxSize: 1052672
  fileMax: 1
PS C:\Users\itadmin>

Note the "maxSize" value.

Increase log maximum size.

We will use the wevtutil "sl" argument in a for loop to increase the maximum size of all of the WEC subscription containers.

PowerShell Input

foreach ($subscription in (wevtutil el | select-string -pattern "WEC")) {wevtutil sl $subscription /ms:4194304}

PowerShell Output Note that successful completion of this returns no error messages.

Confirm updated maximum size.

We will use the "wevtutil" "gl" argument to GetLog metadata information. Note the maximum size of the log. Here we sample the "WEC3-PRINT" log as a sample query.

PowerShell Input

Wevtutil gl WEC3-PRINT

PowerShell Output

PS C:\Users\itadmin> Wevtutil gl WEC3-PRINT
name: WEC3-PRINT
enabled: true
type: Operational
owningPublisher: WEC3
isolation: Application
channelAccess: O:BAG:SYD:(A;;0x2;;;S-1-15-2-1)(A;;0xf0007;;;SY)(A;;0x7;;;BA)(A;;0x7;;;SO)(A;;0x3;;;IU)(A;;0x3;;;SU)(A;;0x3;;;S-1-5-3)(A;;0x3;;;S-1-5-33
  logFileName: %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\WEC3-PRINT.evtx
  retention: false
  autoBackup: false
  maxSize: 4194304
  fileMax: 1

Note the updated maxSize value.

Step Four GPOUpdate, Reboot, and Validate.

It is now necessary to run GPUdate /force on both the Domain Controller and Workstation ,followed by a reboot of each. These must be done in order to allow the Windows Event Forwarding and Collection services to work properly.

Domain Controller GPUpdate and reboot.

From the domain controller in PowerShell, run the following commands to update the applied DC Group Policies into running cache and reboot.

Confirm User Context

First, confirm the correct user and system context by using the "whoami" and "hostname" commands.

PowerShell Input


PowerShell Output

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\itadmin> whoami
labs\itadmin <------------------------------VERIFY RESULT
PS C:\Users\itadmin> hostname
dc01    <-----------------------------------VERIFY RESULT

If the result of the above commands differs, please confirm you are operating on the correct system and user context.

Group Policy Update (Force)

PowerShell Input

gpupdate /force

PowerShell Output

PS C:\Users\itadmin> gpupdate /force
Updating policy...

Computer Policy update has completed successfully.
User Policy update has completed successfully.

PS C:\Users\itadmin> Restart-Computer

This will update the Group Policy cache and Restart the Domain Controller.

Member Server GPUpdate and reboot.

After approximately one minute, From the Member Server (WS01), open PowerShell and, run the following commands to update the applied DC Group Policies into running cache and reboot.

Confirm User Context

First, confirm the correct user and system context by using the "whoami" and "hostname" commands.

PowerShell Input


PowerShell Output

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\itadmin> whoami
labs\itadmin <------------------------------VERIFY RESULT
PS C:\Users\itadmin> hostname
ws01    <-----------------------------------VERIFY RESULT

If the result of the above commands differs, please confirm you are operating on the correct system and user context.

PowerShell Input

gpupdate /force

PowerShell Output

PS C:\Users\itadmin> gpupdate /force
Updating policy...

Computer Policy update has completed successfully.
User Policy update has completed successfully.

PS C:\Users\itadmin> Restart-Computer

This will update the Group Policy cache and Restart the Member Server.

Lab Complete