1 00:00:00,930 --> 00:00:01,940 So in this lesson, 2 00:00:01,940 --> 00:00:05,230 we are going to talk about "Maintaining Metadata" 3 00:00:05,230 --> 00:00:06,810 and what that means. 4 00:00:06,810 --> 00:00:08,570 It's going to be a relatively short lesson. 5 00:00:08,570 --> 00:00:11,710 Basically, I'm going to talk about, 6 00:00:11,710 --> 00:00:13,280 "Hey, maintaining metadata. What exactly is that?" 7 00:00:13,280 --> 00:00:14,420 and then we're going to take a look 8 00:00:14,420 --> 00:00:17,210 at the Copy Activity in Data Factory. 9 00:00:17,210 --> 00:00:19,000 You can also do this in Synapse, 10 00:00:19,000 --> 00:00:20,540 but we'll take a look in Data Factory 11 00:00:20,540 --> 00:00:23,820 and see how you would do that in the Azure portal. 12 00:00:23,820 --> 00:00:24,653 Alright, so the what, when, where and why of metadata? 13 00:00:24,653 --> 00:00:25,486 What? 14 00:00:28,790 --> 00:00:33,790 Well, basically, we can preserve the metadata 15 00:00:33,920 --> 00:00:36,250 for Data Lake migrations 16 00:00:36,250 --> 00:00:39,710 or for Azure Blob Storage migration. 17 00:00:39,710 --> 00:00:41,740 Basically, when we're copying files, 18 00:00:41,740 --> 00:00:44,020 we can preserve the metadata. 19 00:00:44,020 --> 00:00:46,210 And the types of things that we can preserve, 20 00:00:46,210 --> 00:00:49,810 well, we can preserve customer-specified metadata, 21 00:00:49,810 --> 00:00:53,120 or content language, or disposition, or type, 22 00:00:53,120 --> 00:00:55,500 or encoding, or cash control. 23 00:00:55,500 --> 00:00:57,410 The built-in system properties 24 00:00:57,410 --> 00:00:59,790 or customer-specified metadata, 25 00:00:59,790 --> 00:01:02,850 we can preserve that when copying things over. 26 00:01:02,850 --> 00:01:05,170 Well, when and where? 27 00:01:05,170 --> 00:01:08,520 Data Factory and Synapse pipeline copy activities 28 00:01:08,520 --> 00:01:11,290 is what we're talking about when we talk about 29 00:01:11,290 --> 00:01:14,123 this specific metadata preservation. 30 00:01:14,980 --> 00:01:18,370 Why? Well, when we preserve the metadata, 31 00:01:18,370 --> 00:01:20,060 we're preserving continuity. 32 00:01:20,060 --> 00:01:21,750 So basically, what that means is 33 00:01:21,750 --> 00:01:24,040 we are increasing the validity 34 00:01:24,040 --> 00:01:26,940 and the authenticity of the resource, 35 00:01:26,940 --> 00:01:29,570 of the copy activity in the new move 36 00:01:29,570 --> 00:01:31,700 by providing that evidence of changes, 37 00:01:31,700 --> 00:01:35,390 adjustments, migrations, preserving the metadata. 38 00:01:35,390 --> 00:01:39,060 That's why. Because we want to preserve continuity. 39 00:01:39,060 --> 00:01:41,240 Alright, so with that, we're going to jump over 40 00:01:41,240 --> 00:01:44,420 and I'm going to show you how we do this in the portal. 41 00:01:44,420 --> 00:01:46,840 So here we find ourselves in Data Factory. 42 00:01:46,840 --> 00:01:50,120 I have set up a Pipeline in several different datasets. 43 00:01:50,120 --> 00:01:52,130 I've grabbed a Copy data activity 44 00:01:52,130 --> 00:01:54,370 and dragged that onto the canvas. 45 00:01:54,370 --> 00:01:58,320 And then under Source, I have set up a Source dataset. 46 00:01:58,320 --> 00:02:01,420 Now, it's important that the Source dataset is binary. 47 00:02:01,420 --> 00:02:03,910 So make sure that you keep that in mind. 48 00:02:03,910 --> 00:02:05,660 And if you've done that correctly, you can go 49 00:02:05,660 --> 00:02:08,520 to Settings and you will see down here at the bottom 50 00:02:08,520 --> 00:02:12,930 a Preserve setting, and I can choose what I want to do. 51 00:02:12,930 --> 00:02:13,860 If I choose Attributes, 52 00:02:13,860 --> 00:02:16,200 you can see that we're preserving the content type, 53 00:02:16,200 --> 00:02:19,370 language, encoding, disposition, cash control, 54 00:02:19,370 --> 00:02:22,460 and any other specified metadata. 55 00:02:22,460 --> 00:02:24,580 So basically, all the things I just talked about 56 00:02:24,580 --> 00:02:26,760 in the last slide, we're preserving that 57 00:02:26,760 --> 00:02:30,760 when we preserve the attributes, here. 58 00:02:30,760 --> 00:02:34,960 We can also see that by jumping over into code, 59 00:02:34,960 --> 00:02:37,610 and scrolling down just a little bit, 60 00:02:37,610 --> 00:02:38,570 you'll see that we have 61 00:02:38,570 --> 00:02:41,510 a Preserve Attributes section set up here. 62 00:02:41,510 --> 00:02:44,683 And that is where we're doing that in the JSON. 63 00:02:45,700 --> 00:02:50,700 Now, if I change that away from binary into CSV 64 00:02:50,780 --> 00:02:54,410 or something else, you'll see that this Attributes section 65 00:02:54,410 --> 00:02:56,110 disappears entirely. 66 00:02:56,110 --> 00:02:57,880 So we need to have that set 67 00:02:57,880 --> 00:03:01,883 as binary in order to see the Preserve Attributes. 68 00:03:05,090 --> 00:03:07,780 Alright, key points to remember. 69 00:03:07,780 --> 00:03:10,940 This is an odds and ends lesson, super short. 70 00:03:10,940 --> 00:03:13,950 Basically, you need to understand that the option exists. 71 00:03:13,950 --> 00:03:15,710 Do you understand the option exists? 72 00:03:15,710 --> 00:03:18,370 Fantastic, that should be it for this lesson. 73 00:03:18,370 --> 00:03:20,483 You can move on to the next.