1 00:00:00,348 --> 00:00:02,765 (soft music) 2 00:00:06,240 --> 00:00:07,073 Frank: In this video, 3 00:00:07,073 --> 00:00:09,720 we'll be installing the CodeLite IDE 4 00:00:09,720 --> 00:00:11,970 or Integrated development Environment 5 00:00:11,970 --> 00:00:13,983 on the Ubuntu Linux Platform. 6 00:00:14,910 --> 00:00:17,730 CodeLite is a free open source cross platform 7 00:00:17,730 --> 00:00:20,070 IDE that works with C++ 8 00:00:20,070 --> 00:00:24,090 and it works across Windows, Linux, as well as Mac. 9 00:00:24,090 --> 00:00:27,240 So we'll start by opening up your favorite browser 10 00:00:27,240 --> 00:00:32,240 and going to CodeLite, that's C-O-D-E-L-I-T-E.org. 11 00:00:32,549 --> 00:00:33,810 And you'll get a webpage similar 12 00:00:33,810 --> 00:00:36,120 to this and you wanna find the download link. 13 00:00:36,120 --> 00:00:37,500 Now there's one at the top menu. 14 00:00:37,500 --> 00:00:39,300 There's also this big blue button here 15 00:00:39,300 --> 00:00:40,680 that's the one I'm going to use. 16 00:00:40,680 --> 00:00:44,250 So I'm just gonna select CodeLite to download 17 00:00:44,250 --> 00:00:45,690 and you can give a contribution 18 00:00:45,690 --> 00:00:47,880 to the developers if you wish, or you can go straight 19 00:00:47,880 --> 00:00:50,130 to the downloads, which is what I'll do here. 20 00:00:52,770 --> 00:00:55,500 Now, we're gonna download CodeLite 11.0 21 00:00:55,500 --> 00:00:57,150 which is a stable release 22 00:00:57,150 --> 00:00:59,700 and we're going to download this for Ubuntu. 23 00:00:59,700 --> 00:01:01,800 Now you can see here you've got a Windows installer 24 00:01:01,800 --> 00:01:04,680 an OS 10 installer and so forth, and you can refer 25 00:01:04,680 --> 00:01:07,230 to those videos if that's the platform you're on. 26 00:01:07,230 --> 00:01:10,710 But this specific video is for Ubuntu Linux. 27 00:01:10,710 --> 00:01:11,790 So you can see here, it says 28 00:01:11,790 --> 00:01:14,400 set up CodeLite repository for Ubuntu. 29 00:01:14,400 --> 00:01:16,000 That's the one I'm gonna select. 30 00:01:17,790 --> 00:01:18,720 A word of caution, 31 00:01:18,720 --> 00:01:21,360 these commands are run as super user 32 00:01:21,360 --> 00:01:23,100 as you can see here with the pseudo. 33 00:01:23,100 --> 00:01:25,320 So be very careful when you type things in 34 00:01:25,320 --> 00:01:28,140 make sure you're typing things exactly correctly. 35 00:01:28,140 --> 00:01:30,090 What I'm doing is I'm not even going to type, 36 00:01:30,090 --> 00:01:31,980 I'm simply gonna copy and paste. 37 00:01:31,980 --> 00:01:34,200 That way I know that I'm making no mistakes. 38 00:01:34,200 --> 00:01:38,640 Okay, so first step is to copy this one line right here. 39 00:01:38,640 --> 00:01:39,840 And basically what we've gotta do 40 00:01:39,840 --> 00:01:41,550 there's a lot of information on this page 41 00:01:41,550 --> 00:01:43,950 regarding official and unofficial and so forth. 42 00:01:43,950 --> 00:01:46,433 And I'll show you the one that worked great for me. 43 00:01:47,460 --> 00:01:49,470 So what we're going to do is we're gonna copy this line 44 00:01:49,470 --> 00:01:51,060 of code here, 45 00:01:51,060 --> 00:01:53,760 then we're going to copy this line of code here. 46 00:01:53,760 --> 00:01:56,100 And the version I've got is xenial universe. 47 00:01:56,100 --> 00:01:59,280 So that's the one I'm going to 16.04 Ubuntu. 48 00:01:59,280 --> 00:02:00,990 So that's the one I'm going to choose. 49 00:02:00,990 --> 00:02:04,050 And then we're gonna do a couple more lines and that's it. 50 00:02:04,050 --> 00:02:06,420 Now the install takes quite a while. 51 00:02:06,420 --> 00:02:07,740 The last time I did this install 52 00:02:07,740 --> 00:02:10,259 it was about 10 minutes, 15 minutes on my machine. 53 00:02:10,259 --> 00:02:13,080 So I'm gonna pause the video as the install happens. 54 00:02:13,080 --> 00:02:15,540 And we're going to do the installing a terminal window. 55 00:02:15,540 --> 00:02:17,280 So you can see the terminal window is here. 56 00:02:17,280 --> 00:02:18,270 I've opened it up. 57 00:02:18,270 --> 00:02:20,640 So I'm gonna make this just a little smaller 58 00:02:20,640 --> 00:02:21,750 so we can do both at once, 59 00:02:21,750 --> 00:02:24,090 so you can see what's going on. 60 00:02:24,090 --> 00:02:24,990 Okay, perfect. 61 00:02:24,990 --> 00:02:26,160 So let's get started. 62 00:02:26,160 --> 00:02:28,150 Let's copy this first line right here 63 00:02:29,190 --> 00:02:31,803 and I'm going to copy and paste it over here. 64 00:02:33,630 --> 00:02:36,480 Press enter, and it's going to ask you for your password. 65 00:02:38,820 --> 00:02:40,620 Obviously you have to have root access 66 00:02:40,620 --> 00:02:43,170 or be super user to install this code. 67 00:02:43,170 --> 00:02:44,370 So I'm gonna press enter 68 00:02:46,470 --> 00:02:48,090 and that takes care of the first line. 69 00:02:48,090 --> 00:02:51,090 Now I'm gonna scroll down and get the second line. 70 00:02:51,090 --> 00:02:54,360 Now make sure that you replace this string here, 71 00:02:54,360 --> 00:02:57,510 with the correct distribution of your Ubuntu. 72 00:02:57,510 --> 00:03:00,300 Mine is xenial, so that's the one I'm going to use. 73 00:03:00,300 --> 00:03:02,223 I'm gonna copy this, just like that. 74 00:03:05,400 --> 00:03:06,900 I'll paste it. 75 00:03:06,900 --> 00:03:09,660 This time, it won't ask me for my password. 76 00:03:09,660 --> 00:03:12,513 Then I'll go down to the third line, which is the update. 77 00:03:14,970 --> 00:03:16,893 I'll copy that and paste it as well. 78 00:03:24,000 --> 00:03:25,950 And that'll just take us a few minutes. 79 00:03:28,320 --> 00:03:29,370 Okay, that's done. 80 00:03:29,370 --> 00:03:31,230 Now the last line is the one that takes a long time 81 00:03:31,230 --> 00:03:36,230 to install, so I'm gonna copy, I'll paste, I'll press enter 82 00:03:37,560 --> 00:03:39,660 and I'll go have a cup of coffee in a little bit. 83 00:03:39,660 --> 00:03:41,310 It says here, after this operation 84 00:03:41,310 --> 00:03:43,890 we need 451 megabytes of disc space. 85 00:03:43,890 --> 00:03:46,050 I've got plenty of disc space, so that's fine. 86 00:03:46,050 --> 00:03:47,823 And I'll just say continue, yes. 87 00:03:49,650 --> 00:03:50,880 And I'll pause the video now 88 00:03:50,880 --> 00:03:52,480 and be back in about 10 minutes. 89 00:03:56,100 --> 00:03:58,860 At this point, CodeLite has now been installed, 90 00:03:58,860 --> 00:04:01,413 in the next video we'll run it and configure it.