1 00:00:05,330 --> 00:00:06,010 Hello everyone. 2 00:00:06,360 --> 00:00:10,299 In this video, I'll be installing the compiler and the development 3 00:00:10,300 --> 00:00:15,100 tool chain that we're going to use on the Mac to develop C++ programs. 4 00:00:15,450 --> 00:00:18,450 Now there's a couple of things that can go on here, we can install them from scratch, 5 00:00:18,450 --> 00:00:19,760 which is what I'm going to do here. 6 00:00:20,150 --> 00:00:23,180 They may be already installed on your system, in which case you're 7 00:00:23,180 --> 00:00:25,900 going to get a message saying that they're already installed and I'll 8 00:00:25,930 --> 00:00:27,400 walk you through both those scenarios. 9 00:00:27,770 --> 00:00:29,319 So what I want to do here is 10 00:00:29,320 --> 00:00:32,500 I want to open up a Terminal session, so you can just press command 11 00:00:32,500 --> 00:00:36,970 space bar and type in terminal, and that'll open up a terminal shell. 12 00:00:37,380 --> 00:00:40,120 And I'm just going to hit command plus a few times just to make it a little 13 00:00:40,130 --> 00:00:42,650 bigger, make it easier to see, all right? 14 00:00:42,650 --> 00:00:47,129 So at this point, we're going to type in sudo, that's sudo followed by a 15 00:00:47,130 --> 00:00:54,130 space and then xcode dash select dash space again and then dash dash Install. 16 00:00:54,799 --> 00:00:59,300 So again, sudo space, xcode dash select space dash dash 17 00:00:59,300 --> 00:01:00,840 install and I'll press enter. 18 00:01:01,650 --> 00:01:04,319 And it's going to ask you for your password, so just type in your password. 19 00:01:04,780 --> 00:01:08,289 Let me try that again, all right. 20 00:01:08,289 --> 00:01:11,320 So now, if the tools have not been installed, you're going to get a pop 21 00:01:11,320 --> 00:01:14,490 up like this that says, we're going to install the tools and that's exactly what 22 00:01:14,490 --> 00:01:16,250 I want to do, I'm going to click install. 23 00:01:16,540 --> 00:01:19,590 If the tools are already installed, then you're going to get a message 24 00:01:19,590 --> 00:01:21,990 in the terminal saying that they're already installed nothing, 25 00:01:22,000 --> 00:01:22,939 you don't need to do anything. 26 00:01:23,230 --> 00:01:26,670 Just consider the tools installed and move on to the next video. 27 00:01:26,990 --> 00:01:29,080 So, I'm going to select install. 28 00:01:30,150 --> 00:01:33,550 I'm going to scroll through my license agreement and agree to it. 29 00:01:35,540 --> 00:01:37,580 And I was just going to go off and install the software. 30 00:01:37,580 --> 00:01:40,539 This process could take a couple of minutes, it could take a lot longer. 31 00:01:40,860 --> 00:01:44,929 It really depends on your computer, as well as your Internet connection. 32 00:01:45,420 --> 00:01:49,009 So, I'm going to pause the video here and I'll come back as soon as it's done. 33 00:01:51,539 --> 00:01:52,730 Okay, so we're done. 34 00:01:52,950 --> 00:01:56,910 The process took just over ten minutes on my machine, just so you 35 00:01:56,920 --> 00:01:58,470 have an idea of how long it can take. 36 00:01:58,789 --> 00:02:01,909 Again, it might take longer or it might be a lot faster, 37 00:02:02,090 --> 00:02:03,230 depending on a lot of things. 38 00:02:03,469 --> 00:02:04,289 So we're done. 39 00:02:04,760 --> 00:02:07,649 I'm going to click done, now I'm going to close this window and I'm going to open 40 00:02:07,650 --> 00:02:09,530 it again just, so we get a fresh one. 41 00:02:09,550 --> 00:02:14,500 Again, I'm going to press command space, and then I'm going to type terminal and 42 00:02:14,510 --> 00:02:15,800 make this thing a little bit bigger. 43 00:02:16,410 --> 00:02:21,520 And now, I want to type g++ space dash dash version. 44 00:02:22,309 --> 00:02:26,840 And when I press enter, I get the information about the compiler that we'll 45 00:02:26,840 --> 00:02:28,530 be using, which is this guy right here. 46 00:02:29,420 --> 00:02:32,840 If you went through the installation, just like I did, this should pop up. 47 00:02:32,960 --> 00:02:35,420 If you started the installation and it said that the command line 48 00:02:35,420 --> 00:02:36,959 tools were already installed. 49 00:02:37,219 --> 00:02:41,400 When you type g++ dash dash version, you should get something very similar. 50 00:02:41,609 --> 00:02:44,090 Obviously the versions are going to be different depending on when 51 00:02:44,090 --> 00:02:46,810 you install this and what the latest version and so forth is. 52 00:02:46,830 --> 00:02:51,109 But if we're at this point, we've got our compiler installed and we're good to go. 53 00:02:51,690 --> 00:02:55,350 In the next video, we'll install CodeLite on Mac and then we'll 54 00:02:55,350 --> 00:02:56,779 be good to go to start coding. 55 00:02:57,530 --> 00:02:58,549 I'll see you in the next video.