1 00:00:05,500 --> 00:00:06,500 Hello everyone. 2 00:00:06,500 --> 00:00:09,700 In this video, we're going to configure CodeLite 3 00:00:09,700 --> 00:00:12,700 to work with the compiler that we've already installed. 4 00:00:12,700 --> 00:00:16,500 So, at this point, we've installed the compiler and we've installed CodeLite. 5 00:00:16,500 --> 00:00:20,100 The first time you run CodeLite, you're going to get a welcome message like this. 6 00:00:20,100 --> 00:00:22,600 And this is basically a setup wizard. 7 00:00:22,600 --> 00:00:26,590 If you don't get this the first time you run CodeLite, you could just come up to help 8 00:00:26,590 --> 00:00:30,280 and select run the Setup Wizard right there, okay? 9 00:00:30,280 --> 00:00:31,480 But I did get the Setup wizard. 10 00:00:31,480 --> 00:00:34,680 Also, you might get the Light mode or you may get the Dark mode, 11 00:00:34,680 --> 00:00:37,080 it really depends on how you've got your Mac set up. 12 00:00:37,080 --> 00:00:40,680 So, what we want to do is We do want to run this setup wizard. 13 00:00:40,680 --> 00:00:43,280 So once it comes up, we want to click Next. 14 00:00:44,180 --> 00:00:46,780 We want to select C, C++ development, 15 00:00:47,580 --> 00:00:48,880 select next again. 16 00:00:49,870 --> 00:00:54,770 And now, we're going to ask CodeLite to scan our system for installed compilers, 17 00:00:54,770 --> 00:00:58,970 since we've already installed a compiler, it should find one, so I'll select Scan. 18 00:00:59,660 --> 00:01:01,560 And you can see it found a bunch of stuff, 19 00:01:01,560 --> 00:01:05,160 the most important one is the GCC, that's the one we're going to use. 20 00:01:05,160 --> 00:01:07,660 If you see a GCC there, you're good to go. 21 00:01:08,160 --> 00:01:09,160 So, I'm going to select Next. 22 00:01:10,060 --> 00:01:11,960 Then what theme do I want to use? 23 00:01:11,960 --> 00:01:13,960 You can use a Light theme or a Dark theme. 24 00:01:13,960 --> 00:01:16,560 I'm just going to stick to the Dark theme because the Light theme, 25 00:01:16,560 --> 00:01:18,260 although it comes off better on video, 26 00:01:18,260 --> 00:01:20,260 is giving me some really weird glitchy 27 00:01:20,260 --> 00:01:22,860 stuff with the recording that just doesn't look good. 28 00:01:22,860 --> 00:01:24,160 So, I'm going to select next. 29 00:01:25,660 --> 00:01:28,260 Don't make any changes here and click Finish. 30 00:01:30,260 --> 00:01:33,260 Now CodeLite is going to stop and restart. 31 00:01:34,160 --> 00:01:36,760 And once you're opened up, we're good to go. 32 00:01:36,760 --> 00:01:39,260 Now down here, you can see where it says Local Workspaces, 33 00:01:39,260 --> 00:01:40,460 there aren't any yet. 34 00:01:40,460 --> 00:01:43,460 Once we start creating workspaces, they will show up here 35 00:01:43,460 --> 00:01:47,760 and you can easily go back to previously used workspaces by just clicking on them. 36 00:01:48,260 --> 00:01:50,260 The idea here is, we want to create 37 00:01:50,260 --> 00:01:54,460 a workspace and then within that workspace, we want to create projects. 38 00:01:54,460 --> 00:01:57,760 Each project would be a working C++ program. 39 00:01:57,760 --> 00:02:00,420 So the first step is to create a workspace. 40 00:02:00,420 --> 00:02:02,020 Now there's several ways to do it. 41 00:02:02,020 --> 00:02:04,620 You can see the workspace view over here. 42 00:02:04,620 --> 00:02:08,820 We can select new, create workspace, this big button right here, 43 00:02:08,820 --> 00:02:13,180 we can go to Workspace, New Workspace, and I believe we can go to file 44 00:02:13,180 --> 00:02:14,980 New Workspace as well. 45 00:02:14,980 --> 00:02:16,580 So there's a lot of places we could do it. 46 00:02:16,580 --> 00:02:19,180 I'm just going to click this big button right here. 47 00:02:19,680 --> 00:02:21,480 Now, what is the workspace type? 48 00:02:21,480 --> 00:02:24,480 Well, we're going to stick to C++, that's what we'll be using. 49 00:02:24,480 --> 00:02:27,080 So I'm going to select C++ and click OK. 50 00:02:27,880 --> 00:02:31,280 Now, it's going to ask me where I want to store these workspaces 51 00:02:31,280 --> 00:02:32,780 and what I want to name them? 52 00:02:32,780 --> 00:02:35,280 So you've got some choices here, you can put them in your documents, 53 00:02:35,280 --> 00:02:36,970 you can put them on your desktop. 54 00:02:36,970 --> 00:02:40,070 I'm going to create a path right off of my home directory 55 00:02:40,070 --> 00:02:41,970 and I'm going to call it Workspaces. 56 00:02:41,970 --> 00:02:44,970 And then I'm going to create as many workspaces as I want within that 57 00:02:44,970 --> 00:02:46,970 area, that way I'm nicely organized. 58 00:02:46,970 --> 00:02:49,660 So I'm just going to click this button over here with the three dots. 59 00:02:49,660 --> 00:02:52,460 And right here, I'm going to create a new folder 60 00:02:52,460 --> 00:02:57,460 and I'm going to call it Work Spaces, let me make that a capital W, 61 00:02:57,460 --> 00:02:58,960 Workspaces. 62 00:02:59,560 --> 00:03:03,360 That's it, I'll create it and I'll select it 63 00:03:03,360 --> 00:03:07,260 and you can see now that the workspace path is going to be my home folder, 64 00:03:07,260 --> 00:03:08,560 Workspaces. 65 00:03:08,560 --> 00:03:11,220 And the workspace name for the workspace that I'm going to create 66 00:03:11,220 --> 00:03:13,220 now is going to be called Workspace One. 67 00:03:13,220 --> 00:03:16,520 That can be anything, that could be section five, that could be 68 00:03:16,520 --> 00:03:20,120 pointers, if you're working on pointers, anything that makes sense for you. 69 00:03:20,720 --> 00:03:24,520 Make sure that create the Workspace under a separate directory is checked 70 00:03:24,920 --> 00:03:26,520 and click OK. 71 00:03:26,520 --> 00:03:29,820 Now, you can see over here in the workspace view, 72 00:03:29,820 --> 00:03:33,020 you have a workspace created called Workspace One. 73 00:03:33,020 --> 00:03:36,720 Now that's not real useful until we create projects and that's the next step. 74 00:03:36,720 --> 00:03:40,720 Let's create some projects within it, so we'll start with creating one project. 75 00:03:40,720 --> 00:03:44,710 So I'm going to right click on there and select New Project. 76 00:03:44,910 --> 00:03:47,510 Again, you can go up to file New Project. 77 00:03:47,510 --> 00:03:51,200 A lot of different ways to do it, but let's just right click on the workspace 78 00:03:51,890 --> 00:03:53,780 and create a new project. 79 00:03:55,580 --> 00:03:58,180 Okay, so now we've got our new project wizard. 80 00:03:58,180 --> 00:04:01,480 You can see that this project is going to go into Workspace One, 81 00:04:01,480 --> 00:04:03,280 which is the workspace we have open. 82 00:04:03,280 --> 00:04:05,180 And what do you want to name your project? 83 00:04:05,180 --> 00:04:07,870 You can name it anything you want, I'm going to name it Project One. 84 00:04:08,860 --> 00:04:12,260 Now, something that's really important throughout. 85 00:04:12,260 --> 00:04:15,160 Do not use any spaces anywhere, do not use any 86 00:04:15,160 --> 00:04:18,360 special characters like pluses and dots and 87 00:04:18,360 --> 00:04:20,560 dollar signs and all kinds of weird things 88 00:04:20,560 --> 00:04:23,160 and do not use any international characters. 89 00:04:23,160 --> 00:04:26,520 So just keep it really plain, simple, no spaces, 90 00:04:26,520 --> 00:04:29,320 no international characters, no special characters. 91 00:04:30,220 --> 00:04:34,420 Once we do that, we want to check on Create the project in own folder. 92 00:04:35,220 --> 00:04:38,220 Then what category console, 93 00:04:38,220 --> 00:04:41,220 we're going to run these programs in a terminal window. 94 00:04:41,520 --> 00:04:45,720 The type is going to be simple executable G++. 95 00:04:46,520 --> 00:04:49,210 So again, simple executable G++. 96 00:04:50,010 --> 00:04:53,210 The compiler we're going to use is the GCC compiler, 97 00:04:53,210 --> 00:04:55,810 you may have other choices here, but just select GCC. 98 00:04:57,310 --> 00:05:00,910 The debugger is going to be the lldb-vs code debugger, 99 00:05:00,910 --> 00:05:01,910 that's the one on Mac. 100 00:05:02,810 --> 00:05:06,810 And the build system is CodeLite make file generator. 101 00:05:06,810 --> 00:05:10,410 And again, you've got some choices here, two choices, we're going to use that one. 102 00:05:10,910 --> 00:05:15,310 In version 17.3, which is the version that I'm running now of CodeLite. 103 00:05:15,810 --> 00:05:18,610 The developer removed the default build system. 104 00:05:18,610 --> 00:05:22,300 Unfortunately, that makes it a little tougher for us to configure this. 105 00:05:22,300 --> 00:05:25,200 The default build system worked great, I really don't know why he removed it, 106 00:05:25,200 --> 00:05:26,100 but he did. 107 00:05:26,100 --> 00:05:27,700 So, we'll deal with it. 108 00:05:28,060 --> 00:05:30,260 At this point, we're going to click OK 109 00:05:31,160 --> 00:05:34,760 and you can see in the workspace project One has been created. 110 00:05:34,760 --> 00:05:37,310 There is a source folder for our source code 111 00:05:37,310 --> 00:05:39,910 and there is our main.cpp file. 112 00:05:40,410 --> 00:05:43,610 So if I double click on that you can see the source code right there 113 00:05:43,610 --> 00:05:48,110 and I'm going to make this a little bit bigger, so I'm going to go over to my settings, 114 00:05:48,710 --> 00:05:50,400 colors and fonts 115 00:05:50,400 --> 00:05:52,600 and I'm going to set the font to 116 00:05:52,600 --> 00:05:55,900 something around 20 or so, you guys can see 24. 117 00:05:56,800 --> 00:05:58,400 So I'll click okay 118 00:06:00,090 --> 00:06:02,590 and then I'll click Apply and then okay, 119 00:06:02,590 --> 00:06:03,190 there we go. 120 00:06:03,190 --> 00:06:05,880 So that font's a little bit easier to see now on video. 121 00:06:05,880 --> 00:06:08,880 So, what are we going to do? We're going to remove all this 122 00:06:08,880 --> 00:06:12,140 and we're going to write a real simple program. 123 00:06:12,140 --> 00:06:15,940 Now notice that when I did that, this little red dot showed up. 124 00:06:15,940 --> 00:06:17,040 What that means is? 125 00:06:17,040 --> 00:06:20,640 That whatever is in here, in my editor has not been saved. 126 00:06:21,140 --> 00:06:24,640 So this is a good clue for you to make sure you save everything. 127 00:06:24,640 --> 00:06:27,240 So let's write the program and then we'll worry about saving it. 128 00:06:27,240 --> 00:06:30,340 At this point, just type along and follow along, 129 00:06:30,340 --> 00:06:34,030 the point of this video is to make sure that our development environment is set up, 130 00:06:34,030 --> 00:06:37,720 it's not about learning C++ yet, we'll have plenty of time to do that, 131 00:06:37,720 --> 00:06:39,220 all this will be explained. 132 00:06:39,220 --> 00:06:41,520 So pound include, 133 00:06:43,120 --> 00:06:47,320 we have a left angle bracket or left hand sign, io stream 134 00:06:47,720 --> 00:06:49,320 and the right angle bracket. 135 00:06:50,010 --> 00:06:52,510 And we're going to say using namespace, 136 00:06:53,410 --> 00:06:56,710 space std with a semicolon at the end. 137 00:06:56,710 --> 00:07:00,310 Make sure you have spaces between using namespace and std. 138 00:07:00,670 --> 00:07:06,260 Now, we're going to write the main function, so we're going to type int, int space, main, 139 00:07:06,260 --> 00:07:09,860 left paran, right paran and then a left curly brace. 140 00:07:10,850 --> 00:07:13,350 Then in here we're just going to say cout, 141 00:07:14,150 --> 00:07:16,150 two left angle brackets 142 00:07:16,150 --> 00:07:18,950 side by side, no spaces between them 143 00:07:18,950 --> 00:07:23,950 and I'm going to say, Hello World, that's what I'm going to display. 144 00:07:23,950 --> 00:07:27,550 Make sure that Hello World is within double quotes, the whole thing. 145 00:07:27,950 --> 00:07:32,350 Then we have two left angle brackets and endl for an end line. 146 00:07:32,350 --> 00:07:35,650 Make sure that that's endl and not end1. 147 00:07:36,550 --> 00:07:38,910 And then, we're going to return zero 148 00:07:38,910 --> 00:07:43,270 with a semicolon at the end, make sure there's a space between the return and the zero. 149 00:07:43,270 --> 00:07:44,170 That's it. 150 00:07:44,170 --> 00:07:45,870 Now you can see that that red dot is there, 151 00:07:45,870 --> 00:07:48,170 so I'm going to save this and I'm going to press Command S, 152 00:07:48,170 --> 00:07:49,860 you can also come up to file, 153 00:07:49,860 --> 00:07:52,860 save file but I'm just going to press command S 154 00:07:52,860 --> 00:07:55,060 and that little red dot is gone. 155 00:07:55,060 --> 00:07:57,560 Before we build this, we need to configure our 156 00:07:57,560 --> 00:07:59,960 compiler to work with this project the way we want. 157 00:07:59,960 --> 00:08:01,260 The way we can do that is, 158 00:08:01,760 --> 00:08:05,640 you'll notice that Project One right there is bold and italicized 159 00:08:05,640 --> 00:08:07,940 that tells CodeLite and us 160 00:08:07,940 --> 00:08:10,340 that this project is the active project. 161 00:08:10,340 --> 00:08:12,940 Remember, we could have many projects in here. 162 00:08:12,940 --> 00:08:15,940 The active project is the one that's going to be built and run. 163 00:08:16,440 --> 00:08:18,740 So it's really important that we select the one we want. 164 00:08:18,740 --> 00:08:20,940 In this case, there's only one, so it's pretty easy. 165 00:08:20,940 --> 00:08:25,200 So, I want to select the project and then, I'm going to come up here and click that wrench icon. 166 00:08:26,190 --> 00:08:29,790 I can also right click on the project and come down here to settings, 167 00:08:29,790 --> 00:08:30,690 same thing. 168 00:08:30,690 --> 00:08:32,690 So, I'm just going to click that wrench icon. 169 00:08:34,390 --> 00:08:36,190 And we get our project settings now. 170 00:08:36,190 --> 00:08:39,490 Most of this we're not going to mess with, we're just going to leave it alone. 171 00:08:39,490 --> 00:08:42,090 Most of this has been set up for us already, there's 172 00:08:42,090 --> 00:08:46,090 one thing that we definitely have to do is this working directory right here, 173 00:08:46,490 --> 00:08:49,790 I'm going to come over here, and I'm going to delete what's in there 174 00:08:49,790 --> 00:08:51,790 and I'm just going to type dollar, 175 00:08:51,790 --> 00:08:55,090 left paren and the word project path 176 00:08:55,780 --> 00:08:57,380 with no spaces 177 00:08:57,380 --> 00:09:00,380 and both P's are uppercase then I'm going to press tab. 178 00:09:01,070 --> 00:09:04,430 So dollar, left peren, project path 179 00:09:04,430 --> 00:09:08,120 right peren and the two P's and project path uppercase. 180 00:09:08,720 --> 00:09:09,520 That's it. 181 00:09:09,520 --> 00:09:11,520 Now, we'll go over to the compiler, 182 00:09:12,510 --> 00:09:14,200 select it on the left 183 00:09:14,200 --> 00:09:17,080 and right where it says C++ compiler options, 184 00:09:17,080 --> 00:09:18,440 I'm just going to click on there 185 00:09:19,240 --> 00:09:23,140 and this little button with three dots shows up, I want to click that 186 00:09:23,140 --> 00:09:26,340 and I'm going to come over here and I'm going to select enable C++ 187 00:09:26,340 --> 00:09:28,340 17 features right there. 188 00:09:29,140 --> 00:09:33,130 That's going to use the C++ 17 version of the C++ compiler. 189 00:09:33,820 --> 00:09:35,180 I'll select OK. 190 00:09:35,180 --> 00:09:37,180 At this point, we're done, I'll select OK. 191 00:09:37,680 --> 00:09:40,370 And now, I'm going to come over here and build this project. 192 00:09:40,370 --> 00:09:42,870 I'm going to come up here and I'm going to select build 193 00:09:43,560 --> 00:09:45,250 and rebuild the project. 194 00:09:45,250 --> 00:09:48,050 When I do that, an output pane comes up down here 195 00:09:50,050 --> 00:09:51,550 and you get the build. 196 00:09:51,550 --> 00:09:55,950 Notice that the C++ 17 shows up over here and so forth. 197 00:09:56,250 --> 00:10:00,650 So this is a good build, it says build completed successfully, no errors, no warnings. 198 00:10:00,650 --> 00:10:04,910 Our program has been built, so now we have an executable that we can run. 199 00:10:04,910 --> 00:10:08,010 When we run that executable we expect it to say Hello World, right? 200 00:10:08,010 --> 00:10:09,310 And that's what we wrote. 201 00:10:10,300 --> 00:10:10,600 Great. 202 00:10:10,600 --> 00:10:11,900 So, I'm going to close this 203 00:10:12,890 --> 00:10:15,540 and I'm going to come up to build and now I'm going to run. 204 00:10:17,230 --> 00:10:18,830 Do we want to build it again and execute? 205 00:10:18,830 --> 00:10:20,830 No, I've already built it, I just want to execute it. 206 00:10:21,730 --> 00:10:25,630 And we get a terminal up here and you notice it says Hello World right there, 207 00:10:26,530 --> 00:10:28,130 right there. 208 00:10:28,130 --> 00:10:30,130 So, we've got a good build, we've got a good run. 209 00:10:30,130 --> 00:10:33,430 And then it says hit any key to continue, you can hit the key 210 00:10:33,430 --> 00:10:37,530 and get used to closing this window like that by clicking on that little 211 00:10:37,530 --> 00:10:38,890 red dot up there. 212 00:10:38,890 --> 00:10:44,250 So that's it, we've got a program, it's running, it's pretty easy to do. 213 00:10:44,250 --> 00:10:46,750 We can create another project, so why don't we do that? 214 00:10:46,750 --> 00:10:51,110 Let's do that I'm going to click the workspace again, right click, 215 00:10:52,800 --> 00:10:54,800 new, new project. 216 00:10:55,790 --> 00:10:59,480 I'm going to put it in the same workspace but I want to call this one Project Two. 217 00:11:02,280 --> 00:11:03,980 Again, you can name these anything you want. 218 00:11:03,980 --> 00:11:07,480 Just be sure that there are no spaces, no international characters 219 00:11:07,480 --> 00:11:09,280 and no special characters. 220 00:11:09,280 --> 00:11:12,580 I know I say that a lot, but there's so many support questions 221 00:11:12,580 --> 00:11:14,880 and when things don't work it's almost always 222 00:11:14,880 --> 00:11:18,780 there's a dollar sign somewhere, there's a dot somewhere, there's a percent sign somewhere, 223 00:11:18,780 --> 00:11:21,380 there's a space somewhere, so be sure you don't have any of that. 224 00:11:21,980 --> 00:11:24,980 So again, make sure, create the project in its own folder. 225 00:11:24,980 --> 00:11:28,240 We've got console, simple executable G++, 226 00:11:28,240 --> 00:11:31,130 GCC, lldb-vs, 227 00:11:31,130 --> 00:11:34,330 CodeLite make file generator, so it remembered the previous settings, 228 00:11:34,330 --> 00:11:35,630 I'll select OK. 229 00:11:36,930 --> 00:11:41,330 We'll go over to the project and we'll select the wrench. 230 00:11:42,830 --> 00:11:46,730 We'll come over here to general and in the working directory, 231 00:11:47,530 --> 00:11:49,330 we'll delete what's there. 232 00:11:51,330 --> 00:11:54,630 And we'll replace it with dollar, open paren 233 00:11:54,630 --> 00:11:59,530 project path, close the paren, just like that. 234 00:11:59,830 --> 00:12:01,330 Then we'll come over to compiler, 235 00:12:02,630 --> 00:12:06,930 we'll select the compiler options, the C++ compiler options right there, 236 00:12:07,530 --> 00:12:08,830 click that little button, 237 00:12:09,230 --> 00:12:14,220 select enable C++ 17 features, select OK, 238 00:12:15,020 --> 00:12:18,820 apply these settings and hit OK and we're done. 239 00:12:18,820 --> 00:12:23,020 Now, we can write our code for the Project Two. 240 00:12:23,020 --> 00:12:27,220 So in this case, you'll notice, this is the code for Project One and you can tell up here 241 00:12:27,220 --> 00:12:29,020 where it says Project One. 242 00:12:30,010 --> 00:12:33,310 If we select this code, now Project Two opens up 243 00:12:33,310 --> 00:12:35,310 and that's the main CPP file. 244 00:12:35,310 --> 00:12:36,670 So, what I'd like to do is? 245 00:12:36,670 --> 00:12:38,370 I want to really use this code here. 246 00:12:38,370 --> 00:12:39,870 So I'm going to just copy it, 247 00:12:40,860 --> 00:12:44,060 I'm doing command A and then command C to copy. 248 00:12:44,060 --> 00:12:47,660 I'm just going to come in here and paste it with command V. 249 00:12:47,660 --> 00:12:50,660 So I'm just going to say Hello World from Project Two. 250 00:12:52,860 --> 00:12:53,550 That's it. 251 00:12:53,550 --> 00:12:56,850 I'm going to save because it was unsaved before, 252 00:12:56,850 --> 00:13:00,750 if I build now it's going to build Project One because you can see Project 253 00:13:00,750 --> 00:13:02,550 One right here is italicized. 254 00:13:02,550 --> 00:13:05,550 Project One is the active project. 255 00:13:05,550 --> 00:13:09,910 So, we can make Project Two the active project by right clicking and saying 256 00:13:09,910 --> 00:13:12,910 make active or we could also just double click on it. 257 00:13:12,910 --> 00:13:17,600 Now, you can see Project Two is italicized and bold and it's good to go. 258 00:13:17,600 --> 00:13:19,200 So now, I can build 259 00:13:20,100 --> 00:13:22,500 and I can build my project or rebuild my project, 260 00:13:22,500 --> 00:13:25,860 I'll go into more the differences between those in the class. 261 00:13:25,860 --> 00:13:27,460 We have a clean build, 262 00:13:28,060 --> 00:13:31,660 I come up to build and run, execute 263 00:13:31,660 --> 00:13:36,350 and at this point, we should see Hello from Project Two, that's exactly what we see. 264 00:13:36,350 --> 00:13:39,710 And you can make this window bigger by just hitting Command plus if you like, 265 00:13:39,710 --> 00:13:41,210 you can see a little bit better. 266 00:13:41,210 --> 00:13:44,570 Hit net to continue, we're done and we'll close this window up. 267 00:13:46,170 --> 00:13:46,970 That's it. 268 00:13:46,970 --> 00:13:48,970 We're pretty much done with this. 269 00:13:48,970 --> 00:13:50,570 A couple of videos down, 270 00:13:50,570 --> 00:13:54,570 refer to the video that shows us how to make a default project template 271 00:13:54,570 --> 00:13:57,370 because that'll save us some time from having to do all this 272 00:13:57,370 --> 00:13:58,970 stuff over and over and over again. 273 00:13:58,970 --> 00:13:59,870 What we can do is? 274 00:13:59,870 --> 00:14:01,870 We can create a default project template 275 00:14:01,870 --> 00:14:04,230 and then create new projects from it 276 00:14:04,230 --> 00:14:06,230 and all our settings will be there already. 277 00:14:06,230 --> 00:14:09,530 So the last thing I'd like you to do is to come up to CodeLite 278 00:14:09,530 --> 00:14:13,930 preferences and go over here to miscellaneous 279 00:14:14,830 --> 00:14:19,230 and there's a setting right here, check for new version on startup uncheck that. 280 00:14:20,130 --> 00:14:24,330 My advice would be once you have a working CodeLite 281 00:14:24,330 --> 00:14:28,730 setup and compiler set up, don't mess with it, use it throughout the course. 282 00:14:29,330 --> 00:14:31,330 Many times, as developers 283 00:14:31,330 --> 00:14:35,730 we want, oh, I want the latest and greatest, that's usually a really bad idea. 284 00:14:35,730 --> 00:14:38,230 The latest and greatest is usually on the bleeding edge, 285 00:14:38,230 --> 00:14:40,230 it's buggy and there's all kinds of issues, 286 00:14:40,230 --> 00:14:43,230 so once you have a working development environment, 287 00:14:43,230 --> 00:14:45,230 leave it alone, don't mess with it. 288 00:14:45,230 --> 00:14:48,030 So, just uncheck that and this thing won't keep 289 00:14:48,030 --> 00:14:51,330 prompting you and pestering you to update till the latest and greatest, which 290 00:14:51,330 --> 00:14:52,230 may not be. 291 00:14:52,530 --> 00:14:55,530 So I'm going to apply, click OK. 292 00:14:55,530 --> 00:14:58,890 And at that point, we're done, we're almost ready to start coding. 293 00:14:58,890 --> 00:15:02,250 Refer to the section about creating the default template 294 00:15:02,250 --> 00:15:04,450 and I'll see you in the next video.