1 00:00:04,210 --> 00:00:07,090 Now, let's talk about the main function. 2 00:00:07,420 --> 00:00:14,960 So we have a function in C++ guide main function where the program execution starts. 3 00:00:15,010 --> 00:00:22,030 So always C++ program execution starts from main function, which means that walked all things we want 4 00:00:22,030 --> 00:00:24,550 to make our computer do. 5 00:00:24,880 --> 00:00:28,030 We should be defining that in, say, this main function. 6 00:00:28,510 --> 00:00:32,020 So I'm writing the main function and the syntax for writing. 7 00:00:32,020 --> 00:00:42,220 The main function is Int Main Bracket Open Close then opened up emphasis on the curly brackets. 8 00:00:42,430 --> 00:00:51,390 No logical things to write inside these curly basis that all things will be executed by the CBB component. 9 00:00:51,700 --> 00:01:01,120 So you will be wearing what is compiler so that in a small definition I can give you compiler is the 10 00:01:01,120 --> 00:01:07,480 way that I block programming code is converted into computers. 11 00:01:07,990 --> 00:01:08,950 Native language. 12 00:01:08,950 --> 00:01:14,440 So computer is not a human being, it's it electronic device altered things. 13 00:01:14,440 --> 00:01:18,970 The computer what to understand should be in a format which it is meant to understand. 14 00:01:19,210 --> 00:01:27,070 Like if I only know English language and if somebody is talking to me in Spanish, I won't be understanding 15 00:01:27,070 --> 00:01:27,470 anything. 16 00:01:27,490 --> 00:01:31,420 Similarly, computer only knows one language for machine language. 17 00:01:31,600 --> 00:01:33,880 It won't understand anything apart from that. 18 00:01:34,150 --> 00:01:40,750 So in order to make computer understand, we will be using machine language because it's the native 19 00:01:40,750 --> 00:01:41,950 language of the computer. 20 00:01:42,190 --> 00:01:44,820 So this language is called High-Level Language. 21 00:01:44,850 --> 00:01:51,400 All the programming languages like C, C++, Java, everything is called High-Level Language. 22 00:01:51,670 --> 00:01:57,760 These are the language which we understand so that we can write programs or instructions, which can 23 00:01:57,760 --> 00:02:05,050 be said like used for creating tasks for which which are meant to be executed by the computer. 24 00:02:06,160 --> 00:02:14,050 But in the case of like high level languages, when we give the high level language to statically to 25 00:02:14,050 --> 00:02:16,030 computer, it won't understand it. 26 00:02:16,600 --> 00:02:21,820 So in order to make the high level language languages more understandable for a computer, we will do 27 00:02:21,820 --> 00:02:27,610 a process called competition, and computation is done by a software like compiler. 28 00:02:27,730 --> 00:02:34,390 So these, like we may be using it, kind of commands to create that compilation process. 29 00:02:34,540 --> 00:02:36,070 So that's about competition. 30 00:02:36,280 --> 00:02:39,070 What are all things we write in the C++ language? 31 00:02:39,220 --> 00:02:43,030 We need to convert it in a language that computers understand. 32 00:02:43,240 --> 00:02:46,390 So that process is done by a software called compiler. 33 00:02:46,540 --> 00:02:49,000 And that process is card combination. 34 00:02:49,010 --> 00:02:55,340 So I will be using this term again and again, and we will be seeing competition throughout the program. 35 00:02:55,360 --> 00:03:03,580 So once the compilation is starting and we start to run the program, all the things written inside 36 00:03:03,580 --> 00:03:09,280 these curly braces or the main function will be executed by the computer. 37 00:03:10,060 --> 00:03:12,550 So let's write out a statement. 38 00:03:12,670 --> 00:03:13,060 See. 39 00:03:15,830 --> 00:03:16,370 Hello. 40 00:03:16,630 --> 00:03:17,090 What? 41 00:03:19,730 --> 00:03:23,870 And we put a semicolon at the end of that statement. 42 00:03:24,410 --> 00:03:33,380 This is because all the C++ programming statements, except some statements will be ending with semicolons. 43 00:03:33,560 --> 00:03:39,170 So these are the statements in C++, and these statements will always end with a semicolon. 44 00:03:39,530 --> 00:03:48,650 So code is that command order function, which will be helping the users to print the values which is 45 00:03:48,650 --> 00:03:51,410 given in their code statement. 46 00:03:51,590 --> 00:04:00,530 So the syntax for using CODIS you have to use this year keyword, then you have to use this two symbols, 47 00:04:01,460 --> 00:04:05,990 which is the greater than grade and then symbols two are pointing towards the Hello world. 48 00:04:06,260 --> 00:04:09,140 So which means we will be printing this statement. 49 00:04:09,620 --> 00:04:16,010 So this is going to this streaming session operator, which will put the data to that standard output 50 00:04:16,160 --> 00:04:21,920 device, which is the monitor, so that all things you like would see our cover and then putting the 51 00:04:21,960 --> 00:04:30,140 stream insertion keyword or symbol that will be put to that monitor or standard output device in that 52 00:04:30,140 --> 00:04:30,740 system. 53 00:04:31,400 --> 00:04:35,270 So this is that in output statement for printing, hello. 54 00:04:35,840 --> 00:04:38,510 Then we will be writing return. 55 00:04:41,080 --> 00:04:41,560 Zero. 56 00:04:42,730 --> 00:04:49,960 So why are you liberating the 10 zero, it's like we have used main function with indigenous prototyping. 57 00:04:50,260 --> 00:04:52,820 So that's why we are using returns zero. 58 00:04:52,870 --> 00:04:58,120 So you will be wondering why this prototyping, why it is written statement everything so that we will 59 00:04:58,120 --> 00:05:00,220 cover in the module card functions. 60 00:05:00,370 --> 00:05:08,020 For now, we'll be writing our first and basic C++ programming program, and you need not to worry about 61 00:05:08,020 --> 00:05:10,080 all these statements meaning it or. 62 00:05:10,150 --> 00:05:15,340 So just see, this is the basic structure of C++ program. 63 00:05:15,550 --> 00:05:19,570 So now we can start running and executing the program. 64 00:05:19,810 --> 00:05:27,060 So first of all, like I have said, this program is in a language which we understand because it's 65 00:05:27,070 --> 00:05:33,160 in the language that seems like computers should Anderson, but it's only a language, which is meant 66 00:05:33,400 --> 00:05:35,800 more easier for us to understand. 67 00:05:36,040 --> 00:05:42,370 So what we need to do is like, we need to convert this language, this program in their statements, 68 00:05:42,790 --> 00:05:45,790 which computer can understand or that machine language. 69 00:05:45,940 --> 00:05:48,670 So we need to compile this program. 70 00:05:48,940 --> 00:05:54,760 So what we do to compile this program is, first of all, I think you are familiar with some of the 71 00:05:54,910 --> 00:05:55,570 next comments. 72 00:05:55,840 --> 00:06:00,610 My location of this particular program is desktop. 73 00:06:00,760 --> 00:06:06,210 So inside my terminal, I will be navigating through desktop then. 74 00:06:06,220 --> 00:06:10,120 Now I need to compile this file so that it will be. 75 00:06:10,120 --> 00:06:14,230 These instructions can be converted into machine instructions. 76 00:06:14,410 --> 00:06:23,200 So I will be comparing this program by writing a code like Commands by G Plus Plus, which is a combination 77 00:06:23,200 --> 00:06:28,020 command which we will use inside Linux or Mac OS. 78 00:06:28,210 --> 00:06:36,460 So Windows, it's kind of different so you can refer to the manual for Windows for compiling the program. 79 00:06:36,460 --> 00:06:38,830 It's available with that here. 80 00:06:39,160 --> 00:06:47,650 C C++ compiler tutorials are available on the Visual Studio board, so D-plus presses the command. 81 00:06:47,710 --> 00:06:49,930 Then I have to write the file name. 82 00:06:50,680 --> 00:06:52,300 Hello, Lloyd Doggett CB. 83 00:06:52,660 --> 00:06:59,770 So what happens when I press enter in this particular command is the D-plus Plus. 84 00:06:59,770 --> 00:07:07,210 Is that on Belarus to the system, it will compile my file Hello World C++ into a meaningful program. 85 00:07:07,390 --> 00:07:08,770 So let's hit. 86 00:07:08,770 --> 00:07:16,300 And so you don't see any kind of commands or get any kind of warning sign at us or here you can just 87 00:07:16,300 --> 00:07:18,820 see a blank next line coming in. 88 00:07:19,000 --> 00:07:21,850 That means your program is compiled successfully. 89 00:07:22,000 --> 00:07:23,200 You don't have any of it. 90 00:07:23,320 --> 00:07:28,720 So let's see what happens if my program have some kind of state also began seeing this do about it. 91 00:07:28,990 --> 00:07:36,250 So I'm replacing this semicolon and saving the program, and I'm again writing that computation statement 92 00:07:36,260 --> 00:07:39,730 over here, gebreselassie global Nazi people and pressing the end. 93 00:07:40,450 --> 00:07:42,960 So now you can see the exact error. 94 00:07:42,970 --> 00:07:48,890 I say there should be a semicolon after the end of the program, and here I didn't put the semicolon. 95 00:07:48,910 --> 00:07:53,600 So what happened the program through and error and the combination was failed. 96 00:07:53,890 --> 00:08:00,460 So in order to make this successful and flipping the semicolon again, saving the program again and 97 00:08:00,580 --> 00:08:08,230 running the completion call or the statement now it's compiled successfully. 98 00:08:09,470 --> 00:08:17,810 So after the competition, we will get an executable file in our system, so you can see over here there 99 00:08:17,810 --> 00:08:20,990 is a file created called in or out. 100 00:08:21,200 --> 00:08:23,720 We just not there previously. 101 00:08:24,020 --> 00:08:27,780 So this is that compiled at the site of that program. 102 00:08:28,640 --> 00:08:29,990 So this is the executable. 103 00:08:30,470 --> 00:08:32,600 No, you need to execute that program. 104 00:08:32,600 --> 00:08:35,210 So our program was created in CBP. 105 00:08:35,360 --> 00:08:42,200 We have compiled it and we have created an executable file, which computer can understand. 106 00:08:42,500 --> 00:08:49,640 So if I try to open this executable file in some kind of extended test, you will be getting the idea 107 00:08:49,820 --> 00:08:51,390 like what it will be looking like. 108 00:08:51,410 --> 00:08:56,930 So I will just open it in some sort of program. 109 00:08:57,710 --> 00:09:01,700 Let's go with the text editor and an opening that see here. 110 00:09:01,700 --> 00:09:04,490 We have a lot of things, but we don't understand anything. 111 00:09:04,910 --> 00:09:09,500 This means this is the actual compiled version of our program. 112 00:09:09,830 --> 00:09:15,320 It's not in that sense which we understand because it's something else. 113 00:09:15,320 --> 00:09:18,380 It's something understandable only to the computer. 114 00:09:18,380 --> 00:09:20,420 So we need not to worry about this. 115 00:09:20,630 --> 00:09:23,630 What we can do is like we can execute this file. 116 00:09:23,870 --> 00:09:30,360 So to execute this 8ot out, which is a result of my comp. Hello world, not CBB, I have a comment. 117 00:09:30,380 --> 00:09:32,060 Let's go to that comment. 118 00:09:32,390 --> 00:09:34,850 Dot slash here, dog. 119 00:09:35,630 --> 00:09:41,300 So my file name of the campaign file name is, you know, now and I am writing Dot Slash to execute 120 00:09:41,300 --> 00:09:42,770 backward and embarrassing. 121 00:09:42,770 --> 00:09:50,780 And so now you can see how older dog here, which is that the side of my program so you can see how 122 00:09:50,780 --> 00:09:59,510 many statements we have here in our particular programming language, C++ in order to just print Hello 123 00:09:59,510 --> 00:10:00,920 World and the council. 124 00:10:01,070 --> 00:10:07,940 So think about the large programs in the hour, the software's in the market or a play store, or even 125 00:10:07,940 --> 00:10:10,640 the system or the computer, which we use. 126 00:10:10,970 --> 00:10:16,910 How many lines it should probably have to create to such a complex program? 127 00:10:17,120 --> 00:10:17,420 Right. 128 00:10:17,600 --> 00:10:23,630 So that is one thing which you have to think, and this is how we execute C++ program. 129 00:10:24,680 --> 00:10:28,400 So pretty much in this module, we have covered our topics. 130 00:10:28,760 --> 00:10:33,020 We discussed the basic understanding of programming, what is programming? 131 00:10:33,500 --> 00:10:41,930 And we also discussed the peculiarities of programming languages, C++ and also we have seen how to 132 00:10:41,930 --> 00:10:46,490 write their basic C++ program, how to run or how to compile it. 133 00:10:46,760 --> 00:10:52,610 So I hope this year that you have understood pretty much everything, and I suppose you should have 134 00:10:52,820 --> 00:11:00,020 some confusions here and there because it should be there because this is just an introductory section 135 00:11:00,290 --> 00:11:06,590 and moving further, we will be learning much more about this programming language and we will be understanding 136 00:11:06,590 --> 00:11:12,680 why we will be using all these things and we will be understanding more concepts, which we discussed 137 00:11:12,680 --> 00:11:20,140 in just a small portion or like in a summary here in this unit, more in depth in comment on it. 138 00:11:20,150 --> 00:11:22,400 So you will be able to understand more things.