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[Volver] Parent Directory - [VID] 1. Intro to Certified Kubernetes Security (CKS) .mp4 54M [VID] 2. Kubernetes Cluster and Node Hardening .mp4 65M [VID] 3. Secure Microservices with Service Mesh and Policy .mp4 70M [VID] 4. Discuss Software Supply Chain Security .mp4 71M [VID] 5. Kubernetes Monitoring and Runtime Security .mp4 51M [VID] 6. Learn Network Policy Security Concepts in Kubernetes .mp4 45M [VID] 7. Block Network Traffic by Source CIDR Block .mp4 38M [VID] 8. Apply Pod Selectors to Kubernetes Network Policy .mp4 28M [VID] 9. Select Network Traffic by Source Namespace .mp4 32M [VID] 10. Apply Egress Rules to Kubernetes Network Policy .mp4 42M [VID] 11. Deploy Example Kubernetes Network Policy Scenario .mp4 29M [VID] 12. Practice Kubernetes Network Policy .mp4 30M [VID] 13. Intro to Securing Kubernetes GUIs .mp4 90M [VID] 14. Secure Kubernetes GUIs with Cloud Native Firewalls .mp4 67M [VID] 15. Encrypt Network Packets with Ingress and TLS .mp4 51M [VID] 16. Understand Kubernetes Network Policies for Securing GUIs .mp4 47M [VID] 17. Enable AuthN and AuthZ for Kubernetes GUI Security .mp4 53M [VID] 18. Disable Web UIs for Improved Cluster Security .mp4 56M [VID] 19. Intro to CIS Benchmarks for Kubernetes .mp4 59M [VID] 20. Discuss the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark Document .mp4 45M [VID] 21. Understand Etcd and Control Plane Authentication Recommendations .mp4 61M [VID] 22. Review Kubernetes Worker Node CIS Benchmarks .mp4 13M [VID] 23. Learn Kubernetes Policy CIS Benchmarks .mp4 83M [VID] 24. Intro to Kubernetes Sealed Secrets .mp4 66M [VID] 25. Deploy Bitnami Sealed Secrets to Kubernetes Cluster .mp4 90M [VID] 26. Encrypt Secrets with Kubeseal CLI Tool .mp4 60M [VID] 27. Deploy and Unwrap Sealed Secret Resources on Kubernetes .mp4 29M [VID] 28. Intro to Chaos Mesh for Kubernetes .mp4 58M [VID] 29. Install Chaos Mesh on Kubernetes Clusters .mp4 76M [VID] 30. Explore the Chaos Mesh Dashboard UI .mp4 37M [VID] 31. Inject HTTP Chaos Mesh Experiment into Pods .mp4 84M [VID] 32. Intro to Signing Container Images .mp4 57M [VID] 33. Understanding Sigstore Cosign CLI .mp4 73M [VID] 34. Install Cosign CLI and Generate Key Pair .mp4 79M [VID] 35. Build and Digitally Sign Container Image with Cosign .mp4 90M [VID] 36. Intro to Open Service Mesh for Kubernetes .mp4 47M [VID] 37. Understand Open Service Mesh Installation Process .mp4 57M [VID] 38 Install Open Service Mesh on Kubernetes with OSM CLI .mp4 48M [VID] 39. Onboard Kubernetes Namespaces to Open Service Mesh .mp4 49M [VID] 40. Verify Service Connectivity from OSM Client Pod .mp4 34M [VID] 41. Limit Network Connectivity with OSM IngressBackend Resource .mp4 68M [VID] 42. Intro to Hashicorp Vault on Kubernetes .mp4 35M [VID] 43. Understanding Hashicorp Vault Architecture on Kubernetes .mp4 56M [VID] 44. Install Hashicorp Vault on Kubernetes with Helm .mp4 39M [VID] 45. Initialize and Unseal Hashicorp Vault and Create Secret .mp4 39M [VID] 46. Create Vault Permissions Policy and Role .mp4 26M [VID] 47. Inject Hashicorp Vault Secrets into Kubernetes Pod .mp4 74M [VID] 48. Intro to Pod Security Policies .mp4 53M [VID] 49. Learn Pod Security Policy Architecture .mp4 50M [VID] 50. Test Default Behavior of Kubernetes PSPs .mp4 42M [VID] 51. Create Kubernetes Service Account and Pod Security Policy .mp4 24M [VID] 52. Create Role and Validate PSP Behavior .mp4 35M [VID] 53. Intro to Kubernetes Admission Controllers .mp4 70M [VID] 54. Learn About Dynamic Admission Controllers .mp4 60M [VID] 55. Examine Built-in Kubernetes Admission Controllers .mp4 68M [VID] 56. Customize Kubernetes (k3s) API Server Admission Plugins .mp4 65M [VID] 57. Intro to Auditing in Kubernetes .mp4 73M [VID] 58. Understanding Kubernetes Audit Policy Configuration .mp4 81M [VID] 59. Install K3S and Enable Audit Logging .mp4 73M [VID] 60. Enable Kubernetes Audit Backend .mp4 52M [VID] 61. Intro to Kubernetes Event Resources .mp4 80M [VID] 62. Explore Kubernetes Event Schema .mp4 59M [VID] 63. Understand Node Level Events in Kubernetes .mp4 29M [VID] 64. Explore Pod Events in Kubernetes .mp4 44M [VID] 65. Filter Kubernetes Events with Kubectl CLI .mp4 48M [VID] 66. Intro to Processing Kubernetes Audit Logs .mp4 74M [VID] 67. Provision Kubernetes Audit Database with MySQL .mp4 62M [VID] 68. Connect to MySQL Database from PowerShell and VSCode .mp4 69M [VID] 69. Parse Kubernetes JSON Audit Logs and Insert MySQL Records .mp4 134M [VID] 70. Intro to Container Image Verification in Kubernetes .mp4 117M [VID] 71. Customize Connaisseur Helm Variables .mp4 61M [VID] 72. Install Connaisseur Helm Chart .mp4 40M [VID] 73. Build and Test Signed Container Image .mp4 104M [VID] 74. Intro to Container Image Vulnerability Scanning Tools .mp4 50M [VID] 75. Explore Trivy Scanner Functionality .mp4 62M [VID] 76. Deep Dive Into Trivy Vulnerability Data Sources .mp4 74M [VID] 77. Run Trivy Vulnerability Scan on Linux VM .mp4 76M [VID] 78. Intro to Falco Open Source Event Detection .mp4 60M [VID] 79. Learn About Falco Sidekick Utility .mp4 49M [VID] 80. Engage with the Falco Development Community .mp4 52M [VID] 81. Install Falco on Linux Virtual Machine .mp4 59M [VID] 82. Review Falco Configuration Files and Launch Falco .mp4 61M [VID] 83. Intro to Teleport Proxy Security for Kubernetes .mp4 37M [VID] 84. Understanding Teleport Architecture on Kubernetes .mp4 46M [VID] 85. Install Teleport Proxy on Kubernetes Cluster .mp4 57M [VID] 86. Configure Teleport DNS Endpoint and User .mp4 58M [VID] 87. Login to Kubernetes Cluster via Teleport CLI .mp4 68M [VID] 88. Intro to Kyverno Policy Management for Kubernetes .mp4 82M [VID] 89. Install Kyverno on Kubernetes Cluster with Helm .mp4 68M [VID] 90. Examine Kyverno Policy Library and Network Policy .mp4 54M [VID] 91. Apply Kyverno Policy to Enforce Kubernetes Quotas .mp4 33M [VID] 92. Intro to Kubernetes Monitoring with Sumo Logic .mp4 28M [VID] 93. Install Sumo Logic Helm Chart on Kubernetes Cluster .mp4 47M [VID] 94. Explore Sumo Logic Open Source Components .mp4 36M [VID] 95. Explore Built-in Kubernetes Dashboards in Sumo Logic .mp4 25M [VID] 96. Understanding Kubernetes E-mail Alerts in Sumo Logic .mp4 42M [VID] 97. Intro to Kubernetes Dynamic Admission Controllers .mp4 66M [VID] 98. Learn Basic Structure of Validating Webhook Configuration .mp4 62M [VID] 99. Understanding Kubernetes Webhook Configuration Rules .mp4 66M [VID] 100. Setting the Client Config for Kubernetes Webhook Configs .mp4 56M [VID] 101. Understanding Extra Webhook Config Options .mp4 47M [VID] 102. Inspect Validating Webhook Config Requests .mp4 57M [VID] 103. Intro to Container Image Scanning with GitHub Actions .mp4 76M [VID] 104. Create Simple GitHub Actions Project .mp4 32M [VID] 105. Install and Run Trivy in GitHub Actions .mp4 54M [VID] 106. Abort GitHub Actions Workflow on Detected Vulnerabilities .mp4 29M [VID] 107. Improve Trivy Performance in GitHub Actions .mp4 50M [VID] 108. Schedule Chaos Mesh Experiments with Cron Expressions .mp4 78M [VID] 109. Develop Complex Chaos Mesh Workflows .mp4 49M [VID] 110. Inject Stress Chaos into Kubernetes Pods .mp4 47M [VID] 111. Perform Kubernetes Network Attacks with Chaos Mesh .mp4 41M [VID] 112. Intro to Pod Security Standards .mp4 90M [VID] 113. Implement Warning for Baseline Pod Security Standard on Namespace .mp4 102M [VID] 114. Enforce Baseline Pod Security Standard Versions .mp4 48M [VID] 115. Apply Pod Security Standard to Entire Kubernetes Cluster .mp4 67M [VID] 116. Intro to Kubernetes API Priority and Fairness .mp4 50M [VID] 117. Understanding API Priority _ Fairness Resources .mp4 48M [VID] 118. Examine Kubernetes FlowSchema Resource Type .mp4 3.7M [VID] 119. Validate FlowSchema Applied During k8s API Requests .mp4 58M [VID] 120. Explore Kubernetes Priority Level Configuration Queues .mp4 55M [VID] 121. Intro to Kubernetes Infrastructure Testing with Pester .mp4 9.0M [VID] 122. Discuss Specific Use Cases for Automated Kubernetes Testing .mp4 42M [VID] 123. Setting Up PowerShell and Pester Dev Environment .mp4 29M [VID] 124. Write Pester Test for Kubernetes Pods in Default Namespace .mp4 48M [VID] 125. Write Pester Test for Kubernetes Deployment Replica Count .mp4 47M [VID] 126. Add Pester Template Strings to Test Cases .mp4 32M [VID] 127. Write Pester Test for Kubernetes Cluster Role Bindings .mp4 52M [VID] 128. What_s Driving the Need for Policy .mp4 57M [VID] 129. Intro to Open Policy Agent (OPA) Concepts .mp4 66M [VID] 130. Understand OPA Gatekeeper Architecture with Kubernetes .mp4 60M [VID] 131. Install OPA Gatekeeper on Kubernetes Cluster .mp4 55M [VID] 132. Deploy OPA Constraints to Kubernetes Cluster .mp4 65M [VID] 133. Remediate Audit Violations from OPA Gatekeeper .mp4 61M [VID] 134. Intro to Kubernetes Resource Validation with Datree .mp4 62M [VID] 135. Run Datree CLI Against Local Kubernetes Manifest .mp4 30M [VID] 136. Skip Datree Policy Rules with Resource Annotations .mp4 38M [VID] 137. Evaluate Datree Policy Rules on Live Kubernetes Resources .mp4 52M [VID] 138. Configure Datree Policies Centrally or Locally .mp4 38M [VID] 139. Intro to Rego for Open Policy Agent (OPA) .mp4 21M [VID] 140. Create Rego Policy and Parse with OPA CLI .mp4 41M [VID] 141. Write Rego Policy Tests and Execute with OPA CLI .mp4 22M [VID] 142. Pass Inputs to Rego Policies and Use String Functions .mp4 29M [VID] 143. Evaluate Rego Policy Return Values .mp4 21M [VID] 144. Implement Time Window Policy in Rego .mp4 47M

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