1 00:00:00,570 --> 00:00:08,200 In this video we're going to cover some of the main Linux operating system components in the Microsoft 2 00:00:08,200 --> 00:00:08,880 section. 3 00:00:08,890 --> 00:00:15,180 We talked about Windows processes Linux operating systems also run processes. 4 00:00:15,270 --> 00:00:17,890 They work a little bit differently. 5 00:00:17,960 --> 00:00:21,020 Linux processes are classified as either parent or child. 6 00:00:21,020 --> 00:00:30,140 Processes like you would probably guess child processes are processes that are created from parent processes. 7 00:00:30,140 --> 00:00:38,170 When a parent process creates a child process it is called a fork each process is assigned a unique 8 00:00:38,170 --> 00:00:46,570 idea the ion I.T. process has process idea of one because it is the only process that does not have 9 00:00:46,570 --> 00:00:53,940 a parent process and is at the top of the process tree to view processes in the terminal you can run 10 00:00:53,940 --> 00:01:00,960 the P.S. command and then to see a list of available options for different data that can be provided 11 00:01:00,960 --> 00:01:09,290 from that command you can run dash dash help and then all and then it gives you an explanation of the 12 00:01:09,290 --> 00:01:17,160 miscellaneous options that you can add to that command by throw up here can see some more of the options 13 00:01:17,160 --> 00:01:21,210 that are available. 14 00:01:21,470 --> 00:01:28,500 I like to add the A E and F options so I'll go ahead and do that by entering. 15 00:01:28,500 --> 00:01:33,300 P.S. dash each miscellaneous option that I like to use. 16 00:01:33,300 --> 00:01:40,820 So a and then here's a nice list of the processes running on my Linux operating system. 17 00:01:43,500 --> 00:01:49,240 When I go to the top here here you can see the process I.D. and then parent process idea. 18 00:01:53,120 --> 00:01:56,640 And then you see the relationship between processes I run. 19 00:01:56,720 --> 00:01:57,970 P.S. tree 20 00:02:00,860 --> 00:02:06,690 and this is really cool because it gives you a nice visual representation of how everything's tied together 21 00:02:06,690 --> 00:02:07,860 between the processes 22 00:02:10,870 --> 00:02:17,920 operating systems can be used by multiple users at the same time to decide between who can access what 23 00:02:18,250 --> 00:02:26,140 file permissions are used to control access to system files to maintain a secure system these permissions 24 00:02:26,350 --> 00:02:35,840 must be as strict as possible to prevent malicious users from accessing resources to see what permissions 25 00:02:35,870 --> 00:02:39,870 a file has in Linux you can enter the terminal command. 26 00:02:39,900 --> 00:02:48,590 I'll ask Alec to add the dash l command the values in the left column represent the permissions for 27 00:02:48,590 --> 00:02:49,250 each file 28 00:02:52,130 --> 00:02:56,420 to modify file permissions you can use the C H M O D command. 29 00:02:56,870 --> 00:03:06,050 So in this example I assign the permission values 7 7 7 to the file named file and as you can see the 30 00:03:06,050 --> 00:03:14,750 highest permission that you can assign to a file is 7 4 stands for read 2 stands for right and then 31 00:03:14,750 --> 00:03:16,280 1 stands for. 32 00:03:16,550 --> 00:03:17,000 Execute 33 00:03:20,190 --> 00:03:29,070 so using C HMO D 7 7 7 and the file name you would provide full access to that file 1 really valuable 34 00:03:29,100 --> 00:03:33,190 command and Linux is pseudo which stands for super user. 35 00:03:33,210 --> 00:03:37,940 Do some commands will not execute without super user rights. 36 00:03:39,210 --> 00:03:43,620 If a command needs to be used but the current user does not have permissions to the file. 37 00:03:43,800 --> 00:03:51,330 The pseudo command can be used on demand to give a user super user rights when the pseudo command is 38 00:03:51,330 --> 00:03:51,890 entered. 39 00:03:51,960 --> 00:03:58,720 The user will be prompted to enter a user password that must be entered before the user rights are elevated. 40 00:03:58,860 --> 00:04:04,500 It is very common to encounter the pseudo log in requirement when you are using Linux terminal commands. 41 00:04:06,640 --> 00:04:15,320 Some links is short for symbolic links so instead of entering a long path for a file or directory you 42 00:04:15,320 --> 00:04:19,940 can use a sim link as a shortcut to access the file or directory 43 00:04:23,660 --> 00:04:24,010 OK. 44 00:04:24,050 --> 00:04:26,870 So here I am in my Linux lab machine. 45 00:04:26,960 --> 00:04:32,990 I'm going to create a directory with a really long folder path and then I'll show you how to create 46 00:04:32,990 --> 00:04:35,990 assembly so I can access the same directory. 47 00:04:35,990 --> 00:04:37,700 Both our entering a really long path. 48 00:04:38,510 --> 00:04:41,220 So first I'm going to enter the command M.K.. 49 00:04:41,350 --> 00:04:48,640 Are and I'm going to make a new directory called backups and then to navigate to that directory I'm 50 00:04:48,640 --> 00:04:55,030 going to use the command D which stands for change directory which is another very commonly used Linux 51 00:04:55,030 --> 00:05:02,360 command to change directory and if I just hit tab then I can see some of the directories that I can 52 00:05:02,360 --> 00:05:10,490 jump to based on where I am in my Linux terminal and then I can either type in backups and hit forward 53 00:05:10,490 --> 00:05:12,890 slash and enter. 54 00:05:12,900 --> 00:05:18,980 That takes me right to my backups directory or I'll go back to the beginning with just entering S.D. 55 00:05:19,010 --> 00:05:22,070 again or I can just do CDMA. 56 00:05:23,090 --> 00:05:28,250 And then part of the name of the directory and then I can I can tab it out and if I had folders within 57 00:05:28,250 --> 00:05:35,240 this backups directory I could just keep hitting tab to navigate through that so I'm going to enter 58 00:05:35,270 --> 00:05:43,710 my backups directory and then I'm going to make another directory within their called Monday and off 59 00:05:43,910 --> 00:05:45,150 CDE and tab. 60 00:05:45,150 --> 00:05:52,440 You can see I can navigate to my Monday folder just to make this example match the PowerPoint slide. 61 00:05:52,610 --> 00:05:58,700 I'll go ahead and create new directories to match each weekday 62 00:06:09,920 --> 00:06:10,920 okay. 63 00:06:11,920 --> 00:06:16,600 So now we have our Friday directory 64 00:06:19,350 --> 00:06:27,600 and you can see that if I wanted to navigate to that directory even though I can tab it out have to 65 00:06:27,600 --> 00:06:29,460 remember this long path to get there. 66 00:06:29,730 --> 00:06:36,690 So now we'll create a assembling to access the Friday directory by using a shortcut word that we define 67 00:06:36,690 --> 00:06:39,560 with within the assembling configuration. 68 00:06:39,650 --> 00:06:47,280 So before I create the assembly I'm going to add a file to this directory so that we least have something 69 00:06:47,280 --> 00:06:52,520 to to list when we access it the touch command will create a file. 70 00:06:53,310 --> 00:07:00,390 So I'll say touch and then the file name will be file that T T. 71 00:07:00,530 --> 00:07:03,800 Now when I do I was minus Al in this directory. 72 00:07:03,800 --> 00:07:12,580 I have a file to reference here so we go all way back to the beginning and to make a assembling we'll 73 00:07:12,640 --> 00:07:23,410 use the command line space dash as the path of the original directory that we want to create assembling 74 00:07:23,410 --> 00:07:27,780 for say backups and I'll just have it all the way out. 75 00:07:28,210 --> 00:07:33,740 And then the name of our symbol Inc or shortcut and I'll call it Friday. 76 00:07:34,760 --> 00:07:37,060 I can spell Friday link 77 00:07:40,010 --> 00:07:42,340 so now to access our assembling. 78 00:07:42,530 --> 00:07:48,530 I can simply just navigate to it just like I would any other directory so I'll say change directory 79 00:07:48,530 --> 00:07:54,630 to Friday link to al us minus Al to list the contents of that directory. 80 00:07:54,800 --> 00:07:56,840 There you can see I have my file. 81 00:07:57,200 --> 00:08:04,650 So I was able to jump directly to this directory or folder if that shortcut simile. 82 00:08:08,270 --> 00:08:12,110 The last Linux topic I want to cover is demons. 83 00:08:12,170 --> 00:08:21,250 These are programs that run as background processes and they are equivalent to services that run Windows 84 00:08:21,250 --> 00:08:29,770 operating system one unique thing you should know about demons is since their system processes their 85 00:08:29,770 --> 00:08:36,910 parent process is normally going to be the process which has a process I.D. of one 86 00:08:40,370 --> 00:08:49,650 some common demon examples would be things like DCP RTP and SS age and you'll notice that their names 87 00:08:49,650 --> 00:08:51,140 typically end with a D. 88 00:08:51,450 --> 00:08:52,320 As you see here.