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[Volver] Parent Directory - [TXT] 1.1 Course Resources.html 122 [VID] 1. How to Translate a Business Problem into a Machine Learning Problem.mp4 42M [TXT] 1. How to Translate a Business Problem into a Machine Learning Problem.srt 9.7K [Fichero comrpimido] 2.1 SpamData.zip 21M [VID] 2. Gathering Email Data and Working with Archives & Text Editors.mp4 112M [TXT] 2. Gathering Email Data and Working with Archives & Text Editors.srt 14K [VID] 3. How to Add the Lesson Resources to the Project.mp4 29M [TXT] 3. How to Add the Lesson Resources to the Project.srt 5.0K [VID] 4. The Naive Bayes Algorithm and the Decision Boundary for a Classifier.mp4 33M [TXT] 4. The Naive Bayes Algorithm and the Decision Boundary for a Classifier.srt 6.1K [VID] 5. Basic Probability.mp4 29M [TXT] 5. Basic Probability.srt 5.3K [VID] 6. Joint & Conditional Probability.mp4 142M [TXT] 6. Joint & Conditional Probability.srt 20K [VID] 7. Bayes Theorem.mp4 84M [TXT] 7. Bayes Theorem.srt 15K [VID] 8. Reading Files (Part 1) Absolute Paths and Relative Paths.mp4 61M [TXT] 8. Reading Files (Part 1) Absolute Paths and Relative Paths.srt 12K [VID] 9. Reading Files (Part 2) Stream Objects and Email Structure.mp4 104M [TXT] 9. Reading Files (Part 2) Stream Objects and Email Structure.srt 15K [VID] 10. Extracting the Text in the Email Body.mp4 47M [TXT] 10. Extracting the Text in the Email Body.srt 6.0K [VID] 11. [Python] - Generator Functions & the yield Keyword.mp4 133M [TXT] 11. [Python] - Generator Functions & the yield Keyword.srt 22K [VID] 12. Create a Pandas DataFrame of Email Bodies.mp4 49M [TXT] 12. Create a Pandas DataFrame of Email Bodies.srt 7.2K [VID] 13. Cleaning Data (Part 1) Check for Empty Emails & Null Entries.mp4 122M [TXT] 13. Cleaning Data (Part 1) Check for Empty Emails & Null Entries.srt 18K [VID] 14. Cleaning Data (Part 2) Working with a DataFrame Index.mp4 62M [TXT] 14. Cleaning Data (Part 2) Working with a DataFrame Index.srt 9.2K [VID] 15. Saving a JSON File with Pandas.mp4 56M [TXT] 15. Saving a JSON File with Pandas.srt 6.9K [VID] 16. Data Visualisation (Part 1) Pie Charts.mp4 91M [TXT] 16. Data Visualisation (Part 1) Pie Charts.srt 16K [VID] 17. Data Visualisation (Part 2) Donut Charts.mp4 62M [TXT] 17. Data Visualisation (Part 2) Donut Charts.srt 9.6K [VID] 18. Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP).mp4 51M [TXT] 18. Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP).srt 8.2K [VID] 19. Tokenizing, Removing Stop Words and the Python Set Data Structure.mp4 118M [TXT] 19. Tokenizing, Removing Stop Words and the Python Set Data Structure.srt 19K [VID] 20. Word Stemming & Removing Punctuation.mp4 71M [TXT] 20. Word Stemming & Removing Punctuation.srt 11K [VID] 21. Removing HTML tags with BeautifulSoup.mp4 96M [TXT] 21. Removing HTML tags with BeautifulSoup.srt 11K [VID] 22. Creating a Function for Text Processing.mp4 54M [TXT] 22. Creating a Function for Text Processing.srt 8.4K [TXT] 23. A Note for the Next Lesson.html 476 [VID] 24. Advanced Subsetting on DataFrames the apply() Function.mp4 83M [TXT] 24. Advanced Subsetting on DataFrames the apply() Function.srt 14K [VID] 25. [Python] - Logical Operators to Create Subsets and Indices.mp4 86M [TXT] 25. [Python] - Logical Operators to Create Subsets and Indices.srt 15K [VID] 26. Word Clouds & How to install Additional Python Packages.mp4 79M [TXT] 26. Word Clouds & How to install Additional Python Packages.srt 12K [VID] 27. Creating your First Word Cloud.mp4 98M [TXT] 27. Creating your First Word Cloud.srt 14K [VID] 28. Styling the Word Cloud with a Mask.mp4 131M [TXT] 28. Styling the Word Cloud with a Mask.srt 17K [VID] 29. Solving the Hamlet Challenge.mp4 57M [TXT] 29. Solving the Hamlet Challenge.srt 6.0K [VID] 30. Styling Word Clouds with Custom Fonts.mp4 127M [TXT] 30. Styling Word Clouds with Custom Fonts.srt 15K [VID] 31. Create the Vocabulary for the Spam Classifier.mp4 107M [TXT] 31. Create the Vocabulary for the Spam Classifier.srt 18K [VID] 32. Coding Challenge Check for Membership in a Collection.mp4 32M [TXT] 32. Coding Challenge Check for Membership in a Collection.srt 6.1K [VID] 33. Coding Challenge Find the Longest Email.mp4 54M [TXT] 33. Coding Challenge Find the Longest Email.srt 7.5K [VID] 34. Sparse Matrix (Part 1) Split the Training and Testing Data.mp4 88M [TXT] 34. Sparse Matrix (Part 1) Split the Training and Testing Data.srt 15K [VID] 35. Sparse Matrix (Part 2) Data Munging with Nested Loops.mp4 137M [TXT] 35. Sparse Matrix (Part 2) Data Munging with Nested Loops.srt 22K [VID] 36. Sparse Matrix (Part 3) Using groupby() and Saving .txt Files.mp4 80M [TXT] 36. Sparse Matrix (Part 3) Using groupby() and Saving .txt Files.srt 12K [VID] 37. Coding Challenge Solution Preparing the Test Data.mp4 29M [TXT] 37. Coding Challenge Solution Preparing the Test Data.srt 4.5K [VID] 38. Checkpoint Understanding the Data.mp4 96M [TXT] 38. Checkpoint Understanding the Data.srt 14K [Fichero comrpimido] 39.1 06 Bayes Classifier - Pre-Processing.ipynb.zip 1.0M [TXT] 39. Download the Complete Notebook Here.html 242 [TXT] 40. Any Feedback on this Section.html 519

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