1 00:00:01,310 --> 00:00:03,830 Welcome to this brand new module. 2 00:00:03,830 --> 00:00:06,470 So let's talk about what's coming up. 3 00:00:06,470 --> 00:00:10,620 If you remember we did a whole lot of work in the previous modules. 4 00:00:10,650 --> 00:00:16,280 Now we weren't exactly tilling the land but we did the machine learning equivalent with the amnesty 5 00:00:16,330 --> 00:00:23,360 data set for recognizing handwritten digits namely we built a neural network in the form of a multilayer 6 00:00:23,360 --> 00:00:24,220 perception. 7 00:00:24,740 --> 00:00:27,980 And we did all of this in Jupiter notebook. 8 00:00:27,980 --> 00:00:34,340 There we set up the layers and then we defined our loss and optimization metrics. 9 00:00:34,340 --> 00:00:42,690 And then we went on to train our model and while our training was happening we were analyzing and evaluating 10 00:00:42,690 --> 00:00:45,560 our model's performance using tensor board. 11 00:00:45,570 --> 00:00:50,070 Now all of this hard work is going to be the foundation for what we're going to do now. 12 00:00:50,130 --> 00:00:56,060 At this point we are ready to really reap the fruits of our labor because in this module we're going 13 00:00:56,060 --> 00:00:59,240 to take the final step in our machine learning workflow. 14 00:00:59,370 --> 00:01:05,580 We're actually going to deploy our model and what I mean by that I mean that at the moment our model 15 00:01:05,580 --> 00:01:07,650 is sitting on our local computer. 16 00:01:07,650 --> 00:01:12,910 But we could also send it out into the world and get it to do some real work. 17 00:01:12,930 --> 00:01:19,530 And by that I mean creating a Web site where our model gets to predict some handwritten digits on some 18 00:01:19,530 --> 00:01:27,210 real life data but this will allow us to do is turn our machine learning model into an actual product. 19 00:01:27,210 --> 00:01:33,130 And we're going to do just that by creating a Web site called Math garden. 20 00:01:33,150 --> 00:01:40,350 And on this website kids or anyone really can practice their math skills by writing a digit into this 21 00:01:40,350 --> 00:01:41,950 black box here. 22 00:01:41,970 --> 00:01:45,870 So four plus two that is equal to six. 23 00:01:46,110 --> 00:01:52,710 And I can check my answer and if my answer is correct then our garden will start to grow. 24 00:01:52,800 --> 00:01:54,980 Two plus three is equal to five. 25 00:01:55,290 --> 00:02:01,110 And if I click check answer then we can see that our garden continues to grow. 26 00:02:01,110 --> 00:02:03,330 But what if we get it wrong three plus zero. 27 00:02:03,420 --> 00:02:08,570 What if that's equal to two instead of three then machine learning model. 28 00:02:08,580 --> 00:02:11,000 Well take a look at what's in this black box. 29 00:02:11,620 --> 00:02:16,140 And because we've got a wrong our garden will start to wither. 30 00:02:16,140 --> 00:02:17,830 So that's awesome right. 31 00:02:17,850 --> 00:02:24,030 So this is a really really neat application of the model that you've trained and that you've got already 32 00:02:24,240 --> 00:02:30,210 because now you can put it to work and make it predict what's in this box here and give it a purpose 33 00:02:30,450 --> 00:02:32,040 make it go live. 34 00:02:32,100 --> 00:02:38,490 And by the end of this module you'll be able to publish this Web site so that you get an actual your 35 00:02:38,490 --> 00:02:44,700 URL that you can then send to your friends and family and also show it off to potential employers as 36 00:02:44,700 --> 00:02:45,930 part of your portfolio. 37 00:02:46,500 --> 00:02:51,540 So now let's talk a little bit about the workflow of what we're going to be doing in this module how 38 00:02:51,540 --> 00:02:57,360 we're going to get to that final step where we publish our Web site and bring our product into the world 39 00:02:57,620 --> 00:02:58,300 first. 40 00:02:58,350 --> 00:03:01,760 Let's talk about saving and loading our models. 41 00:03:01,770 --> 00:03:03,270 Why is this useful. 42 00:03:03,270 --> 00:03:08,040 Well oftentimes training takes an incredibly long time. 43 00:03:08,220 --> 00:03:13,740 And after you've trained a model you want to be able to save or export that trained model. 44 00:03:13,740 --> 00:03:19,230 And conversely oftentimes you want to be able to load a model so that you can pick up training where 45 00:03:19,230 --> 00:03:20,280 you left off. 46 00:03:20,310 --> 00:03:24,720 This is the bit of the module where we're still going to be working in Jupiter notebook. 47 00:03:24,720 --> 00:03:29,910 I'm going to show you how you can save and export your amnesty model that you've trained. 48 00:03:29,910 --> 00:03:35,310 But step two is going to be deploying this model to the browser and this means getting our model to 49 00:03:35,310 --> 00:03:40,430 be able to work in Chrome Firefox or Microsoft Edge for example. 50 00:03:40,440 --> 00:03:46,380 Now there's one caveat for this step because we can't actually use regular tensor flow in our browsers 51 00:03:46,620 --> 00:03:47,180 for this. 52 00:03:47,190 --> 00:03:53,520 We need a version of tensor flow called tensor float J S and this will mean converting our model into 53 00:03:53,520 --> 00:03:54,260 a tensor flow. 54 00:03:54,250 --> 00:04:00,290 Yes so that it can be used on the web because that J.S. Pont stands for JavaScript. 55 00:04:00,360 --> 00:04:06,760 Speaking of JavaScript that's the programming language that we're gonna be using to build our Web site. 56 00:04:07,110 --> 00:04:10,710 And that's going to be step three as part of this workflow. 57 00:04:10,920 --> 00:04:18,510 We're going to be using HDMI all CSX and javascript to create our math garden Web site. 58 00:04:18,510 --> 00:04:24,180 This will involve writing the code to style our Web site writing the code to create this little canvas 59 00:04:24,180 --> 00:04:31,850 here where you can draw an image and also writing the logic of course to check the answers. 60 00:04:31,860 --> 00:04:37,980 Now this is not a web development course but not to worry we're gonna be keeping it simple and we'll 61 00:04:37,980 --> 00:04:39,350 stick to the basics. 62 00:04:39,420 --> 00:04:45,310 And besides now that you already know Python you're going to see all the same programming concepts apply 63 00:04:45,300 --> 00:04:46,540 to JavaScript. 64 00:04:46,710 --> 00:04:51,630 It's just gonna be a slightly different syntax but you're going to pick it up in no time. 65 00:04:51,720 --> 00:04:52,920 No problem. 66 00:04:52,920 --> 00:05:00,290 Trust me in the next part of the module it's going to be back to data science because we're going to 67 00:05:00,290 --> 00:05:02,530 have to pre process some data. 68 00:05:02,690 --> 00:05:03,670 What kind of data. 69 00:05:03,800 --> 00:05:06,500 And why do we need to pre process things. 70 00:05:06,500 --> 00:05:11,780 Well we're gonna have somebody draw a number onto a canvas right. 71 00:05:11,870 --> 00:05:13,460 That's how the website's gonna work. 72 00:05:13,760 --> 00:05:18,490 But drawing this on a canvas will give us an image. 73 00:05:18,680 --> 00:05:23,540 But what we need to give to our tensor flow Jesus model is in fact a tensor. 74 00:05:23,630 --> 00:05:29,280 It's gonna be an array of the pixel values that we've used to train our model on. 75 00:05:29,360 --> 00:05:32,900 So how do we go from an image to a tensor. 76 00:05:32,900 --> 00:05:35,230 And what additional steps do we need to take. 77 00:05:35,270 --> 00:05:41,360 Well we might have to crop the image we might have to scale the pixel values and we're also going to 78 00:05:41,360 --> 00:05:44,940 have to create an actual tensor and much much more. 79 00:05:45,020 --> 00:05:50,420 Now a lot of this work is actually incredibly involved but this is an opportunity to learn about an 80 00:05:50,420 --> 00:05:59,000 incredibly popular machine learning library called Open CV the CV stands for computer vision and open 81 00:05:59,000 --> 00:06:03,030 CV will be the library that will help us work with our images. 82 00:06:03,140 --> 00:06:09,260 It's incredibly powerful and also quite popular because it was originally developed by Intel back in 83 00:06:09,260 --> 00:06:14,980 nineteen ninety nine having pre processed our image data and turn it into a tensor. 84 00:06:14,990 --> 00:06:18,140 We can of course feed it into our tensor flow Jesus model. 85 00:06:18,260 --> 00:06:23,780 And at that point we can make a prediction based on the image and compare it to the correct result. 86 00:06:23,990 --> 00:06:28,280 If the answer is correct our garden will blossom and grow. 87 00:06:28,280 --> 00:06:33,680 And that brings us to the final step which is publishing our Web site. 88 00:06:33,680 --> 00:06:39,350 And the last part of the module we're going to go from working on our local machines and using our local 89 00:06:39,350 --> 00:06:44,570 host to publishing our Web site and giving it a real U.R.L.. 90 00:06:44,990 --> 00:06:50,810 I'm going to show you how you can make your website go live on the Internet so that you can send a link 91 00:06:50,870 --> 00:06:57,350 to your friends and family and co-workers and Twitter followers and everybody that you want to show 92 00:06:57,350 --> 00:06:58,520 your product to. 93 00:06:58,520 --> 00:07:01,320 So I hope you're as excited as I am. 94 00:07:01,370 --> 00:07:02,860 I'll see you in the next lesson. 95 00:07:02,870 --> 00:07:03,990 Let's get started.