1 00:00:00,540 --> 00:00:01,040 All right. 2 00:00:01,050 --> 00:00:04,860 Welcome to the last lesson of this module. 3 00:00:04,860 --> 00:00:11,550 In this lesson we're going to publish your Web site and deploy the machine learning model to the real 4 00:00:11,550 --> 00:00:12,860 world. 5 00:00:12,870 --> 00:00:16,570 We've done a lot of hard work and we've come a long way. 6 00:00:16,620 --> 00:00:21,810 We've saved our tens or flow model from Jupiter notebook we've converted our tensor flow model to a 7 00:00:21,810 --> 00:00:28,860 tensor flow J.S. then we styled and built our Web site and then we've pre processed our data from the 8 00:00:28,860 --> 00:00:30,610 drawing canvas. 9 00:00:30,630 --> 00:00:37,680 After that we made predictions using our train model based on what was drawn on the canvas. 10 00:00:37,680 --> 00:00:42,780 And now we're on the final step publishing our Web site and putting it out there into the real world. 11 00:00:43,980 --> 00:00:48,470 At the moment our Web site is still running on our local host. 12 00:00:48,630 --> 00:00:56,030 So nobody other than us can actually access it for somebody other than us to actually see our hard work. 13 00:00:56,090 --> 00:00:59,720 We need to host our Web site on somebody else's computer. 14 00:01:00,510 --> 00:01:06,990 And that means hosting our Web site somewhere other than our local machine but hosting a Web site usually 15 00:01:06,990 --> 00:01:08,430 costs money. 16 00:01:08,520 --> 00:01:15,120 But lucky for us there are a handful of services that provide hosting for free. 17 00:01:15,120 --> 00:01:18,360 One of these services that provides free hosting is. 18 00:01:18,360 --> 00:01:19,650 Get up get up. 19 00:01:19,650 --> 00:01:22,000 Pages in particular. 20 00:01:22,260 --> 00:01:28,860 All we need to do is create a github account and upload our project files. 21 00:01:28,860 --> 00:01:32,220 So what will our workflow look like. 22 00:01:32,220 --> 00:01:34,680 It's gonna be a three step process. 23 00:01:34,740 --> 00:01:38,250 Step one will be creating a repository. 24 00:01:38,250 --> 00:01:41,580 Step two will be uploading our project files. 25 00:01:41,710 --> 00:01:47,860 And step three will be to change the settings on our repository to publish our Web site. 26 00:01:48,300 --> 00:01:50,590 And that's it at this point. 27 00:01:50,640 --> 00:01:56,640 I will assume that you've already gone ahead and created your free account with GetUp GitHub if not 28 00:01:56,880 --> 00:02:00,160 pause this video and sign up right now. 29 00:02:00,180 --> 00:02:04,650 Once you've created your GitHub account you can create new repositories. 30 00:02:04,650 --> 00:02:09,570 So just click on this plus sign and click new repository. 31 00:02:09,570 --> 00:02:11,040 What's the repository. 32 00:02:11,040 --> 00:02:15,580 Think of a repository as just a folder on GitHub computers. 33 00:02:15,720 --> 00:02:20,070 This repository that you're creating right now is where the project files are going to go. 34 00:02:20,190 --> 00:02:28,920 So let's give our repository a name maybe call it your first name hyphen math hyphen garden so this 35 00:02:28,920 --> 00:02:32,370 name will show up in the your realm that you're going to get. 36 00:02:32,760 --> 00:02:35,730 So choose wisely. 37 00:02:35,730 --> 00:02:38,460 Next let's take a look at these options here. 38 00:02:38,490 --> 00:02:44,700 Leave it as public but then tick initialize this repository with a read me. 39 00:02:44,790 --> 00:02:50,020 Just take this little box here and then click Create repository. 40 00:02:50,040 --> 00:02:56,160 Now we're ready to upload our project files and this couldn't be easier. 41 00:02:56,250 --> 00:03:02,700 You can just click on this button here which says upload files and then you just drag and drop your 42 00:03:02,700 --> 00:03:05,600 files over from your computer. 43 00:03:05,610 --> 00:03:09,390 So bring up your windows explorer or your Mac finder. 44 00:03:09,660 --> 00:03:15,930 And then just select all the files and folders in your project folder. 45 00:03:15,930 --> 00:03:23,130 So this is going to be our index HDMI all your math thought J.S. all the files and then simply drag 46 00:03:23,130 --> 00:03:29,870 them over on to get up to Web site and then you should see it upload and when it's done that will progress 47 00:03:29,870 --> 00:03:31,400 Marshall disappear. 48 00:03:31,470 --> 00:03:35,850 So that puts us in a position to actually save our changes. 49 00:03:36,060 --> 00:03:41,940 Saving and updating files on github is a little bit more involved than usual because github is actually 50 00:03:41,940 --> 00:03:48,460 tracking all of these files with the files being tracked every time we save our changes. 51 00:03:48,600 --> 00:03:51,020 We're essentially creating a checkpoint. 52 00:03:51,300 --> 00:03:56,910 And that means in future we can go back and forth between all of these different checkpoints. 53 00:03:56,970 --> 00:04:01,860 In other words we can go back and forth between different versions of our project. 54 00:04:01,860 --> 00:04:08,460 So every time we save our changes we commit our changes and we create a checkpoint. 55 00:04:08,670 --> 00:04:17,160 That's why it's a great idea to add a little descriptive message here say adding initial project files 56 00:04:18,480 --> 00:04:26,010 that way we can take a look at these messages if we ever need to go back to the safe point on the radio 57 00:04:26,010 --> 00:04:34,130 button below leave committed directly to a master branch ticked and then click commit changes after 58 00:04:34,160 --> 00:04:41,030 a few seconds you should see that GetUp has finished processing the files and we can go and change the 59 00:04:41,030 --> 00:04:46,530 settings to actually publish our Web site once all your files are processed. 60 00:04:46,550 --> 00:04:48,360 You should see a page like this. 61 00:04:48,410 --> 00:04:56,690 So now we can go to the settings of this repository of him and then we can scroll down to where it says 62 00:04:56,890 --> 00:04:57,350 getup. 63 00:04:57,360 --> 00:04:58,510 Pages. 64 00:04:58,790 --> 00:05:03,040 This is the toggle where we go and publish our Web site. 65 00:05:03,170 --> 00:05:09,970 So at the moment him we have get a pages is currently disabled in order to publish our Web site. 66 00:05:09,980 --> 00:05:17,940 All we need to do is click here where it currently says none and then select master branch at this point. 67 00:05:17,960 --> 00:05:20,930 The website will update and appear ill say Get up. 68 00:05:20,920 --> 00:05:28,730 Pages source saved and scrolling down what you should now see is a message here that says your site 69 00:05:28,820 --> 00:05:30,940 is ready to be published at. 70 00:05:31,010 --> 00:05:33,730 And then here is your getup username. 71 00:05:33,740 --> 00:05:36,810 And then here's your repository name. 72 00:05:36,830 --> 00:05:40,450 Now publishing a Web site with GitHub pages can take a little while. 73 00:05:40,550 --> 00:05:44,490 So you might just grab a coffee and come back in a few minutes. 74 00:05:44,720 --> 00:05:50,360 But after a few minutes what you should be able to do is you should be able to click on this link and 75 00:05:50,450 --> 00:05:53,210 your Web site will actually load at this point. 76 00:05:53,240 --> 00:05:55,310 It's been published successfully. 77 00:05:55,700 --> 00:06:01,580 And when you refresh this page here with the settings and you scroll down then instead of having that 78 00:06:01,820 --> 00:06:04,660 blue message here you should now see this little tick mark. 79 00:06:04,760 --> 00:06:11,500 And then you should see your Web site is published and then your your URL right here. 80 00:06:11,660 --> 00:06:18,470 Now if you don't like having this your RL here and you want a custom your URL then you can actually 81 00:06:18,560 --> 00:06:22,840 add a custom domain name right here. 82 00:06:22,850 --> 00:06:25,310 However this is not a free service. 83 00:06:25,310 --> 00:06:27,330 This is something you'd have to pay for. 84 00:06:27,350 --> 00:06:34,040 So you'd have to separately go to a domain registrar like GoDaddy or name cheap and actually buy a domain 85 00:06:34,040 --> 00:06:35,170 from them. 86 00:06:35,240 --> 00:06:40,400 And once you've bought the domain from this other company then you can actually enter that here and 87 00:06:40,400 --> 00:06:46,980 you can change the URL of your project and that's all there is to it. 88 00:06:47,030 --> 00:06:50,780 So well done on completing this module. 89 00:06:50,990 --> 00:06:57,200 I know it was quite a challenging module with a lot of moving parts but now you know how you can deploy 90 00:06:57,200 --> 00:07:02,430 a machine learning model and make it do real work in the real world. 91 00:07:02,450 --> 00:07:05,120 I would actually love to see your work by the way. 92 00:07:05,120 --> 00:07:12,380 So if you've completed this project and you've created your GitHub repository and you've published it 93 00:07:12,680 --> 00:07:18,050 then go ahead and share a link in the comments section below this lesson. 94 00:07:18,050 --> 00:07:21,140 Until next time I'll see you on the next module. 95 00:07:21,140 --> 00:07:21,680 Take care.