1 00:00:00,150 --> 00:00:00,960 ‫Welcome back. 2 00:00:00,990 --> 00:00:03,240 ‫In this chapter, we are going to look at threads. 3 00:00:03,240 --> 00:00:05,790 ‫So this chapter was added after the fact. 4 00:00:05,790 --> 00:00:11,240 ‫So after I have finished this course and I received a lot of feedback, people asked me about threads. 5 00:00:11,250 --> 00:00:15,660 ‫It's the same with the delegate chapter, so I decided to add new chapters to the course. 6 00:00:15,660 --> 00:00:19,980 ‫So in case you feel like there is something very important missing, please let me know. 7 00:00:19,980 --> 00:00:21,600 ‫I will add that to the course as well. 8 00:00:21,600 --> 00:00:28,680 ‫And also in this trip that we're going to look at threads, the basics of them, how we can make sure 9 00:00:28,680 --> 00:00:33,240 ‫that things don't overlap and how we can make sure that things do overlap. 10 00:00:33,240 --> 00:00:38,010 ‫So what our thread pulls, how can we run threads in the background? 11 00:00:38,010 --> 00:00:44,340 ‫How we can join threads and make sure that the thread is still alive and is not already finished and 12 00:00:44,340 --> 00:00:46,200 ‫dead, so to speak. 13 00:00:46,200 --> 00:00:48,690 ‫So I'd say, let's dive right into this chapter. 14 00:00:48,690 --> 00:00:49,980 ‫I hope you'll enjoy it. 15 00:00:49,980 --> 00:00:51,300 ‫See you in the next video.