1 00:00:00,540 --> 00:00:01,110 Welcome back. 2 00:00:01,710 --> 00:00:07,770 Now, up until now, we saw the break, key word that we can use to break out of a loop. 3 00:00:07,950 --> 00:00:13,080 And you see here that we're able to loop with a for loop, but with a while loop, as soon as we break, 4 00:00:13,080 --> 00:00:13,620 we're done. 5 00:00:14,160 --> 00:00:17,310 We've just well broken out of the loop. 6 00:00:17,730 --> 00:00:20,580 But could we do that in a for loop? 7 00:00:21,320 --> 00:00:21,890 Let's find out. 8 00:00:24,250 --> 00:00:28,590 Yep, brake keyboard works in a for loop as well. 9 00:00:29,750 --> 00:00:35,720 But there's actually two other things that we can use besides break. 10 00:00:36,620 --> 00:00:47,330 One is called continue, and you can see here again, Blue highlighting if I do continue here and I 11 00:00:47,330 --> 00:00:48,230 click run. 12 00:00:49,980 --> 00:00:56,250 There you go, we get our looping again, but you're thinking, why, why do we need this? 13 00:00:56,580 --> 00:00:59,040 Like, it seems completely useless, right? 14 00:00:59,730 --> 00:01:01,320 Well, a break. 15 00:01:01,320 --> 00:01:06,620 When we use the breaks, they meant it breaks out of the current and closing loop. 16 00:01:06,840 --> 00:01:12,480 So when we used a break statement, we broke out of this loop right. 17 00:01:12,480 --> 00:01:14,880 This whole while loop, we just exited it. 18 00:01:15,330 --> 00:01:16,530 And same with the for loop. 19 00:01:16,530 --> 00:01:20,430 We completely exited, however, with a continue. 20 00:01:20,790 --> 00:01:27,570 What we're saying is, hey, whatever happens when you hit this line, continue onto the top of the 21 00:01:27,570 --> 00:01:28,680 inclosing loop. 22 00:01:28,950 --> 00:01:30,420 So the current a closing loop. 23 00:01:30,420 --> 00:01:30,930 What is it? 24 00:01:31,080 --> 00:01:32,070 It's this for loop. 25 00:01:32,310 --> 00:01:38,220 So it's going to go back to the for loop so that if I do something like print here. 26 00:01:39,880 --> 00:01:43,900 So that we get it printed twice or you know what, let's just move print. 27 00:01:45,660 --> 00:01:46,470 Down here. 28 00:01:50,260 --> 00:01:57,460 And then same here, we're going to just print out the bottom after continue if I click, run. 29 00:01:59,160 --> 00:02:04,740 Nothing gets printed because as soon as it sees continue, it's going to say, OK, I'm going to go 30 00:02:04,740 --> 00:02:10,170 back to the loop and it's going to keep going, keep going, keep going until, well, the loop ends 31 00:02:10,320 --> 00:02:14,160 so that we never actually hit line ten in line for. 32 00:02:15,340 --> 00:02:18,970 So that becomes really useful and conditional logic as well. 33 00:02:19,750 --> 00:02:27,280 Finally, the third one is called Pass and Pass is but not very useful. 34 00:02:28,000 --> 00:02:31,900 It essentially does nothing if I click run here. 35 00:02:33,680 --> 00:02:36,410 And again, it shows me here, line 10, something's wrong. 36 00:02:36,620 --> 00:02:45,110 Well, we have to move print up to the top so that while we don't get my list of index of three, which 37 00:02:45,110 --> 00:02:45,860 doesn't exist. 38 00:02:47,330 --> 00:02:49,520 So, again, going back here, if I click run. 39 00:02:50,660 --> 00:02:59,150 Pass doesn't do absolutely anything, it just essentially passes to the next line, so why is that ever 40 00:02:59,150 --> 00:02:59,660 useful? 41 00:03:00,110 --> 00:03:07,550 It's very rare that you'll see pass in your code, but pass is a good way to have, let's say, a placeholder 42 00:03:07,550 --> 00:03:13,790 while you're coding, for example, you want to loop through the for loop, but we don't know what we 43 00:03:13,790 --> 00:03:14,530 want to do yet. 44 00:03:14,540 --> 00:03:18,110 And the code lets say that here we're still thinking about it. 45 00:03:18,650 --> 00:03:21,050 If I do this and I click run. 46 00:03:22,700 --> 00:03:25,750 I get an error here because whoa, whoa, whoa. 47 00:03:27,330 --> 00:03:34,650 Expected and indented block because now the for loop or the Python interpreters looking for the next, 48 00:03:34,650 --> 00:03:36,180 like, what am I supposed to do with the loop? 49 00:03:36,180 --> 00:03:38,060 I'm trying to loop and there's no code for me. 50 00:03:38,490 --> 00:03:46,020 So you can add a pass here to at least feel something for the for loop to say, hey, I'm thinking about 51 00:03:46,020 --> 00:03:50,610 it, I'm just going to pass it for now just so you have something so you don't bug me and I'll come 52 00:03:50,610 --> 00:03:51,000 back to it. 53 00:03:51,180 --> 00:03:52,170 So if I click run. 54 00:03:53,600 --> 00:03:59,270 That still works, so pass is one of those placeholders that we can use so that there is a line of code 55 00:03:59,270 --> 00:04:02,060 that does absolutely nothing that we can still pass through. 56 00:04:02,270 --> 00:04:08,420 Again, a very rare thing to see in production code while you're developing some developers like using 57 00:04:08,690 --> 00:04:11,090 Pass and they have a break. 58 00:04:11,090 --> 00:04:12,350 Continue and pass. 59 00:04:12,940 --> 00:04:13,790 I'll see you in the next one.