1 00:00:00,150 --> 00:00:05,940 Hi, everyone, welcome to the section, as we all know that in this session we are going to talk about 2 00:00:05,940 --> 00:00:06,830 anonymity. 3 00:00:07,350 --> 00:00:13,950 So before going into it, first list discussed at high level, some of the visible activities on the 4 00:00:14,040 --> 00:00:15,720 Internet are being tracked. 5 00:00:16,660 --> 00:00:22,580 So we won't go into all the parking meters or into too much details about any one matter. 6 00:00:23,440 --> 00:00:31,720 So first, your IP address identifies you as you traverse the Internet, then data packet from your 7 00:00:31,720 --> 00:00:38,620 machine is generally tagged with your IP address, making your activities easy to track. 8 00:00:39,390 --> 00:00:46,960 Then second, Google and other email services will read your email address and emails and looking for 9 00:00:46,960 --> 00:00:50,190 keywords to more efficiently serve you ads. 10 00:00:50,200 --> 00:00:57,430 As we all know that everyone is doing this, although there are many more sophisticated matters that 11 00:00:57,430 --> 00:01:00,230 are far more time and resource intensive. 12 00:01:00,370 --> 00:01:03,730 These are the ones we try to prevent in this section. 13 00:01:04,330 --> 00:01:10,280 So now let's start by taking a look at how IP addresses give us away on the Internet. 14 00:01:10,690 --> 00:01:17,170 So when you send a packet of data across the Internet, it contains the IP addresses of the source and 15 00:01:17,170 --> 00:01:18,920 destination for the data. 16 00:01:19,120 --> 00:01:24,630 In this way, the packet knows where it is going and where to return the response. 17 00:01:25,240 --> 00:01:32,410 So each packet hops through multiple Internet routers until it finds the destination and then goes back 18 00:01:32,410 --> 00:01:33,040 to the sender. 19 00:01:33,160 --> 00:01:36,760 So for the general Internet surfing, each hop is Rotel. 20 00:01:37,060 --> 00:01:39,820 The packet passes through to get its destination. 21 00:01:41,050 --> 00:01:49,810 Then there can be as many as 30 or we can say 20 to 30 between the senders and destination, but usually 22 00:01:50,110 --> 00:01:55,120 any packet will find its way to the destination in fewer than 15 hops. 23 00:01:56,060 --> 00:02:03,110 So as the package traverses the Internet, anyone intercepting the packets can see who send it, where 24 00:02:03,110 --> 00:02:05,550 it has been and where it is going. 25 00:02:06,290 --> 00:02:13,150 So this is one way a website can tell who you are and when arrive and log you in automatically. 26 00:02:13,460 --> 00:02:19,010 And it's also how someone can track where you have been on the Internet. 27 00:02:19,460 --> 00:02:24,030 So this is how basically the tracking works on the Internet. 28 00:02:24,620 --> 00:02:29,560 So from the next election onwards, we are going to learn how we can break this mechanism.