1 00:00:00,330 --> 00:00:05,710 Now, guys, in this lecture, we will learn how to find out the name server using that in its lookup. 2 00:00:05,970 --> 00:00:09,880 So what is in its lookup and its lookup is nothing but the name server lookup. 3 00:00:10,170 --> 00:00:16,410 It is a tool used to perform DNS lookup in Linux and it is used to display the Danus details such as 4 00:00:16,410 --> 00:00:22,890 IP addresses of the particular computer and the main server, which is also called admixture code for 5 00:00:22,890 --> 00:00:28,290 a domain or the NSA server of a domain and lookup can be opt in to. 6 00:00:28,680 --> 00:00:32,830 The first one is interactive and the other one is a non interactive. 7 00:00:33,120 --> 00:00:39,720 So the interactive mode allows us to query name server for information about the Warriors host and domains 8 00:00:39,840 --> 00:00:42,600 or to print a list of hosts in a domain. 9 00:00:43,020 --> 00:00:48,300 But the non interactive mode allow you to bring just the name and the requested information for the 10 00:00:48,450 --> 00:00:49,440 host other domain. 11 00:00:50,190 --> 00:00:51,120 So now let's see. 12 00:00:51,390 --> 00:00:53,200 First using the entertainment. 13 00:00:53,460 --> 00:00:54,630 So what do you need to do? 14 00:00:54,630 --> 00:00:58,460 Here is firstly you need to open your terminal window. 15 00:00:58,590 --> 00:01:04,080 So when you open your windows, you can see here inside the window and what you need to do here is simply 16 00:01:04,080 --> 00:01:05,400 type here and. 17 00:01:06,660 --> 00:01:12,430 Look, so when you type A. look up here and what we need to do here is simply hit enter. 18 00:01:12,900 --> 00:01:16,700 So when you hit enter, as you can see, we are inside and look up to. 19 00:01:17,070 --> 00:01:23,310 OK, so guys, if you win, if you want to find out the IP address of any hosts or what you need to 20 00:01:23,310 --> 00:01:24,450 do here is simply typed up. 21 00:01:25,690 --> 00:01:29,840 Come on, or domain name, actually, paper, dot com. 22 00:01:29,890 --> 00:01:33,410 So this is the domain name, let's see and hit enter. 23 00:01:33,640 --> 00:01:38,230 So when you hit enter, you will find the IP address of this particular domain name. 24 00:01:38,300 --> 00:01:46,270 OK, so now I suppose that if you want to perform a reverse DNS lookup, simply enter the address of 25 00:01:46,270 --> 00:01:47,830 the IP address of the host. 26 00:01:47,830 --> 00:01:50,660 OK, if you want to perform the business lookup. 27 00:01:50,890 --> 00:01:55,740 OK, so how you can put to here how you can put IP addresses. 28 00:01:56,230 --> 00:02:01,480 So as you can see that we are having this particular IP address, if you want to put it simply typed 29 00:02:01,480 --> 00:02:02,350 IP address here. 30 00:02:04,280 --> 00:02:04,960 92. 31 00:02:06,380 --> 00:02:14,890 So this is a second way of getting information regarding the timing and hit enter cannot find, OK? 32 00:02:16,060 --> 00:02:17,320 And I think this is not Berlin. 33 00:02:17,360 --> 00:02:19,100 That is why it is not OK. 34 00:02:19,540 --> 00:02:20,650 This is the IP address. 35 00:02:20,650 --> 00:02:21,670 This is the IP address. 36 00:02:21,710 --> 00:02:22,030 OK. 37 00:02:25,820 --> 00:02:34,970 One zero two one thirty six and one eight and hit, and so when you hit Sanchez, you can see that this 38 00:02:34,970 --> 00:02:41,180 is the IP address and these are the beginnings of what we have searching for what we are searching for 39 00:02:41,480 --> 00:02:41,740 DNS. 40 00:02:41,870 --> 00:02:42,200 Look up. 41 00:02:42,200 --> 00:02:44,780 So this is the information regarding the DNS. 42 00:02:44,780 --> 00:02:44,990 Look. 43 00:02:45,350 --> 00:02:47,960 OK, so now if you want to see the Emmis record. 44 00:02:47,970 --> 00:02:53,810 So I recorded something with the Melsa was responsible for accepting e-mail messages on behalf of the 45 00:02:53,810 --> 00:02:54,380 recipient. 46 00:02:54,770 --> 00:02:59,090 OK, so what we need to do here is simply give some query like said. 47 00:03:00,960 --> 00:03:02,660 Time is equal to mix. 48 00:03:02,690 --> 00:03:07,680 OK, so this is the we simply had the intent of building into what we need to do, it is simply give 49 00:03:07,680 --> 00:03:13,800 the command the domain name of the host and hit enter so of building and you will find these are the 50 00:03:13,800 --> 00:03:16,580 mill server that Google is using right now. 51 00:03:16,900 --> 00:03:23,520 Okay, so these are the Amex servers or Amex records that Google is using right now. 52 00:03:23,580 --> 00:03:27,300 OK, guys, if you want to display the NSA records show how you can do that. 53 00:03:27,510 --> 00:03:30,960 Simply you need to type set here said. 54 00:03:31,930 --> 00:03:38,440 Set type is equal to anything and hit enter and the next thing you know very well, domain name. 55 00:03:40,890 --> 00:03:43,740 And hit end of the day and that you will find. 56 00:03:44,870 --> 00:03:47,190 All the name servers of Google. 57 00:03:47,450 --> 00:03:54,260 So what is names are actually so Niyazova is nothing but does it is the server which connected domain 58 00:03:54,260 --> 00:03:55,490 name with the hosting. 59 00:03:55,520 --> 00:04:00,240 OK, so this is the server which connect the domain name with the hosting. 60 00:04:00,260 --> 00:04:02,010 So this is what Agness. 61 00:04:02,320 --> 00:04:06,030 OK, so this is the this is all about the intractable. 62 00:04:06,260 --> 00:04:12,820 Suppose you want to uh, you want to use this particular tool using non interactivity. 63 00:04:13,340 --> 00:04:14,660 So what you can do here is. 64 00:04:17,460 --> 00:04:24,900 OK, what you can do here is simply Niota, OK, when you open a new tab and here I'm going to show 65 00:04:24,900 --> 00:04:27,670 you how non interactive mode looks like. 66 00:04:27,930 --> 00:04:33,070 So what you need to do here is simply typed doolally, which is a. lookup and. 67 00:04:36,790 --> 00:04:37,940 Our or tomine, actually. 68 00:04:37,960 --> 00:04:41,770 OK, now, so this is the way how you can use it. 69 00:04:42,070 --> 00:04:50,980 OK, so if you want to see some more information like mixed record so you can use it like a.. 70 00:04:50,980 --> 00:04:52,930 Lookup hyphen. 71 00:04:54,720 --> 00:05:00,380 Query, the search for query is equal to mix in case of intractably. 72 00:05:00,660 --> 00:05:07,010 We will be using SEC type, OK, but in case of non grata we should add grare here. 73 00:05:07,020 --> 00:05:07,350 OK. 74 00:05:11,040 --> 00:05:14,850 You will see all the records, oramics servers of Google. 75 00:05:15,180 --> 00:05:22,620 OK, so now if you want to see the names, so so what you need to do is simply change EMCs Fit and is 76 00:05:23,820 --> 00:05:25,440 Hettinger OK? 77 00:05:26,070 --> 00:05:30,780 OK, as you can see, these are the names those that Google is operating on. 78 00:05:31,050 --> 00:05:35,810 OK, so this is how you can use if you want to see anything or anything. 79 00:05:35,820 --> 00:05:39,330 So what you can do here is simply in place of enis. 80 00:05:40,910 --> 00:05:49,010 Give any input into so, so often and you will see you are having all the details regarding Mexica, 81 00:05:49,190 --> 00:05:54,530 which you can see here on the name server here with the query of any. 82 00:05:54,800 --> 00:05:56,610 So this is how you can use a.. 83 00:05:56,630 --> 00:06:02,630 Lookup to find out the information regarding server and server, OK. 84 00:06:02,690 --> 00:06:05,700 And to find out the IP address of any particular hostname. 85 00:06:06,200 --> 00:06:07,460 This is all for this lecture.