1 00:00:00,420 --> 00:00:06,840 Hi and welcome to the course where you will learn practical evil twin attacks with captive portals. 2 00:00:07,950 --> 00:00:11,820 So let's go ahead and see what I'm going to cover in the course. 3 00:00:12,720 --> 00:00:18,840 So in the first part, we will learn how to set up a fake access point with the captive portal web page 4 00:00:18,840 --> 00:00:22,410 and captured the login information from victims. 5 00:00:23,070 --> 00:00:30,150 Then I will show you how to clone the web page from the original access point and steal sensitive information. 6 00:00:31,050 --> 00:00:37,620 And then I will show you how to combine the social engineering toolkit and the B framework to perform 7 00:00:37,620 --> 00:00:40,650 an evil twin attack was done. 8 00:00:40,650 --> 00:00:47,520 With that, I will move to a different part where I will show you useful Wireshark filters and how to 9 00:00:47,520 --> 00:00:52,590 use tools like AeroGarden and WiFi Pumpkin to automate the process. 10 00:00:53,700 --> 00:01:00,660 And then you will learn how to create the Fake Access Point, which has a malicious captive portal with 11 00:01:00,660 --> 00:01:04,740 social media connectivity to steal the login credentials. 12 00:01:05,640 --> 00:01:11,340 And lastly, you learn how to detect evil twin attacks and how to secure your system. 13 00:01:12,390 --> 00:01:18,900 Now I also want to remind you that the course is designed for users who have already been exposed to 14 00:01:18,900 --> 00:01:20,910 Wi-Fi penetration testing. 15 00:01:22,110 --> 00:01:28,740 So if you are a complete beginner in this field, please watch my wife by hacking for Beginners course. 16 00:01:30,130 --> 00:01:36,160 All key know by the end of the course, you will have a strong knowledge on how to perform and detect 17 00:01:36,160 --> 00:01:42,100 evil twin attacks, and you will know various tools and techniques used by hackers. 18 00:01:43,150 --> 00:01:47,110 So thanks for watching and I will see you inside the course.