Demo sample tickets single page with graphics - Multibar - For Media XML Public variable - mx In canvas.XML -------------------------------------------------------------------- For Main Media properties -------------------------------------------------------------------- Example: Explanation: slide types - "SINGLE" - "MBAR" - "MBUTTON" width - Stage width height - Stage Height Important notes: if the stage size is 470x400 means dont have to specify widht & height -------------------------------------------------------------------- For Text componoent properties -------------------------------------------------------------------- Example: Explanation: type - "LABEL" (For label texts) - "TITLE" (For title texts) x - x value y - y value width - width of the text comp height - height of the text comp align - "center" - "left" - "right" expand - "up" - "down" - "left" - "right" - "up+down" - "left+right" size - font size color - font color style - inline css style bgColor - backgournd color borderColor - border color border - border storke corner - corner radius rotation - rotate the text Important notes: if text component type is "LABEL" means DON'T assign the size and color until the size is 10 if text component type is "TITLE" means DONT assign the x,y,width, color and size -------------------------------------------------------------------- For Image componoent properties --------------------------------------------------------------------