elhacker.INFO Downloads
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1. Goals and Learning Objectives.mp4 7.2M
2.1 httpwww.malwareremoval.com.html 114
2.2 httpwww.bleepingcomputer.com.html 172
2. Introduction to Malware and Hacker Hunting.mp4 16M
3.1 farbar recovery scan tool.html 128
3. Windows - Farbar Recovery Scanner.mp4 38M
4.1 httpwww.bleepingcomputer.comdownloadwindowsanti-rootkit.html 123
4.2 httpwww.bleepingcomputer.comdownloadrkill.html 108
4.3 Malwarebytes.html 103
4.4 httpbrew.sh.html 76
4.6 Kaspersky.html 118
4.7 Roguekiller.html 104
4.8 httpschocolatey.org.html 84
4.9 HitmanPro.html 97
4.10 AdwCleaner.html 103
4.11 superantispyware.html 93
4. Automated Malware Removal Tools.mp4 40M
4. Automated Malware Removal Tools.vtt 13K
5.2 Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10.html 111
5.3 httpsen.wikipedia.orgwikiWindows_To_Go.html 104
5.4 httpsunetbootin.github.io.html 91
5.6 Ironkey w700.html 107
5.7 httpwindowsmatters.com20150110gandalfs-windows-7-pe-x86.html 124
5.8 httpsrufus.akeo.ie.html 83
5.10 httpwww.technorms.com8098create-windows-7-live-cd.html 115
5.11 httpwww.system-rescue-cd.orgDownload.html 101
5.12 Hitman pro kickstart.html 101
5.13 httpsfalconfour.wordpress.comtagf4ubcd.html 105
5.14 httpsremnux.org.html 80
5.15 httpsdigital-forensics.sans.orgcommunitydownloads.html 115
5.16 httpwww.hirensbootcd.orgdownload.html 98
5. Live Rescue Operating Systems, CDs, and USBs.mp4 18M
6.1 httpstechnet.microsoft.comen-ussysinternals.html 110
6.2 httpstechnet.microsoft.comen-ussysinternalsprocessexplorer.html 125
6. Windows - Malware Seek & Destroy - Process Explorer - Part 1.mp4 58M
7.1 httpstechnet.microsoft.comen-ussysinternalsprocessexplorer.html 125
7.2 httpswhois.domaintools.com.html 91
7. Windows - Malware Seek & Destroy - Process Explorer - Part 2.mp4 47M
8.1 httpwww.nirsoft.netutilsuserassist_view.html.html 110
8.2 httpsgithub.commandiantShimCacheParser.html 104
8.3 httpprocesshacker.sourceforge.net.html 98
8. Windows - Malware Seek & Destroy - Process Tools.mp4 8.8M
9.1 Sigcheck.html 123
9. Windows - Malware Seek & Destroy - Sigcheck.mp4 4.6M
10.1 Configure a Script to Run Once When a New User Logs On.html 121
10.2 Autorunsc - the command-line version of Autoruns.html 123
10.3 Autoruns.html 123
10. Windows - Malware Seek & Destroy - Autoruns.mp4 48M
11.1 Processmonitor.html 124
11. Windows - Malware Seek & Destroy - Process Monitor.mp4 76M
12.1 httpwww.unhide-forensics.info.html 94
12.2 httpswhois.domaintools.com.html 90
12. Windows - Malware Seek & Destroy - Network Connections.mp4 24M
13.1 networx.html 106
13. Malware Seek & Destroy - Networkx.mp4 5.4M
14.1 httpwww.sysdig.org.html 82
14.2 Sysdig User Guide.html 116
14. Linux - Malware Seek & Destroy - Sysdig.mp4 30M
15.2 httpwww.sysdig.org.html 82
15.3 httpwww.sysdig.orgwikisysdig-examples.html 104
15. Linux - Seek & Destroy Malware and Hackers - Csysdig.mp4 44M
16.1 httpwww.unhide-forensics.info.html 94
18. Linux & Mac OS X - Malware Seek & Destroy - lsof.mp4 22M
19.1 httprkhunter.sourceforge.net.html 93
19. Linux - Malware Seek & Destroy - rkhunter.mp4 17M
20.1 httpwww.chkrootkit.org.html 87
20.2 httpwww.clamav.net.html 83
20.4 httpswww.rfxn.comprojectslinux-malware-detect.html 112
20.5 Linux malware From Wikipedia.html 104
20.6 httpwww.nongnu.orgtiger.html 89
20.7 Report - Linux Security Review.html 140
21. Linux - Malware Seek & Destroy - Linux - Persistence Part 1.mp4 9.2M
22.1 httpswww.debian.orgdocmanualsdebian-referencech03.en.html.html 125
22.2 httpsfedoraproject.orgwikiSysVinit_to_Systemd_Cheatsheet.html 122
22. Linux - Malware Seek & Destroy - Linux - Persistence Part 2.mp4 28M
23.1 httpswww.debian.orgdocmanualsdebian-referencech03.en.html.html 125
23. Linux - Malware Seek & Destroy - Linux - Persistence Part 3.mp4 5.2M
24.1 httpsobjective-see.comproductstaskexplorer.html.html 113
25.1 httpsobjective-see.comproductsblockblock.html.html 111
25.2 httpsobjective-see.comproductsknockknock.html.html 111
25.3 httpsobjective-see.comproductskextviewr.html.html 110
26.1 httpsgithub.comfacebookosquery.html 96
26.2 httpsgithub.comherokuwindmill.html 95
26.3 httpsosquery.readthedocs.ioenstable.html 102
26.5 httpsosquery.readthedocs.ioenstabledeploymentyara.html 118
26.6 httpsgithub.comgooglegrr.html 90
26.8 httpsvirustotal.github.ioyara.html 95
26.9 httpsosquery.io.html 80
26. Mac, Linux & Windows - OSquery.mp4 42M
27.4 httpsnsa.gov1.infodninsa-ant-catalogfirewalls.html 113
27.8 httpsen.wikipedia.orgwikiOpen-source_hardware.html 111
27. Firmware Rootkits – Seek and Destroy Part 1.mp4 16M
28.1 US-13-Butterworth-BIOS-Security-Code.zip.html 137
28.2 Virustotal output example.html 170
28.3 darwindumper.html 104
28.4 Putting the spotlight on firmware malware.html 141
28.5 httpspypi.python.orgpypiuefi_firmware.html 103
28.6 httpsgithub.comchipsecchipsecblobmasterchipsec-manual.pdf.html 126
28.7 UEFI Innovations for Platform Security.html 128
28.8 httpswww.virustotal.com.html 87
28.9 httpsgithub.comchipsecchipsec.html 95
28.10 httpsflashrom.orgFlashrom.html 90
28. Firmware Rootkits – Seek and Destroy Part 2.mp4 8.9M
29.1 httpclonezilla.org.html 83
29.2 httpwww.macrium.comreflectfree.aspx.html 100
29.3 httpsbombich.com - Carboncopy.html 81
29.4 terabyteunlimited - Image for Windows & Linux.html 107
29.5 httphorizondatasys.com.html 87
29.6 httpwww.runtime.orgdriveimage-xml.htm.html 102
29.7 Acronis True Image.html 90
29. End-Point-Protection Recovery and Remediation Technology.mp4 10M
30.1 httpswww.tahoe-lafs.orgtractahoe-lafs.html 103
30.2 httpwww.drobostore.com.html 87
30.3 httpswww.seafile.comenhome.html 93
30.4 httpsowncloud.orgproviders.html 92
30.5 httpsleastauthority.comproduct_s4.html 99
30.6 httpswww.boxcryptor.comen.html 90
30.7 How To Install and Configure Seafile on an Ubuntu 12.04 VPS.html 169
30.8 How To Use the ownCloud One-Click Install Application.html 163
30.9 httpswww.turnkeylinux.orgowncloud.html 98
30.10 httpswww.sparkleshare.org.html 90
30.11 httpspydio.com.html 79
30.13 httpswww.qnap.comen.html 85
30.14 httpssyncthing.net.html 83
30.16 httpswww.syncany.org.html 85
30. Encrypted Backup and Cloud Storage.mp4 14M
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