elhacker.INFO Downloads
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0 Module 1_ Course Introduction -- 0 1.1 Introduction.mp4 115M
1 Module 2_ Introduction to Pentesting -- 0 2.1 Basic Linux Commands.mp4 82M
1 Module 2_ Introduction to Pentesting -- 1 2.2 Basic Services to Use in Kali Linux.mp4 115M
1 Module 2_ Introduction to Pentesting -- 2 2.3 Service Management.mp4 62M
1 Module 2_ Introduction to Pentesting -- 3 2.4 Shell and Bash Scripts.mp4 78M
1 Module 2_ Introduction to Pentesting -- 4 2.5 Practice Scenarios.mp4 71M
2 Module 3_ Hacker_s Main Tools -- 0 3.1 Nmap.mp4 114M
2 Module 3_ Hacker_s Main Tools -- 1 3.2 Netcat.mp4 84M
2 Module 3_ Hacker_s Main Tools -- 2 3.3 Blind and Reverse Shells.mp4 136M
2 Module 3_ Hacker_s Main Tools -- 3 3.4 Wireshark and tcpdump.mp4 130M
2 Module 3_ Hacker_s Main Tools -- 4 3.5 Burp Suite.mp4 110M
2 Module 3_ Hacker_s Main Tools -- 5 3.6 Metasploit Basics.mp4 121M
3 Module 4_ Information Gathering -- 0 4.1 Google Hacks.mp4 89M
3 Module 4_ Information Gathering -- 1 4.2 DNS Enumeration.mp4 101M
3 Module 4_ Information Gathering -- 2 4.3 Port Scanning.mp4 130M
3 Module 4_ Information Gathering -- 3 4.4 Enumeration.mp4 109M
3 Module 4_ Information Gathering -- 4 4.5 NSE.mp4 115M
3 Module 4_ Information Gathering -- 5 4.6 Python and Perl Scripts.mp4 113M
3 Module 4_ Information Gathering -- 6 4.7 Vulnerability Scanners.mp4 164M
4 Module 5_ Exploits -- 0 5.1 XSS.mp4 67M
4 Module 5_ Exploits -- 1 5.2 SQL Injections.mp4 95M
4 Module 5_ Exploits -- 2 5.3 LFI-RFI and Directory Traversal.mp4 91M
4 Module 5_ Exploits -- 3 5.4 Password Attacks.mp4 154M
4 Module 5_ Exploits -- 4 5.5 Public Exploits.mp4 135M
4 Module 5_ Exploits -- 5 5.6 MSFvenom.mp4 126M
4 Module 5_ Exploits -- 6 5.7 Tunneling.mp4 123M
4 Module 5_ Exploits -- 7 5.8 Lateral and Vertical Movement.mp4 104M
4 Module 5_ Exploits -- 8 5.9 Erasing your Tracks.mp4 101M
4 Module 5_ Exploits -- 9 5.10 Antivirus Avoidance.mp4 126M
5 Module 6_ Buffer Overflow -- 0 6.1 Basic Concepts.mp4 93M
5 Module 6_ Buffer Overflow -- 1 6.2 Immunity Debugger_ Fuzzing.mp4 91M
5 Module 6_ Buffer Overflow -- 2 6.3 Controlling EBP_ESP_EIP.mp4 87M
5 Module 6_ Buffer Overflow -- 3 6.4 Bad Chars.mp4 67M
5 Module 6_ Buffer Overflow -- 4 6.5 Redirecting Execution.mp4 101M
5 Module 6_ Buffer Overflow -- 5 6.6 Creating a Payload.mp4 84M
6 Module 7_ Privilege Escalation -- 0 7.1 Linux OS.mp4 102M
6 Module 7_ Privilege Escalation -- 1 7.2 Linux Applications and Services.mp4 100M
6 Module 7_ Privilege Escalation -- 2 7.3 Linux Files.mp4 106M
6 Module 7_ Privilege Escalation -- 3 7.4 Linux Networking.mp4 127M
6 Module 7_ Privilege Escalation -- 4 7.5 Linux Misconfigurations for Confidential Information.mp4 149M
6 Module 7_ Privilege Escalation -- 5 7.6 Windows OS.mp4 113M
6 Module 7_ Privilege Escalation -- 6 7.7 WMIC.mp4 112M
6 Module 7_ Privilege Escalation -- 7 7.8 Windows Application and Services.mp4 96M
7 Module 8_ Pentest Simulation -- 0 8.1 Pre-Engagement Actions.mp4 86M
7 Module 8_ Pentest Simulation -- 1 8.2 Reconnaissance and Vulnerability Identification.mp4 120M
7 Module 8_ Pentest Simulation -- 2 8.3 Exploitation.mp4 77M
7 Module 8_ Pentest Simulation -- 3 8.4 Privilege Escalation.mp4 184M
7 Module 8_ Pentest Simulation -- 4 8.5 Reporting and Next Steps.mp4 53M
8 Module 9_ Course Summary -- 0 9.1 Course Summary.mp4 34M
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