SetUp Kubernetes Cluster on AWS with Kops

1. Generate SSH Key

ssh-keygen -f .ssh/id_rsa

2. Rename kops-linux-amd64 to kops for user easy.

sudo mv /usr/local/bin/kops-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kops

******* Create Cluster ********

Command if you are using your Domain Name:

kops create cluster --yes --state=<s3://<Define S3 Bucket Name>> --zones=<One or more Zones> --node-count=<Number of Nodes> --node-size=<Define Machine Size> --master-size=<Master Node Size>  --name=<Define DNS Name>

Like :

kops create cluster --yes --state=s3://kops-storage-b345987 --zones=ap-south-1a,ap-southeast-1b,ap-southeast-2c --node-count=2 --node-size=t2.micro --master-size=t2.micro

For Non DNS Base Cluster, work with .k8s.local

kops create cluster --yes --state=s3://kops-storage-b345987 --zones=ap-south-1a,ap-southeast-1b,ap-southeast-2c --node-count=2 --node-size=t2.micro --master-size=t2.micro --name=test.k8s.local

4. Verify Node Status

kubectl get node

5. Validate Cluster

kops validate cluster

6. Let’s create a Kubernetes Deployment using an existing image named echoserver, which is a simple HTTP server and expose it on port 8080 using --port.

kubectl run hello-minikube --port=8080

7. In order to access the hello-minikube service, we must first expose the deployment to an external IP via the command:

kubectl expose deployment hello-minikube --type=NodePort

8. Check if the service was exposed

kubectl get services

9. Modify Security Group Of Nodes to access the Service

10. Delete Kubernetes Cluster form AWS

kops delete cluster --name ${NAME} --yeskops delete cluster --name test.k8s.local --yes