1 00:00:02,210 --> 00:00:07,770 In this field be able to start up VNC server on our Raspberry Pi Callimachi. 2 00:00:08,140 --> 00:00:20,480 So the VNC server is we are going to use inspects 11 VNC so we are going to download this. 3 00:00:20,600 --> 00:00:24,360 So the command is able to get install X Levin VNC 4 00:00:27,010 --> 00:00:32,380 and we have to be instance Kamar and do our part the session 5 00:00:51,890 --> 00:00:54,420 thought it might take a few minutes to download 6 00:00:58,710 --> 00:01:03,310 so that x 11 VNC server is installed successfully. 7 00:01:03,320 --> 00:01:12,150 Note that if you get some errors all you have to do is get a date and then you have to again install 8 00:01:12,270 --> 00:01:14,480 X 11 B and C right. 9 00:01:14,470 --> 00:01:18,190 So in my code is installed successfully. 10 00:01:18,240 --> 00:01:24,450 So all I have to do is now set password for it. 11 00:01:24,450 --> 00:01:31,920 So the command forward is x 11 leniency Dash store password. 12 00:01:32,230 --> 00:01:32,740 Right. 13 00:01:32,830 --> 00:01:33,930 So I'll copy this. 14 00:01:33,920 --> 00:01:45,090 Come on. 15 00:01:45,100 --> 00:01:48,450 So you have to type the password. 16 00:01:48,460 --> 00:01:57,190 So I'm giving the same password as to the Double-O R and D double or R for verification. 17 00:01:58,030 --> 00:02:02,430 And write your password to yes. 18 00:02:02,480 --> 00:02:03,120 All right. 19 00:02:03,530 --> 00:02:11,140 So our VNC server is installed successfully and we have also set up the password successfully. 20 00:02:11,140 --> 00:02:11,720 Right. 21 00:02:11,930 --> 00:02:15,610 So the next command is to start our VNC server. 22 00:02:15,620 --> 00:02:24,230 So we just have to copy the scum on and bastard and make sure you have correct spaces 23 00:02:26,950 --> 00:02:28,060 and there's just 24 00:02:30,720 --> 00:02:32,160 Jack called re-uses 25 00:02:43,260 --> 00:02:44,320 and you have to enter 26 00:02:51,130 --> 00:03:01,010 so are excellent VNC server is started now and we can connect with our server using the same IP. 27 00:03:01,140 --> 00:03:11,000 If you don't remember the IP you only have to do with our dash in and you can copy this IP and you have 28 00:03:11,000 --> 00:03:17,830 to use VNC view that to which the downloaded and are required download tools. 29 00:03:17,840 --> 00:03:19,670 So let me start and see if your 30 00:03:23,540 --> 00:03:32,410 back to this IP on the noticed there are yes studios not starting because you haven't been asked to 31 00:03:32,430 --> 00:03:37,890 come on correctly so you have to make sure the command is correct. 32 00:03:39,160 --> 00:03:41,490 Now I have just missed the cut I come on 33 00:03:44,690 --> 00:03:48,190 I'll I'll give this card in that text file as well. 34 00:03:48,210 --> 00:03:50,030 So you can do this business card. 35 00:03:50,040 --> 00:03:51,170 Right. 36 00:03:51,180 --> 00:03:58,720 So you have to download the text file from the resources so the VNC so has now started. 37 00:03:58,830 --> 00:04:02,310 Or just hit enter. 38 00:04:02,380 --> 00:04:02,770 All right. 39 00:04:02,770 --> 00:04:11,750 So our connection started and we have to give our boss which we selected go 40 00:04:14,900 --> 00:04:19,000 and we are connected with our Raspberry Pi COLA Linux machine. 41 00:04:19,010 --> 00:04:19,610 Right. 42 00:04:19,820 --> 00:04:26,770 So you have to give as good as your username and password as your password might. 43 00:04:26,820 --> 00:04:30,500 So this is how arrest very fire looks like. 44 00:04:30,910 --> 00:04:37,890 Colonics looked like undressed but if we are going to correct all these things in the coming video but 45 00:04:37,890 --> 00:04:44,340 right now Linux is running on our Raspberry Pi and we are going to set up resolutions that all these 46 00:04:44,340 --> 00:04:45,820 things coming with us. 47 00:04:45,820 --> 00:04:46,460 Right. 48 00:04:46,740 --> 00:04:55,230 So you have to make sure the command correct me I'm going to provide all these commands in the text 49 00:04:55,230 --> 00:04:56,280 file as well. 50 00:04:56,460 --> 00:04:59,550 So you can easily Phaistos come on right. 51 00:04:59,640 --> 00:05:10,260 So in the next video we are going to set up our far less adapter and set up power settings so that we 52 00:05:10,260 --> 00:05:13,320 don't lose connection with VNC right. 53 00:05:13,500 --> 00:05:16,750 So we are going to do all these things in the next week you.