1 00:00:00,150 --> 00:00:01,080 Welcome back, everyone. 2 00:00:01,860 --> 00:00:10,660 I hope you change your mind, because so far now this is the third session on Linux Basics. 3 00:00:11,610 --> 00:00:16,760 We'll be covering it and a very interesting way, and it's going to be quick as well. 4 00:00:17,280 --> 00:00:26,040 So we'll be covering system related activities when it comes to Linux of you, what are the core components 5 00:00:26,040 --> 00:00:28,200 of any operating system or any system? 6 00:00:28,200 --> 00:00:30,930 In a way, that's the process. 7 00:00:31,320 --> 00:00:37,290 These are your CPU processes, Europe and of course, your storage. 8 00:00:37,290 --> 00:00:37,530 Right. 9 00:00:37,560 --> 00:00:41,560 So these are the three system related stuff we'll be covering now. 10 00:00:42,030 --> 00:00:48,050 Let's go to the galley in order to know what are the process you have in the system. 11 00:00:48,060 --> 00:00:56,430 You can just put gum on top and once you hit enter, you get the detail about all the processes in your 12 00:00:56,430 --> 00:00:56,880 system. 13 00:00:57,240 --> 00:01:03,120 You get to know about how many tasks you have, what are the top process you have into the system and 14 00:01:03,120 --> 00:01:04,350 who is the users? 15 00:01:05,250 --> 00:01:10,980 Who is the owner of that, you know, processes where you get to know about each and every activity 16 00:01:10,980 --> 00:01:11,920 and do it as well. 17 00:01:12,450 --> 00:01:17,010 So far, this is all about the detail related information. 18 00:01:17,400 --> 00:01:23,760 In case you want to you know, you want to get a very brief idea or somebody's output of it. 19 00:01:23,760 --> 00:01:27,410 You can even make use of this be a command as well. 20 00:01:27,420 --> 00:01:31,140 It does very summarize detail about activity. 21 00:01:31,140 --> 00:01:37,020 But if you want to get the detailed output, make use of top and you get to know about it, you can 22 00:01:37,020 --> 00:01:39,900 even grab and get to know if. 23 00:01:39,900 --> 00:01:42,690 Let's say if let's say you want to. 24 00:01:42,690 --> 00:01:43,830 You want to. 25 00:01:45,750 --> 00:01:48,170 You can even grab it as well. 26 00:01:48,480 --> 00:01:50,550 So grab it and let's say. 27 00:01:53,340 --> 00:02:01,920 So in that way, you can grab any specific process and get to know what is the process utilizations, 28 00:02:02,010 --> 00:02:04,820 how much C.P.U is this consuming and everything, right? 29 00:02:05,590 --> 00:02:06,160 Stop it. 30 00:02:06,300 --> 00:02:08,320 This is about understanding the process. 31 00:02:08,370 --> 00:02:10,710 It's exactly like task manager. 32 00:02:10,710 --> 00:02:11,900 You have windows, right? 33 00:02:13,710 --> 00:02:17,990 Let's talk about the let's talk about the disk space, in fact. 34 00:02:18,330 --> 00:02:25,500 So for that, you can make use of D.F. minus X and you get to know about what are the available storage 35 00:02:25,500 --> 00:02:26,480 you have in the system. 36 00:02:26,910 --> 00:02:30,150 And this is where you get to see about how many storage. 37 00:02:30,540 --> 00:02:35,560 Well, what is the total storage you have in the system and what is the available storage as well. 38 00:02:35,840 --> 00:02:36,210 All right. 39 00:02:36,480 --> 00:02:43,350 So this is the way if let's say you have your unique system, your limbic system, and you want to understand 40 00:02:43,350 --> 00:02:48,930 how much space, how much free space you have in the system, you make use of this scheme and you also 41 00:02:48,930 --> 00:02:53,990 get to know what percent of free space you have and how much you have consumed. 42 00:02:54,300 --> 00:03:00,720 And if you want to mount any additional storage as well, you get to see those toys device over here 43 00:03:00,720 --> 00:03:01,110 as well. 44 00:03:01,450 --> 00:03:08,530 Maybe there is the one, as do you one or to all those tourist devices as well. 45 00:03:09,120 --> 00:03:09,450 Right. 46 00:03:09,480 --> 00:03:12,000 So this is we have completed the process. 47 00:03:12,240 --> 00:03:13,550 We have completed the storage. 48 00:03:13,560 --> 00:03:15,700 Let's talk about the memory now very quickly. 49 00:03:16,020 --> 00:03:24,240 So for memory, we can make use of free minus end and you get to know what are the total memory for 50 00:03:24,240 --> 00:03:24,790 the system. 51 00:03:24,900 --> 00:03:30,090 That's two point nine and two point in two point nine two nine five three NBA. 52 00:03:30,190 --> 00:03:32,430 So that's the used memory. 53 00:03:32,430 --> 00:03:36,120 And you have this much of free memory available as well. 54 00:03:37,530 --> 00:03:42,150 This is into and maybe that's why it is minus hyphen end. 55 00:03:42,450 --> 00:03:45,710 If you want to get into Jimmy, you can do minus G. 56 00:03:46,170 --> 00:03:50,760 So now the same details you get into GIBI itself. 57 00:03:50,760 --> 00:03:51,000 Right. 58 00:03:51,570 --> 00:03:54,870 So that's that's all for this session. 59 00:03:55,050 --> 00:03:59,580 We have completed the process we have completed to understand the storage. 60 00:03:59,850 --> 00:04:05,930 You have completed the idea to get the idea about memory as well. 61 00:04:06,090 --> 00:04:06,440 Sorry. 62 00:04:06,870 --> 00:04:13,680 So that's how this all covers the system related information. 63 00:04:13,980 --> 00:04:23,070 Whenever you you know, you do activate impracticality units or any any any learnings for for for for 64 00:04:23,070 --> 00:04:23,850 the same purpose. 65 00:04:24,030 --> 00:04:24,410 All right. 66 00:04:24,690 --> 00:04:26,620 I hope you enjoyed the session. 67 00:04:26,880 --> 00:04:27,690 Thank you so much.