1 00:00:00,210 --> 00:00:01,270 Welcome back, everyone. 2 00:00:01,470 --> 00:00:07,680 This is the section on installing vape on our lab in moment. 3 00:00:07,890 --> 00:00:08,220 All right. 4 00:00:08,610 --> 00:00:18,300 So we'll be quickly doing it again as we have done it with the last application last, you know, the 5 00:00:18,300 --> 00:00:19,420 lab setup itself. 6 00:00:20,100 --> 00:00:21,660 We have, again, two options. 7 00:00:21,660 --> 00:00:30,770 Either we install the B vape individually or we can make use of OAC B, we BWP directly. 8 00:00:31,230 --> 00:00:39,210 The beauty is the moment you install a glass BBWAA, you get all the application right away as a part 9 00:00:39,210 --> 00:00:39,910 of your VM. 10 00:00:40,470 --> 00:00:42,700 Now you can individually do that as well. 11 00:00:42,990 --> 00:00:47,910 I can show you the list and I can cover it in another station altogether. 12 00:00:48,240 --> 00:00:53,380 But just to make the lab quickly enough, you can simply follow the OAS BWV. 13 00:00:53,670 --> 00:00:53,990 All right. 14 00:00:54,330 --> 00:00:56,580 So let me show you how exactly you can do it. 15 00:00:56,850 --> 00:01:00,010 And I can probably cover another session as well. 16 00:01:01,470 --> 00:01:08,010 So what you can do is you can if let's say you want to do it individually for installing evap, there 17 00:01:08,010 --> 00:01:13,400 are a couple of stuff you have to go, but you have to first of all, you have to install the back, 18 00:01:13,920 --> 00:01:15,570 get the packages. 19 00:01:15,840 --> 00:01:18,450 You have to turn up your database's. 20 00:01:18,450 --> 00:01:20,570 You have to modify the battery file as well. 21 00:01:20,970 --> 00:01:22,440 So if you. 22 00:01:27,390 --> 00:01:37,500 OK, we simply take down look, you get to download the app directly to our what we can do is as a part 23 00:01:37,500 --> 00:01:48,000 of our own apps os a broken web application, we can simply go to our. 24 00:01:50,800 --> 00:02:00,520 Broken Web application, make sure it is up and then you can basically go to your machine on there, 25 00:02:01,730 --> 00:02:13,850 you can go to the browser and in the browser section, as we have done all your tests and zygote or 26 00:02:14,080 --> 00:02:18,210 one dog, one third and give you go. 27 00:02:18,610 --> 00:02:24,790 Now, you in our last session, we have access to Web code successfully. 28 00:02:25,270 --> 00:02:28,840 Now we'll look for that. 29 00:02:29,020 --> 00:02:31,270 OK, Gerardus, click on it. 30 00:02:32,020 --> 00:02:35,930 And the beauty is it's look pretty, pretty, pretty interesting, ok. 31 00:02:36,520 --> 00:02:46,270 It has very interesting design but be moving here and there and it's not that one is better or the other 32 00:02:46,270 --> 00:02:46,870 is just that. 33 00:02:47,200 --> 00:02:53,440 There are some security level that you would enjoy and there are different appearance altogether that 34 00:02:53,440 --> 00:03:00,970 you can make use of it while you do the cross site scripting stuff or maybe ESKIL injection activity 35 00:03:00,970 --> 00:03:01,680 and all that stuff. 36 00:03:01,690 --> 00:03:01,940 Right. 37 00:03:02,860 --> 00:03:09,520 So the default user login might be and this would exactly be the same. 38 00:03:09,520 --> 00:03:15,470 In fact, if you even install it individually, there's no different, no difference at all. 39 00:03:16,750 --> 00:03:21,840 In fact, this installation would be even much, much quicker and much simpler as well. 40 00:03:22,180 --> 00:03:30,400 So I highly recommend you to go with installing the OS BBWAA directly and then access individual applications 41 00:03:30,610 --> 00:03:31,240 after that. 42 00:03:31,450 --> 00:03:35,590 OK, so you can keep the security level as low for now. 43 00:03:35,860 --> 00:03:39,160 Or maybe if you think you can, you are strong enough. 44 00:03:39,160 --> 00:03:46,240 After completing the courses that I have published earlier, then you can even go for Hazra if you are 45 00:03:46,240 --> 00:03:49,900 confident that we can choose a medium and then we login it. 46 00:03:50,200 --> 00:03:50,570 All right. 47 00:03:51,010 --> 00:03:55,020 So you see all the, all the, all the bugs. 48 00:03:55,030 --> 00:04:01,720 In fact, you can see, you know, Isdell injections, but gatepost, all the stuff, in fact, always 49 00:04:01,720 --> 00:04:03,060 injection commands as well. 50 00:04:03,100 --> 00:04:08,650 Let's give injection, but get post capture all the stuff you can make use of browser as well if you 51 00:04:08,650 --> 00:04:08,900 want. 52 00:04:09,430 --> 00:04:17,680 So let's say if you want to go for any specific crossette scripting or it's already there and secure 53 00:04:18,460 --> 00:04:25,450 communication reflected so you can drive for the reflective Gettysburg so you can get to see if it is 54 00:04:25,450 --> 00:04:28,050 supporting reflected get or not. 55 00:04:28,070 --> 00:04:29,620 So that would be really quick. 56 00:04:29,950 --> 00:04:35,440 So you can get to know if you insert JavaScript you in the next glasses. 57 00:04:35,800 --> 00:04:39,850 But if you insert a script or something, is it really responding? 58 00:04:39,850 --> 00:04:41,440 You are not doing that. 59 00:04:41,440 --> 00:04:42,730 Are affected and afflicted. 60 00:04:42,730 --> 00:04:46,300 Exercice are maybe on the stored exercise as well. 61 00:04:46,340 --> 00:04:48,150 So that would be pretty easier. 62 00:04:48,460 --> 00:04:50,090 You can change the password if you want. 63 00:04:50,110 --> 00:04:51,810 You can create a new user as well. 64 00:04:52,090 --> 00:04:53,660 So that's all. 65 00:04:53,700 --> 00:05:04,390 And in a way it's actually the same that what we have, what we would be a web code or TBWA but it does 66 00:05:04,390 --> 00:05:06,340 that the appearance is pretty beautiful. 67 00:05:06,430 --> 00:05:09,160 You get to see a lot of variety. 68 00:05:09,160 --> 00:05:11,650 The security levels are pretty good enough. 69 00:05:11,650 --> 00:05:14,380 So you would definitely be enjoying it for sure. 70 00:05:14,680 --> 00:05:14,980 All right. 71 00:05:14,980 --> 00:05:21,940 So we'll be covering each one of these two throughout our courses and we'll keep catching you for sure. 72 00:05:22,090 --> 00:05:22,510 All right. 73 00:05:22,510 --> 00:05:23,200 So thank you.