1 00:00:00,060 --> 00:00:00,370 All right. 2 00:00:00,440 --> 00:00:01,200 Welcome back, everyone. 3 00:00:01,230 --> 00:00:08,680 This is news, and this lesson will understand the career options available in this year, 2021. 4 00:00:09,030 --> 00:00:10,530 Of course, this is a bonus lecture. 5 00:00:11,100 --> 00:00:13,510 So I'm not saying this. 6 00:00:13,870 --> 00:00:22,170 These are the only options available, but these are the directly direct opening, I would say, which 7 00:00:22,170 --> 00:00:29,250 is related to your related to what we have been learning, related to the ethical hacking, to be very 8 00:00:29,250 --> 00:00:29,850 precise. 9 00:00:31,380 --> 00:00:37,560 But you can still find you can still go with, you know, entry level job as a cybersecurity analyst. 10 00:00:37,950 --> 00:00:44,000 But what I feel is, you know, there are two critical because I worked in both of them. 11 00:00:44,910 --> 00:00:52,210 So, you know, it's good if you be there on the attack site or you be on the defense side. 12 00:00:52,890 --> 00:00:58,650 I mean, to say either you it's good that you'll be on the penetration testing site or you'll be on 13 00:00:58,650 --> 00:01:06,300 the cybersecurity where you work on the deployment site, deploying cybersecurity solutions, protecting 14 00:01:06,300 --> 00:01:12,780 from threats, you know, deploying the fire was performing a risk assessment, risk management, all 15 00:01:12,780 --> 00:01:13,250 the stuff. 16 00:01:13,270 --> 00:01:20,980 And this is where you be good guy at the same time trying to penetrate your own network. 17 00:01:21,000 --> 00:01:26,700 And finally, one of the reasons I hope you've got the idea, but it's always good to be on one side. 18 00:01:26,710 --> 00:01:32,100 What we have learned so far, it's on the attack and that's where we are talking about penetration testing. 19 00:01:32,100 --> 00:01:32,370 Right. 20 00:01:32,790 --> 00:01:37,680 So I really think that to only two specific to with this. 21 00:01:37,830 --> 00:01:44,600 The first one is penetration tester on, you could say, of penetration testing in Junior Seau. 22 00:01:44,640 --> 00:01:49,500 Are we we also call it has been bestor as a shark for now. 23 00:01:49,500 --> 00:01:53,570 Poindexter, of course, is a guy who works in the company, OK? 24 00:01:53,630 --> 00:01:56,250 He works for an organization. 25 00:01:56,760 --> 00:01:59,730 And another one is the bug bounty specialist. 26 00:02:00,240 --> 00:02:04,960 Bug bounty specialist is more of a kind of freelancer where you become your own boss. 27 00:02:04,980 --> 00:02:05,830 Let me elaborate. 28 00:02:06,270 --> 00:02:10,080 So, of course, as I just told you, it's it's the profile. 29 00:02:10,080 --> 00:02:15,960 It's a profession that you get a job in a multinational organization or maybe any enterprise organization 30 00:02:16,320 --> 00:02:24,810 where they allow you to test their own network, perform network or application penetration testing 31 00:02:24,810 --> 00:02:25,980 or security testing. 32 00:02:26,430 --> 00:02:32,760 And you would have tried to find out the vulnerabilities of the machines and then prepare the report 33 00:02:32,760 --> 00:02:36,170 and share in the meetings that these are the vulnerabilities. 34 00:02:36,180 --> 00:02:43,020 You have to fix it on priority and then you can give them the priority vulnerabilities as well so that 35 00:02:43,020 --> 00:02:44,160 they can start fixing it. 36 00:02:44,310 --> 00:02:44,700 All right. 37 00:02:45,750 --> 00:02:51,480 So this is the one sometime in the penetration test test as a vendor tester as well. 38 00:02:51,480 --> 00:02:55,170 You might have to work on some advanced, persistent threats. 39 00:02:55,170 --> 00:03:01,370 That's where you might have to work on some incidents and corresponding deep, deep, deep, deep. 40 00:03:01,840 --> 00:03:05,760 So that's basically to stick procedures. 41 00:03:05,760 --> 00:03:09,830 That's where you have to work on what if the attack happened in the past? 42 00:03:09,840 --> 00:03:12,030 What was the tools being used? 43 00:03:12,040 --> 00:03:17,280 What was the technique being used and what what were the procedures being used? 44 00:03:17,400 --> 00:03:25,590 So accordingly, you can you know, you can you can help your cybersecurity team to, you know, make 45 00:03:25,590 --> 00:03:29,610 use of those techniques to defend against attacks. 46 00:03:29,610 --> 00:03:29,910 Right. 47 00:03:30,240 --> 00:03:31,950 And you protect from the attackers. 48 00:03:31,950 --> 00:03:36,990 But when you look at the bug bounty specialist, this is where you become your own boss. 49 00:03:36,990 --> 00:03:37,830 How exactly? 50 00:03:38,070 --> 00:03:44,250 And because you you are not really getting a full time job with any organization, but the best part 51 00:03:44,250 --> 00:03:51,150 is you are flexible enough to be, you know, to be working as a freelancer, maybe make your own way. 52 00:03:51,480 --> 00:03:56,880 You can join many on the platform, maybe hacker one, but many more as well. 53 00:03:57,210 --> 00:03:58,950 That's where you can be part of it. 54 00:03:58,950 --> 00:04:04,920 And, you know, you can start exploiting the network. 55 00:04:04,920 --> 00:04:10,710 So how exactly what those platforms are tied to the multinational organizations. 56 00:04:10,920 --> 00:04:17,970 Once you become part of this platform like Hacker One and Boccaro, you would get access to, you know, 57 00:04:17,970 --> 00:04:18,860 to access. 58 00:04:18,870 --> 00:04:22,890 Do you get access to penetrate those organization assets? 59 00:04:22,920 --> 00:04:30,660 Maybe you you get the you get you get to penetrate Destler network, maybe Apple or whomever are part 60 00:04:30,660 --> 00:04:31,740 of those those platforms. 61 00:04:31,740 --> 00:04:31,980 Right. 62 00:04:32,460 --> 00:04:38,670 So that way it's up to you if you take a day off for time to penetrate the network to find the vulnerabilities 63 00:04:38,940 --> 00:04:40,860 or you might take ten days. 64 00:04:40,920 --> 00:04:45,000 Depends on the vulnerabilities as well, but you might take months as well. 65 00:04:45,600 --> 00:04:46,840 But remember this. 66 00:04:46,860 --> 00:04:52,890 If the more the the more critical vulnerabilities you find, the bigger is the bomb. 67 00:04:52,890 --> 00:04:53,640 Do you get it? 68 00:04:54,030 --> 00:04:58,740 You might get up to fifty thousand dollars as well just to find one good one. 69 00:04:58,920 --> 00:04:59,870 It can be even more. 70 00:04:59,940 --> 00:05:09,630 Then the second is you get you get a very faster exposure to the industry because you are working full 71 00:05:09,630 --> 00:05:14,600 time in the organization, that's where you get the complete access to the organization. 72 00:05:14,610 --> 00:05:15,050 Is it? 73 00:05:15,060 --> 00:05:17,570 You get to talk to other people in the organization. 74 00:05:17,820 --> 00:05:20,960 You get to talk to other colleagues, other departments. 75 00:05:20,960 --> 00:05:25,530 You get to know how the network team is working, how the firewall team is working, how to, you know, 76 00:05:25,530 --> 00:05:32,670 turn hunting team is working, how the insider team is working on how exactly somebody everyone working 77 00:05:32,670 --> 00:05:36,820 together to fix a single one or to find the new targets as well. 78 00:05:36,840 --> 00:05:37,120 Right. 79 00:05:37,500 --> 00:05:43,180 So that's where you get a very, very good exposure in a very limited time. 80 00:05:43,550 --> 00:05:45,780 OK, so that's where you grow fast. 81 00:05:45,810 --> 00:05:46,200 OK. 82 00:05:46,530 --> 00:05:53,400 When you look at the backbone, this business, that's where that's where you see most of the folks, 83 00:05:53,400 --> 00:05:56,880 most of the people end up losing the motivation. 84 00:05:56,880 --> 00:06:02,680 And, you know, in a month or so it's happened because most of the time you find some vulnerabilities 85 00:06:02,700 --> 00:06:05,460 and these are not applicable. 86 00:06:05,460 --> 00:06:11,130 You might you know, sometime, you know, you submit someone and you prepare the report and you get 87 00:06:11,340 --> 00:06:15,990 a name that's that's really bad because that's what you describe your school. 88 00:06:16,230 --> 00:06:18,480 But sometimes it's become informational as well. 89 00:06:18,780 --> 00:06:20,280 So it depends. 90 00:06:20,280 --> 00:06:23,280 Sometime you might get some bonda depends. 91 00:06:23,640 --> 00:06:27,390 But and that's where the persistence is really required. 92 00:06:27,390 --> 00:06:33,210 Your determination is really what you have to be persistent enough that, you know, you're learning 93 00:06:33,210 --> 00:06:39,390 fast, although you don't have anybody to coordinate with or to talk to them personally or to, you 94 00:06:39,390 --> 00:06:41,010 know, to understand how they are working. 95 00:06:41,010 --> 00:06:46,280 Or you can always participate in some of the community on this score as well. 96 00:06:46,290 --> 00:06:50,740 But you want people want to open so much very quickly. 97 00:06:51,500 --> 00:06:51,860 All right. 98 00:06:52,680 --> 00:06:55,080 Of course, I'm being open to penetration testing. 99 00:06:55,080 --> 00:06:57,250 Your income would be fixed, Autobus. 100 00:06:57,570 --> 00:07:01,500 But when you talk about being in bug party specialists, there's no limit. 101 00:07:01,560 --> 00:07:06,110 You can go up to maybe 80 K dollars as well, whatever it is. 102 00:07:06,120 --> 00:07:08,110 So, so understand this way. 103 00:07:08,400 --> 00:07:12,690 There is some pros and cons for both the both the scariest. 104 00:07:12,690 --> 00:07:15,000 But you need to make your mind right. 105 00:07:15,270 --> 00:07:16,850 What kind of a person you are. 106 00:07:17,100 --> 00:07:24,240 You like to get exposer very fast while being in touch with any organization or you want to be your 107 00:07:24,240 --> 00:07:25,020 own boss. 108 00:07:25,020 --> 00:07:27,090 You want to learn on your own pace. 109 00:07:27,450 --> 00:07:33,140 And, you know, you want to just enjoy the you know, enjoy working as a freelancer itself. 110 00:07:33,150 --> 00:07:35,440 You can go for bug bounty specialist as well. 111 00:07:35,760 --> 00:07:40,200 I'll be talking about both this great opportunity for you and we'll see you then. 112 00:07:40,320 --> 00:07:40,800 Thank you.