1 00:00:00,270 --> 00:00:07,350 OK, now from the previous picture, we saw that we when we when we sit there, are host to our tribe 2 00:00:07,350 --> 00:00:10,860 and we find these as open ports. 3 00:00:10,890 --> 00:00:13,890 OK, now what if I want to see? 4 00:00:15,060 --> 00:00:22,990 What are the histories OK, or the results of the TCB scan in that we run in the previous lecture hall 5 00:00:23,020 --> 00:00:25,260 to show that we will use the services? 6 00:00:25,650 --> 00:00:33,740 By the way, you can see that there are no databases connected so controlled to quit from this pseudo 7 00:00:33,870 --> 00:00:37,620 rule Typekit MSF db in it. 8 00:00:39,890 --> 00:00:44,930 So you can see that now we are starting a database right now again. 9 00:00:45,350 --> 00:00:47,000 Let's open the MSF concern. 10 00:00:54,440 --> 00:01:01,760 Now, if I type services, you can see that now we have services, but by the way, because we need 11 00:01:01,760 --> 00:01:02,270 to run. 12 00:01:03,210 --> 00:01:08,160 Again, the previous thing or the previous scan, so. 13 00:01:09,910 --> 00:01:10,600 Accelerate. 14 00:01:11,580 --> 00:01:12,240 Scanner. 15 00:01:13,950 --> 00:01:15,960 Boards can PCB. 16 00:01:17,820 --> 00:01:18,330 Sit. 17 00:01:18,800 --> 00:01:20,320 Of course. 18 00:01:21,180 --> 00:01:23,040 And to get it, I have config. 19 00:01:24,180 --> 00:01:24,960 Copy paste. 20 00:01:26,310 --> 00:01:27,000 Watch it here. 21 00:01:27,660 --> 00:01:28,290 Now, run. 22 00:01:30,050 --> 00:01:40,790 And the previous things, as we saw, which is about 20 to 80 now type services, you can see that here. 23 00:01:40,880 --> 00:01:43,310 This will show us all the. 24 00:01:44,500 --> 00:01:51,970 The results that we have do what we have done, so for example, if I said there are hosts to be on 25 00:01:52,780 --> 00:01:59,140 something else like this and run again, by the way, because this is not a arena target. 26 00:01:59,410 --> 00:02:06,730 So if I align services again, nothing will be recorded here because we didn't find anything open as 27 00:02:06,730 --> 00:02:08,650 a boat, no services. 28 00:02:08,650 --> 00:02:11,780 We have this options dash hatch. 29 00:02:12,190 --> 00:02:12,930 This is the reverse. 30 00:02:12,960 --> 00:02:19,750 All the flags and parameters, as you can see with basic aid to add services instead of searching the 31 00:02:19,750 --> 00:02:20,290 U. 32 00:02:20,320 --> 00:02:20,600 P. 33 00:02:20,620 --> 00:02:21,070 Whatever. 34 00:02:21,130 --> 00:02:21,580 All right. 35 00:02:22,090 --> 00:02:22,930 OK, cool. 36 00:02:23,320 --> 00:02:26,430 Now also, we have the host's comment. 37 00:02:27,070 --> 00:02:30,910 So this is to show us what is the host being recorded? 38 00:02:30,940 --> 00:02:38,720 OK, now what we find is that we have this horse, which is our machine, my IB machine. 39 00:02:39,550 --> 00:02:41,740 Now we have for the services itself. 40 00:02:41,980 --> 00:02:46,030 If I want to search, I remember when I tell you which you can see that we find this spot. 41 00:02:46,030 --> 00:02:47,680 Twenty two and what eighty. 42 00:02:47,950 --> 00:02:55,870 So if I want to have the twenty two only, like for all the hosts that recorded onboard twenty two, 43 00:02:56,080 --> 00:02:58,540 I can DSP then the bot. 44 00:02:58,660 --> 00:02:59,410 So this is. 45 00:03:00,970 --> 00:03:05,000 The result of that 20 to or us edge connections. 46 00:03:05,020 --> 00:03:05,430 OK. 47 00:03:05,980 --> 00:03:08,530 No, again, we can't have that works this. 48 00:03:10,560 --> 00:03:17,070 Command, so by default, as you can see, we have workspace now workspace this modest. 49 00:03:17,610 --> 00:03:19,830 You can see that workspace not found. 50 00:03:22,220 --> 00:03:29,390 So to add or delete, we need to watch year for AD or the SD for delete. 51 00:03:29,540 --> 00:03:32,450 By the way, if you type, it would show us everything. 52 00:03:32,780 --> 00:03:34,100 So like like these? 53 00:03:34,340 --> 00:03:37,280 So it looks business the workspace dsv for. 54 00:03:37,280 --> 00:03:41,870 We're mostly more verbosity to object to output more information. 55 00:03:42,350 --> 00:03:45,010 Yes, Disney does need capital. 56 00:03:45,440 --> 00:03:48,110 That's ah, that's such shorthand. 57 00:03:48,350 --> 00:03:51,580 OK, so for example, workspace, that's a fist. 58 00:03:52,280 --> 00:04:00,550 Now, if I type desh v this time you can see that we have tist and tell zero zero services vulnerability. 59 00:04:00,920 --> 00:04:02,060 You know, it's whatever. 60 00:04:02,330 --> 00:04:05,600 This is workspace that's free, but workspace alone. 61 00:04:05,960 --> 00:04:09,260 This will show us just the name of that workspace. 62 00:04:09,560 --> 00:04:10,010 OK. 63 00:04:10,250 --> 00:04:11,330 By the way, to delete it. 64 00:04:12,140 --> 00:04:13,460 That's the test. 65 00:04:14,820 --> 00:04:20,250 So as you can see, it is deleted and it was switched to the default, so it works best. 66 00:04:20,459 --> 00:04:22,530 You can see that now it is divorced. 67 00:04:22,950 --> 00:04:23,730 OK, cool. 68 00:04:23,760 --> 00:04:24,540 So far, so good. 69 00:04:24,600 --> 00:04:28,860 So I recap for what we learned so to start capturing. 70 00:04:29,970 --> 00:04:32,340 And record everything into a database. 71 00:04:32,760 --> 00:04:38,700 First, we need to run this command before we run a massive console, make sure to run this command, 72 00:04:39,060 --> 00:04:42,130 which is a must be in it. 73 00:04:42,150 --> 00:04:48,630 So this is to initialize a database by by using a suitable for it, then opened a massive console after 74 00:04:48,630 --> 00:04:55,320 you initialize the database, then start running that what scanned the modules, you warned whatever 75 00:04:55,770 --> 00:05:03,030 and then typing the services command as we learnt and the host's command and the services. 76 00:05:03,060 --> 00:05:05,840 To see more options, that that's the edge. 77 00:05:06,450 --> 00:05:14,640 And here we can see that we can use the DSP tool to find a specific bot like when we saw previously 78 00:05:14,640 --> 00:05:16,830 as we used on what 22. 79 00:05:17,130 --> 00:05:23,740 And we can use the hosts as well, and we can use the workspace to have a separate workspace. 80 00:05:23,940 --> 00:05:24,280 Yes. 81 00:05:24,370 --> 00:05:28,290 E four at four delete dash edge to see more options. 82 00:05:28,290 --> 00:05:33,330 As you can see that we have Dash V and Dash Nick Editor and Dash are for renaming. 83 00:05:33,660 --> 00:05:34,860 All right, cool. 84 00:05:35,070 --> 00:05:35,820 So far, so good. 85 00:05:35,940 --> 00:05:37,170 Now keep that in your mind. 86 00:05:37,380 --> 00:05:38,610 This would be very handy.