1 00:00:00,360 --> 00:00:05,820 OK, now let's dig into Kelly Lin, excuse it and explore some basic Linux command. 2 00:00:07,080 --> 00:00:09,180 Now from here up in a minute. 3 00:00:09,540 --> 00:00:14,910 OK, now from here, if I go to the file preferences, go to the color scheme here. 4 00:00:14,940 --> 00:00:17,310 You can change it to something else as you want. 5 00:00:17,970 --> 00:00:21,030 Actually, I prefer green on black now not to. 6 00:00:21,030 --> 00:00:21,960 Sounds like heck. 7 00:00:22,230 --> 00:00:24,840 To be honest, but actually it's better for my eyes. 8 00:00:24,850 --> 00:00:26,100 So if I click here. 9 00:00:26,340 --> 00:00:28,770 Yeah, you can see that now it is better. 10 00:00:29,090 --> 00:00:34,650 But I actually let's increase the font size control shift the black sign. 11 00:00:35,580 --> 00:00:37,440 Yeah, so yeah, I think this is better. 12 00:00:37,890 --> 00:00:40,740 It's increased this and this or it. 13 00:00:41,870 --> 00:00:49,100 Now, the first moment it will be less less, it is the command used for listing the fight so as you 14 00:00:49,100 --> 00:00:54,500 can see else and hear all the fights or directories I have on the current path. 15 00:00:54,830 --> 00:00:57,110 OK, so it has to list comments. 16 00:00:58,280 --> 00:00:59,630 So I'll ask to list fights. 17 00:01:00,120 --> 00:01:08,840 OK, now we have clear so you can see that if I type enter and as you can see now, you can see that 18 00:01:08,840 --> 00:01:10,750 the screen is becoming chaotic. 19 00:01:11,300 --> 00:01:14,270 So to clear the screen, we would put the clear command clear. 20 00:01:14,430 --> 00:01:15,230 Simple as that. 21 00:01:15,290 --> 00:01:17,000 OK, so we learn. 22 00:01:17,000 --> 00:01:18,230 Tell us A.. 23 00:01:18,680 --> 00:01:23,270 OK, now what if I want to learn more about specific commands? 24 00:01:23,270 --> 00:01:28,790 So, for example, the last command, I want to read more about it, about its option, about its M 25 00:01:29,030 --> 00:01:33,830 and features, whatever, so we will use them in command. 26 00:01:34,040 --> 00:01:36,800 The main command is used to for manual. 27 00:01:37,010 --> 00:01:39,980 OK, so man, unless OK. 28 00:01:41,290 --> 00:01:44,560 It would show us what is the US command will do. 29 00:01:44,860 --> 00:01:52,510 So this directory contains, as you can see else, this is the syntax or synopsis unless option, whatever 30 00:01:52,510 --> 00:01:54,850 options, then the fine, whatever fine. 31 00:01:55,360 --> 00:02:02,980 So you can see that we have a lot of descriptions that we all all the R P, C F, whatever, and you 32 00:02:02,980 --> 00:02:05,440 can read more about it, as you can see from here. 33 00:02:06,600 --> 00:02:10,169 Now, to quote from this, you can see that police ask for help or cure for quick. 34 00:02:10,380 --> 00:02:11,760 So it is quite all right. 35 00:02:11,970 --> 00:02:21,660 So men clear, as you can see clear the terminals screen and it has a lot of options Dash T Type V X, 36 00:02:21,660 --> 00:02:22,080 whatever. 37 00:02:22,110 --> 00:02:22,500 OK. 38 00:02:22,770 --> 00:02:24,510 Cue to quit now. 39 00:02:24,960 --> 00:02:25,450 Men. 40 00:02:25,450 --> 00:02:25,870 Men. 41 00:02:26,130 --> 00:02:28,830 So this is to show the manual for the men who beach. 42 00:02:29,160 --> 00:02:29,610 OK. 43 00:02:29,730 --> 00:02:30,840 So this is men. 44 00:02:31,020 --> 00:02:33,570 This is an interface to the System Preferences menu. 45 00:02:33,840 --> 00:02:39,870 OK, so you can see that it has a desk that's capital up l w options. 46 00:02:40,280 --> 00:02:40,680 Right? 47 00:02:41,220 --> 00:02:42,060 All right, cool. 48 00:02:42,240 --> 00:02:43,380 So far, so good. 49 00:02:44,290 --> 00:02:49,410 OK, now if I type, I guess you can see that I am here currently. 50 00:02:49,840 --> 00:02:51,930 I want to know where I am currently. 51 00:02:51,940 --> 00:02:59,410 So if I type B W D, which is print working directory, it will show us that I am inside the home slash 52 00:02:59,410 --> 00:02:59,920 Kelly. 53 00:03:00,490 --> 00:03:09,820 OK, so if I type men p wd here you can see that it will bring the name of the current working directory. 54 00:03:10,120 --> 00:03:15,940 OK, so print working directory or the current directory and it has a lot of options that dash l, dash 55 00:03:15,940 --> 00:03:17,200 p, whatever you can. 56 00:03:17,200 --> 00:03:18,010 Read more about it. 57 00:03:18,370 --> 00:03:20,020 OK, now let's clear the screen again. 58 00:03:20,560 --> 00:03:29,800 Right now if I type and as you can see that I am here inside the home caddy when I type B W D OK, the 59 00:03:29,800 --> 00:03:31,180 Caddy Home Directory. 60 00:03:31,450 --> 00:03:33,010 Now I want to go to the desktop. 61 00:03:33,050 --> 00:03:34,180 OK, it is here. 62 00:03:34,350 --> 00:03:36,240 OK, time to do such a thing. 63 00:03:36,250 --> 00:03:39,340 I will use the CD Common Men CD again. 64 00:03:41,320 --> 00:03:47,080 You can see that some of the comments are not or don't have manuals, so like the said, because it's 65 00:03:47,080 --> 00:03:53,380 a symbol command, so it has not so seedy, then the name of the directory. 66 00:03:53,440 --> 00:03:55,930 OK, so if I type unless I want to go to the desktop? 67 00:03:56,110 --> 00:04:03,010 OK, but remember in Linux, this is a case sensitive so CD desktop that must be written. 68 00:04:03,550 --> 00:04:09,010 Now you can notice that if I type desktop, I can press the tap button. 69 00:04:09,400 --> 00:04:15,430 So if I press it, it would autocomplete the sentence or the name of the folder or directory. 70 00:04:15,430 --> 00:04:16,750 In Linux, we call the directory. 71 00:04:16,750 --> 00:04:17,380 In that folder. 72 00:04:17,680 --> 00:04:19,269 In Windows, we called it folder. 73 00:04:19,690 --> 00:04:21,250 OK, so CD desktop. 74 00:04:21,519 --> 00:04:22,540 Now you can see that. 75 00:04:22,840 --> 00:04:27,760 Yeah, from here, from tilde marked to it, change to the desktop. 76 00:04:27,970 --> 00:04:33,910 By the way, the tilde marking the tail DeMarte here means it is the home directory of the current user, 77 00:04:33,910 --> 00:04:36,040 which is, in our case, it is the carrier user. 78 00:04:36,830 --> 00:04:37,250 OK. 79 00:04:37,430 --> 00:04:41,510 No worries, we will talk about these details later on, but for now, follow me. 80 00:04:42,870 --> 00:04:46,470 OK, now, if I want to go back, I will go see. 81 00:04:47,490 --> 00:04:50,970 OK, now that means the bear on directory. 82 00:04:51,440 --> 00:04:53,550 Again, we'll talk about this later on. 83 00:04:53,640 --> 00:04:54,240 No worries. 84 00:04:54,870 --> 00:05:02,550 OK, so here we will go back to the ban directory of the desktop and and this is the home directory 85 00:05:02,550 --> 00:05:04,260 of Kali Linux user. 86 00:05:05,240 --> 00:05:13,120 OK, now here what I want to make a new directory, I will use the command and key dial or directory. 87 00:05:13,330 --> 00:05:15,550 Saman MC Dial AC. 88 00:05:15,560 --> 00:05:20,090 This is to make directory and we have other options, as you can see here. 89 00:05:20,750 --> 00:05:29,690 So McDeere and let's name artist and blitz, as you can see here, it is just so CD to test. 90 00:05:30,260 --> 00:05:33,290 You can see now we are inside the disk to directory. 91 00:05:33,320 --> 00:05:35,030 OK, so far, so good. 92 00:05:35,360 --> 00:05:39,230 Now you may ask me this directory is empty. 93 00:05:39,260 --> 00:05:42,680 How did we go to the DICT or to the dot? 94 00:05:42,980 --> 00:05:45,530 There is another thing called the which is the current directory. 95 00:05:45,740 --> 00:05:46,730 How did we go there? 96 00:05:46,910 --> 00:05:48,110 It is not even exist. 97 00:05:48,320 --> 00:05:50,990 No, actually, it is exist, but it is hidden. 98 00:05:51,230 --> 00:05:56,780 So if I type LS Dash a K, this will show all the directory. 99 00:05:56,780 --> 00:05:58,160 So how did I know that? 100 00:05:58,340 --> 00:06:03,080 Just open the manually page and press, don't ignore entries. 101 00:06:03,080 --> 00:06:03,900 Start with that. 102 00:06:04,310 --> 00:06:10,130 As you can see, because the dot here in Linux, it will be considered a hidden directory. 103 00:06:10,460 --> 00:06:10,940 OK? 104 00:06:11,090 --> 00:06:12,050 Or hidden files? 105 00:06:13,070 --> 00:06:18,950 So when I type, alas, it will not be shown, but actually it would show everything which is good and 106 00:06:19,190 --> 00:06:24,860 do it, the tier one single dot, which is the current directory, which is the highest directory. 107 00:06:25,760 --> 00:06:29,120 Now you may ask me, but what is the use for this? 108 00:06:29,360 --> 00:06:31,460 This is has this has no meaning. 109 00:06:31,460 --> 00:06:36,680 No, we would talk about it later or no worries and the not, which means the brand directory of the 110 00:06:36,680 --> 00:06:41,300 current directive, which is the brand directory of this, which is, in our case, the tilde. 111 00:06:42,410 --> 00:06:48,230 And we already mentioned that this means the home directory of the current user, which is clearly user, 112 00:06:48,440 --> 00:06:51,060 which is the county home page, so CD. 113 00:06:52,580 --> 00:06:54,170 It will go to the and directory. 114 00:06:54,530 --> 00:06:56,480 And you can see we returned back. 115 00:06:56,900 --> 00:06:57,290 All right. 116 00:06:57,860 --> 00:06:58,880 So far, so good. 117 00:06:59,540 --> 00:07:01,730 Now let's clear the screen now. 118 00:07:01,760 --> 00:07:04,700 Also, there are other options like DSP. 119 00:07:05,870 --> 00:07:07,520 Which means create a barren there. 120 00:07:07,830 --> 00:07:10,700 So, for example, I have to here, right? 121 00:07:11,480 --> 00:07:19,190 So what if I want to create this tool, as you can see and inside it, I want to create this theme like 122 00:07:19,190 --> 00:07:19,430 this. 123 00:07:19,490 --> 00:07:22,940 This will not work because this tool is not exist in the first place. 124 00:07:23,270 --> 00:07:29,480 So for that case, I will put that speech, which is right, and this will create this tool. 125 00:07:30,050 --> 00:07:37,100 As you can see, if I type a PC to a directory, it will show us the content or that, yeah, the content 126 00:07:37,100 --> 00:07:39,800 of this tool is history. 127 00:07:40,220 --> 00:07:41,660 The folder we have created. 128 00:07:41,900 --> 00:07:45,290 Now let's talk about another command, which is the wish command. 129 00:07:45,500 --> 00:07:50,360 This is to search through the directories that are defined in the best environment. 130 00:07:50,840 --> 00:07:55,250 So if I type eco, this is a command used to print a text. 131 00:07:55,580 --> 00:08:02,960 So if I type eco high, it will bring tie, as you can see in double quotation, if I type equal high. 132 00:08:03,410 --> 00:08:05,660 Also, it will print it, but if I type. 133 00:08:06,600 --> 00:08:07,200 Equal. 134 00:08:08,220 --> 00:08:17,080 Shift high now you can see that the shift for the sign means that this is available in clinics. 135 00:08:17,570 --> 00:08:24,060 And this variable is not a sign, but we have environment variables called the back OK. 136 00:08:24,520 --> 00:08:26,050 So if I type it, it would see. 137 00:08:26,140 --> 00:08:31,930 You can see that this variable contains a listing of directories that clearly search when a command 138 00:08:31,930 --> 00:08:33,850 is issued without its back. 139 00:08:34,330 --> 00:08:36,580 By the way, this is not intended next only. 140 00:08:36,760 --> 00:08:39,950 This is used with Debian or Linux generally. 141 00:08:39,970 --> 00:08:46,090 OK, so Debian based or it had maize and or whatever Linux distribution? 142 00:08:46,690 --> 00:08:48,880 OK, well, some of them doesn't use this hour. 143 00:08:48,880 --> 00:08:51,250 Have a special meaning, whatever game. 144 00:08:51,330 --> 00:08:56,290 But I'm talking about the popular or their popularity and distribution anyway. 145 00:08:56,890 --> 00:09:01,330 So if I type l'as here, you can see this is a compact, by the way. 146 00:09:01,600 --> 00:09:08,230 By the way, this is a utility that exists on the system that should be inside here. 147 00:09:08,530 --> 00:09:16,160 So if I type e call Beth, it should be either here it is, a local spin or usr local bin or user a 148 00:09:16,180 --> 00:09:17,430 spin or whatever. 149 00:09:17,440 --> 00:09:20,350 OK, so it must be inside one of these directories. 150 00:09:20,830 --> 00:09:28,360 So if I type which by the way, men, which we learned that which is you can see it will locate the 151 00:09:28,360 --> 00:09:38,890 command where it is so which and as as you can see and is earliest to unless dash color or which CD, 152 00:09:39,670 --> 00:09:42,520 you can see that these are built in commands. 153 00:09:43,210 --> 00:09:45,180 So let's look about another command. 154 00:09:45,190 --> 00:09:52,240 So for example, which by button is a command and you can see it is inside the user bin. 155 00:09:53,160 --> 00:09:57,120 But then here where it is located, so I'm using which comment. 156 00:09:57,220 --> 00:09:57,600 OK. 157 00:09:57,870 --> 00:10:04,620 By the way, the CD and these are built in command, so most likely they are not existed anywhere or 158 00:10:04,620 --> 00:10:06,300 they are existed, actually. 159 00:10:06,300 --> 00:10:07,920 But we will talk about these later on. 160 00:10:07,920 --> 00:10:08,370 No worries. 161 00:10:09,000 --> 00:10:13,410 Now we have another command called Locate Men, locate like this. 162 00:10:13,830 --> 00:10:15,990 This is to find fights by name quickly. 163 00:10:16,110 --> 00:10:16,530 OK. 164 00:10:17,160 --> 00:10:21,300 So as you can see in which to the database met by update D.B. 165 00:10:21,630 --> 00:10:29,650 So, for example, locate Python, you can see it would start looking for all or anything called Python. 166 00:10:29,670 --> 00:10:34,450 As you can see now, this list to be updated, we must use this command. 167 00:10:34,770 --> 00:10:36,390 Update DB. 168 00:10:37,590 --> 00:10:43,620 OK, like this, so but is it you can see permission denied for that case because I'm throwing, I'm 169 00:10:43,660 --> 00:10:50,130 updating the whole system, but I'm updating the database from the whole system, so I just use the 170 00:10:50,130 --> 00:10:50,820 pseudo command. 171 00:10:50,910 --> 00:10:51,420 No worries. 172 00:10:51,420 --> 00:10:56,220 We will talk about this later on the suit command, by the way, if I type man sudo. 173 00:10:56,670 --> 00:10:58,770 This is to execute a command as another user. 174 00:10:59,100 --> 00:11:02,580 So sudo update db. 175 00:11:04,620 --> 00:11:06,270 And here it will ask for the password. 176 00:11:06,660 --> 00:11:07,230 Of course. 177 00:11:08,380 --> 00:11:10,540 Which is Caddy one, two, three four, five six. 178 00:11:10,750 --> 00:11:13,570 By the way, this is a stupid bastard. 179 00:11:14,140 --> 00:11:17,110 But anyway, this is just for the sake of this course. 180 00:11:17,530 --> 00:11:24,450 Now we updated the database, so look it again by itself and sorry and am mistake this? 181 00:11:24,460 --> 00:11:25,180 I have a mistake. 182 00:11:25,190 --> 00:11:28,660 Yeah, it will show us the same result. 183 00:11:29,110 --> 00:11:29,500 By the way. 184 00:11:30,450 --> 00:11:30,810 OK. 185 00:11:31,870 --> 00:11:37,810 Now, finally, we have another comment, I know we took a lot of time, but these are just the basics. 186 00:11:38,170 --> 00:11:38,850 No worries. 187 00:11:38,860 --> 00:11:41,800 We would have what we learned practically. 188 00:11:41,860 --> 00:11:45,610 Step by step and we will repeat it over and over. 189 00:11:45,610 --> 00:11:48,610 So you will get used to it and you will muster it in no time. 190 00:11:48,760 --> 00:11:49,300 Trust me. 191 00:11:49,690 --> 00:11:51,420 Now finally, we have that final comment. 192 00:11:51,420 --> 00:11:52,420 So men find. 193 00:11:53,510 --> 00:11:56,150 This is to search for an end directory or hierarchical. 194 00:11:56,360 --> 00:11:59,720 So, for example, find slash. 195 00:11:59,870 --> 00:12:07,170 This is where we want to search next name and the name or two will be by phone, for example. 196 00:12:08,540 --> 00:12:11,930 But you can see that it will start showing us permission denied, permission denied. 197 00:12:12,170 --> 00:12:12,620 All right. 198 00:12:12,920 --> 00:12:14,890 So we learned that we already left. 199 00:12:14,900 --> 00:12:15,520 What do we do? 200 00:12:15,530 --> 00:12:17,410 What should we do, which is using this? 201 00:12:17,430 --> 00:12:19,850 We do, as you can see. 202 00:12:20,820 --> 00:12:26,970 It would show us that it found some, but here we got permission denied for this, for some reason. 203 00:12:27,240 --> 00:12:29,610 For now, we were not handed it because this is a little different. 204 00:12:29,640 --> 00:12:31,080 We'll talk about it later on. 205 00:12:32,760 --> 00:12:34,650 So we found what we want. 206 00:12:34,860 --> 00:12:35,970 All right, cool. 207 00:12:36,300 --> 00:12:37,200 So far, so good. 208 00:12:37,560 --> 00:12:40,470 No, I will provide you with exercises. 209 00:12:41,520 --> 00:12:46,230 On what we have learnt here in this lecture, so you will practice with me. 210 00:12:46,470 --> 00:12:52,890 OK, now I recommend you to do the exercises because it would be very useful for you. 211 00:12:53,280 --> 00:12:56,520 As they say, practice makes perfect.