1 00:00:00,560 --> 00:00:06,560 IPV six was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force IETF. 2 00:00:06,590 --> 00:00:13,280 I'm sure you looked it up to deal with the long anticipated problem of IPv4 address exhaustion. 3 00:00:13,870 --> 00:00:18,310 So IPV six is intended to replace IPV four. 4 00:00:19,470 --> 00:00:28,740 IPv6 became a draft standard in December 1998 and became an Internet standard on the 14th of July 2017. 5 00:00:29,790 --> 00:00:37,860 So instead of 32 bit addressing of IPV four, which provides approximately 4.3 billion addresses, IPV 6 00:00:37,860 --> 00:00:41,310 six uses a 128 bit address. 7 00:00:41,310 --> 00:00:52,020 So that theoretically gives us two to the power of 128 or approximately 3.4 times ten to the 38th addresses. 8 00:00:52,050 --> 00:00:53,040 Big number. 9 00:00:53,710 --> 00:00:56,560 You can check my math later, but stick with me for now. 10 00:00:57,570 --> 00:01:04,680 I mean, the actual number is slightly smaller as multiple ranges are reserved for special use or they're 11 00:01:04,680 --> 00:01:06,930 just completely excluded from use. 12 00:01:07,170 --> 00:01:15,450 But with a rough calculation, the total number of possible IPV six addresses is more than 7.9 times 13 00:01:15,450 --> 00:01:20,460 ten to the power of 28 times as many as IPV four. 14 00:01:21,390 --> 00:01:27,420 The two protocols IPV four and IPV six are not designed to be interoperable. 15 00:01:28,100 --> 00:01:35,690 Complicating the transition to IPv6, however, several IPv6 transition mechanisms have been devised 16 00:01:35,690 --> 00:01:40,880 to permit communication between IPV four and IPV six hosts. 17 00:01:41,710 --> 00:01:49,390 In addition to offering more addresses, IPV six also implements features not present in IPV four. 18 00:01:49,950 --> 00:01:51,330 Simplified header. 19 00:01:52,170 --> 00:01:59,280 IPv6 header has been simplified by moving all unnecessary information and options which are present 20 00:01:59,280 --> 00:02:04,590 in the IPv4 header to the end of the IPv6 header. 21 00:02:04,920 --> 00:02:13,590 The IPv6 header is only twice as big as an IPV four header because that IPV six address is four times 22 00:02:13,590 --> 00:02:14,370 longer. 23 00:02:15,610 --> 00:02:17,230 End to end connectivity. 24 00:02:18,160 --> 00:02:24,610 Every system now has a unique IP address and can traverse through the internet without using Nat or 25 00:02:24,610 --> 00:02:26,380 other translating components. 26 00:02:27,190 --> 00:02:34,660 After IPV six is fully implemented, every host can directly reach other hosts on the internet with 27 00:02:34,690 --> 00:02:41,170 well with some limitations involved, like a firewall organization, policies and stuff like that. 28 00:02:42,800 --> 00:02:44,240 Autoconfiguration. 29 00:02:44,860 --> 00:02:52,150 IPV six supports both stateful and stateless autoconfiguration mode of its host devices. 30 00:02:52,450 --> 00:02:59,110 This way the absence of a Dhcp server does not put a halt on inter-segment communication. 31 00:03:00,100 --> 00:03:01,930 Faster forwarding and routing. 32 00:03:02,800 --> 00:03:08,590 A simplified header puts all unnecessary information at the end of the header like we saw earlier. 33 00:03:08,680 --> 00:03:14,620 The information contained in the first part of the header is adequate for a router to make its routing 34 00:03:14,620 --> 00:03:19,240 decisions, thus making them as quickly as looking at the mandatory header. 35 00:03:20,350 --> 00:03:21,460 IPsec. 36 00:03:22,880 --> 00:03:31,010 Initially it was decided that IPV six must have IPsec making it more secure than IPV four. 37 00:03:31,220 --> 00:03:33,830 This feature has now been made optional. 38 00:03:35,280 --> 00:03:43,620 IPsec Internet Protocol security is a framework of open standards for helping to ensure private, secure 39 00:03:43,620 --> 00:03:46,500 communications over Internet protocol networks. 40 00:03:46,530 --> 00:03:51,030 IP networks through the use of cryptographic security services. 41 00:03:51,610 --> 00:03:58,540 IPsec is an end to end security scheme operating in the network layer, while some other internet security 42 00:03:58,570 --> 00:04:04,360 systems in widespread use, TLS and SSH operate in the upper layers. 43 00:04:04,390 --> 00:04:09,250 IPsec can automatically secure applications at the IP layer. 44 00:04:10,090 --> 00:04:11,560 No broadcast. 45 00:04:12,400 --> 00:04:18,430 Though Ethernet and token ring are considered a broadcast network because they support broadcasting. 46 00:04:18,640 --> 00:04:22,660 IPV six does not have broadcast support anymore. 47 00:04:22,690 --> 00:04:26,650 It uses multicast to communicate with multiple hosts. 48 00:04:27,780 --> 00:04:28,860 Mobility. 49 00:04:29,280 --> 00:04:32,850 IPV six was designed keeping mobility in mind. 50 00:04:33,060 --> 00:04:39,420 This feature enables hosts such as a mobile phone to roam around in different geographical areas and 51 00:04:39,420 --> 00:04:41,910 remain connected with the same IP address. 52 00:04:42,210 --> 00:04:49,770 The mobility feature of IPV six takes advantage of auto IP configuration and extension headers. 53 00:04:51,130 --> 00:04:52,300 Extensibility. 54 00:04:52,940 --> 00:05:00,680 One of the major advantages of the IPv6 header is that it is extensible, adding more information in 55 00:05:00,680 --> 00:05:01,790 the option part. 56 00:05:02,550 --> 00:05:09,270 IPV four provides only 40 bytes for options, whereas options in IPV six can be as much as the size 57 00:05:09,270 --> 00:05:11,280 of the IPV six packet itself. 58 00:05:12,310 --> 00:05:15,070 What is the IPV six packet you ask? 59 00:05:15,100 --> 00:05:16,840 You came to the right place. 60 00:05:17,390 --> 00:05:24,860 An IPV six packet is the smallest message entity exchanged via the internet protocol across an IPV six 61 00:05:24,860 --> 00:05:25,640 network. 62 00:05:25,820 --> 00:05:27,230 But stay with me here. 63 00:05:27,260 --> 00:05:34,160 The packets consist of control information for addressing and routing and a payload consisting of user 64 00:05:34,160 --> 00:05:34,700 data. 65 00:05:35,240 --> 00:05:43,190 The control information in IPv6 packets is subdivided in a mandatory fixed header and optional extension 66 00:05:43,190 --> 00:05:43,880 headers. 67 00:05:44,460 --> 00:05:52,410 The fixed header starts an IPV six packet and has a size of 40 octets, which means 320 bits. 68 00:05:52,680 --> 00:05:55,080 Its format is shown in the slide. 69 00:05:56,120 --> 00:05:58,130 Version is constant. 70 00:05:58,130 --> 00:05:59,030 Six. 71 00:05:59,210 --> 00:06:05,600 Payload length is the size of the payload in bytes, including any extension headers. 72 00:06:05,840 --> 00:06:10,700 Hop limit replaces the time to live field in the IPV four. 73 00:06:11,210 --> 00:06:16,010 Well, I think source address and destination address fields are fairly obvious. 74 00:06:17,230 --> 00:06:24,100 Extension headers carry optional internet layer information and are placed between the fixed header 75 00:06:24,100 --> 00:06:26,560 and the upper layer protocol header. 76 00:06:27,670 --> 00:06:29,230 128 bit. 77 00:06:29,260 --> 00:06:34,480 IPV six addresses are written using hexadecimal as opposed to dotted decimal. 78 00:06:34,510 --> 00:06:35,920 Back in IPV four. 79 00:06:36,470 --> 00:06:39,710 Because a hexadecimal number uses four bits. 80 00:06:39,740 --> 00:06:45,080 This means that an IPV six address consists of 32 hexadecimal numbers. 81 00:06:45,770 --> 00:06:50,000 These numbers are grouped in fours, giving eight groups or blocks. 82 00:06:50,180 --> 00:06:53,960 The groups are written with a colon as a separator. 83 00:06:55,010 --> 00:06:58,040 An IPV six address example is shown in the slide. 84 00:06:59,240 --> 00:07:05,150 So because of the length of the IPV six addresses, various shortening techniques are employed. 85 00:07:05,330 --> 00:07:10,820 The main technique being to omit repetitive zeros as shown in the example. 86 00:07:12,260 --> 00:07:17,360 So as I mentioned before, in IPV four, an address is split into two components. 87 00:07:17,360 --> 00:07:17,930 Right? 88 00:07:18,050 --> 00:07:19,850 Network ID and a host ID. 89 00:07:20,450 --> 00:07:26,030 This was done initially using address classes and then later using subnet masking. 90 00:07:26,970 --> 00:07:29,550 In the unicast addressing of IPV six. 91 00:07:29,580 --> 00:07:31,320 It's done in the same way. 92 00:07:31,970 --> 00:07:35,030 The first step is to split the address into two parts. 93 00:07:35,450 --> 00:07:38,660 The address is split into 264 bit segments. 94 00:07:39,790 --> 00:07:45,280 The top 64 bits is a network ID and the lower 64 bits is the host ID. 95 00:07:46,680 --> 00:07:51,960 The most significant 64 bits are used for routing and the least significant 64 bits. 96 00:07:51,960 --> 00:07:55,260 Identify the address of the interface or host. 97 00:07:55,620 --> 00:08:00,000 This block is derived from the actual physical or Mac address. 98 00:08:00,030 --> 00:08:01,110 In practice. 99 00:08:02,430 --> 00:08:09,780 So if we look at the most significant 64 bits in more detail, we can see that it's split into two blocks 100 00:08:09,780 --> 00:08:12,630 of 48 and 16 bits. 101 00:08:13,460 --> 00:08:20,030 Now the least significant 16 bits are used for subnets on internal networks and are controlled by a 102 00:08:20,030 --> 00:08:21,530 network administrator. 103 00:08:22,630 --> 00:08:28,750 The most significant 48 bits are used for the global network addresses and are used for routing over 104 00:08:28,750 --> 00:08:29,410 the Internet.