There is no more Nessus® Home edition, as of May 2019, Nessus® Home will be called Nessus® Essentials. Whenever you see or hear the Nessus® Home in the videos, know that this is the Nessus® Essentials.

Nessus® Home allows you to scan your personal home network (up to 16 IP addresses per scanner) only. It is not for use by any commercial organization. In Nessus® Home, you can only scan the private IP address space which is specified in the RFC1918.

Private address spaces are shown below.

Nessus® Essentials allows you to scan your environment (up to 16 IP addresses per scanner). Nessus Essentials eliminates the previous restriction on only using Nessus® Home for personal, non-commercial use. You can scan real IP addresses too

With Nessus® Essentials, vulnerability scans can be performed without private address space (RFC1918) and time limit constraints.

Although Nessus® Home is used in this course, you can use the current Nessus® Essentials version for vulnerability scans.

You can access both the latest version of Nessus® Essentials and the code required for activation from the link:

If you are a student or if you have an e-mail address with an EDU extension, you can also take advantage of Tenable for education program.