1 00:00:00,850 --> 00:00:02,680 ‫Let's see the empire in action. 2 00:00:03,190 --> 00:00:06,520 ‫Empire has its own show like command line interface. 3 00:00:16,270 --> 00:00:20,200 ‫As of this video, capturing Empire has two hundred and eighty two modules. 4 00:00:21,070 --> 00:00:24,940 ‫First, let's start by typing the help command to display the help. 5 00:00:26,160 --> 00:00:32,010 ‫Now I'm going to show you how to use Empire Project step by step, first step, create a listener. 6 00:00:32,970 --> 00:00:37,020 ‫Listeners in Empire are the channels which receive connections from our target machines. 7 00:00:37,830 --> 00:00:40,290 ‫It's similar to the listeners in Metasploit Framework. 8 00:00:40,800 --> 00:00:45,960 ‫Before we do anything an empire, we need to start the listeners type listeners to enter the listener 9 00:00:45,960 --> 00:00:46,770 ‫management state. 10 00:00:47,740 --> 00:00:51,660 ‫And as you see the shell prompter changes as Empire Colon listeners. 11 00:00:54,450 --> 00:00:59,250 ‫Once we move to the listeners management state, we can see its options by typing the help command. 12 00:01:01,030 --> 00:01:03,700 ‫Let's take a look at some of the commands of the listener state. 13 00:01:05,220 --> 00:01:08,070 ‫Info is a display information about the active listener. 14 00:01:08,640 --> 00:01:12,180 ‫Now you think it's the same as the show options command of Metasploit. 15 00:01:13,340 --> 00:01:20,870 ‫Kill is to kill a particular listener list is to list all the active listeners use listener is to use 16 00:01:20,870 --> 00:01:22,850 ‫one of the listener modules of Empire. 17 00:01:24,600 --> 00:01:27,510 ‫You, Stadia is to use one of the available stages. 18 00:01:27,930 --> 00:01:29,280 ‫We'll see that on the next step. 19 00:01:29,850 --> 00:01:32,580 ‫Let us now look at how to start a listener module and empire. 20 00:01:33,710 --> 00:01:40,760 ‫Type the use listener command, but a space character and press tap twice to see the listeners available 21 00:01:40,760 --> 00:01:41,270 ‫on Empire. 22 00:01:42,080 --> 00:01:43,970 ‫There are seven different listeners listed. 23 00:01:44,840 --> 00:01:47,690 ‫Let's use the HTTP listener as an example. 24 00:01:48,620 --> 00:01:51,320 ‫Type use listener, HDTV and presenter. 25 00:01:52,420 --> 00:01:57,940 ‫Now, the same as with the Linux bash, you can use the tab button to complete any particular keyword 26 00:01:58,870 --> 00:01:59,290 ‫here. 27 00:01:59,830 --> 00:02:02,860 ‫Press tab in the middle of the word instead of writing the entire word. 28 00:02:04,220 --> 00:02:09,620 ‫Again, the shell prompt has changed as Empire Colin listeners slash 8GB. 29 00:02:10,910 --> 00:02:17,060 ‫Health command now displays the commands of this state, as you see some of the commands are the same 30 00:02:17,060 --> 00:02:20,510 ‫with the previous menu, but there are some different commands here. 31 00:02:21,950 --> 00:02:26,150 ‫The info command shows the options of the particular type of listener we want to start. 32 00:02:27,170 --> 00:02:30,440 ‫The set command is used to assign the values of the options. 33 00:02:31,160 --> 00:02:34,880 ‫Similarly, the unset command is used to clear these values. 34 00:02:36,070 --> 00:02:38,800 ‫Every listener requires certain options to be set. 35 00:02:39,550 --> 00:02:45,730 ‫For example, when you run info command, you see that the HTTP listener needs the host and port values 36 00:02:45,730 --> 00:02:50,740 ‫to be configured and important warning here in empire commands are case sensitive. 37 00:02:51,160 --> 00:02:58,750 ‫That means if the name of an option is name with an uppercase end, you have to use its exact same style. 38 00:02:59,850 --> 00:03:02,610 ‫Name with a lowercase has a different meaning for Empire. 39 00:03:03,820 --> 00:03:11,470 ‫Default values are set for the options IP addresses of your current system is set as the host and 80 40 00:03:11,470 --> 00:03:12,490 ‫is set as port. 41 00:03:13,970 --> 00:03:17,630 ‫The default name of the listener is set as HTP. 42 00:03:18,680 --> 00:03:21,890 ‫Change the values if you want using set command. 43 00:03:22,990 --> 00:03:27,850 ‫I want to change the listener name as my HTP listener. 44 00:03:37,020 --> 00:03:42,300 ‫When all options are set, we can start the lists and are using the execute command. 45 00:03:43,630 --> 00:03:49,180 ‫When we go back to the main menu using the main command or back command twice, we see that we have 46 00:03:49,180 --> 00:03:50,710 ‫now one active listener. 47 00:03:52,930 --> 00:03:58,690 ‫The second step is using stages now and here, it's better to explain the stages and stage concepts 48 00:03:58,690 --> 00:04:04,660 ‫of the exploitation world stages set up a network connection between the attacker and the victim and 49 00:04:04,660 --> 00:04:06,730 ‫are designed to be small and reliable. 50 00:04:07,480 --> 00:04:12,520 ‫Stages are payload components that are downloaded by stager modules. 51 00:04:13,480 --> 00:04:21,580 ‫The various payload stages provide advanced features with no size limits such as maternity, VMC injection 52 00:04:21,580 --> 00:04:27,460 ‫or shell stages at Empire are used to set the stage for the post exploitation activities. 53 00:04:27,970 --> 00:04:33,790 ‫They're similar to payloads which are used to create a connection back to empire type use. 54 00:04:33,820 --> 00:04:40,900 ‫Stager would have space, character and press tab twice to see all of the available stages. 55 00:04:41,440 --> 00:04:44,020 ‫Let's start the launch of Stager as an example. 56 00:04:44,560 --> 00:04:48,310 ‫The stage will generate a command ready to launch in command line terminal seemed. 57 00:04:49,860 --> 00:04:56,940 ‫Type used stage Stager Multi Slash Launcher Command to load the Stager Shell prompter changes as the 58 00:04:56,940 --> 00:04:58,350 ‫name of the stage that we chose. 59 00:04:58,860 --> 00:05:02,820 ‫If you type help now you see the commands of the stage or state. 60 00:05:03,820 --> 00:05:11,260 ‫Use, generate or execute to generate a stage you set and unset to set in unset values to particular 61 00:05:11,260 --> 00:05:17,620 ‫options, interact to interact with a particular agent, which is normally used when there are multiple 62 00:05:17,620 --> 00:05:23,830 ‫listeners type info to see the information about the stager and the options to be set. 63 00:05:24,930 --> 00:05:30,480 ‫Let's set the options to be able to generate the stage, we need to set a listener in water for the 64 00:05:30,480 --> 00:05:34,660 ‫stages to be able to communicate with Empire in the last step. 65 00:05:34,680 --> 00:05:36,810 ‫We already created a listener. 66 00:05:37,380 --> 00:05:45,570 ‫Let us set this listener for our launch or Stadia type set listener, my HTTP listener for this purpose. 67 00:05:46,110 --> 00:05:50,550 ‫If you gave another name to your listener, use that instead of my HTTP listener. 68 00:05:51,520 --> 00:05:55,660 ‫And once again, don't forget that Empire is case sensitive. 69 00:05:56,680 --> 00:06:03,070 ‫Leave the other options as default for now run, execute or generate command to generate the Stadia. 70 00:06:03,850 --> 00:06:08,530 ‫The Stadia has created a command ready to be launched in the command line terminal. 71 00:06:10,670 --> 00:06:12,950 ‫The third step using agents. 72 00:06:14,330 --> 00:06:21,230 ‫When we set the stage to our target system and the machine engages with it, we get a reverse connection 73 00:06:21,230 --> 00:06:21,620 ‫back. 74 00:06:22,190 --> 00:06:23,660 ‫This is known as an agent. 75 00:06:24,410 --> 00:06:29,810 ‫In our example, let's run the generated command into the victim's command line terminal window. 76 00:06:30,690 --> 00:06:34,700 ‫Now there are a few different methods to start a terminal screen in a Windows OS. 77 00:06:35,690 --> 00:06:42,530 ‫You can press Windows Plus R to start the Run Dialog Box Type Command in the dialog box and hit Enter. 78 00:06:44,580 --> 00:06:50,700 ‫Or you can type command seemed in Windows Start menu, windows will find you the tool. 79 00:06:51,690 --> 00:06:58,290 ‫Or you can try to find the command prompt to inside the all applications menu, which I honestly don't 80 00:06:58,290 --> 00:06:58,740 ‫remember. 81 00:06:59,100 --> 00:07:03,750 ‫Copy the generated command pasted in the command prompt of the victim's system. 82 00:07:04,590 --> 00:07:07,080 ‫Command prompt disappears when the command is executed. 83 00:07:08,110 --> 00:07:15,400 ‫Go back to Cali, as you can see, we have a new agent type Maine to go back to the main screen of Empire. 84 00:07:15,820 --> 00:07:17,290 ‫We see that we have an agent. 85 00:07:18,330 --> 00:07:20,580 ‫Type agents to go to agents. 86 00:07:22,570 --> 00:07:28,000 ‫Use interact command with the Agent I.D. You're now in a session of the victims system. 87 00:07:30,170 --> 00:07:32,270 ‫Type help to see the commands you can use. 88 00:07:40,490 --> 00:07:45,110 ‫For example, type info to see the entire information of the victims system. 89 00:07:58,850 --> 00:08:02,030 ‫Or type C to take a screenshot, et cetera.