1 00:00:00,210 --> 00:00:09,630 ‫So the mkay der the MDC-T Air as a command and Lennox, it allows users to create or make new directories, 2 00:00:10,200 --> 00:00:16,350 ‫mkdir stands for make directory, so make sure you can also set permissions. 3 00:00:16,710 --> 00:00:20,850 ‫You can also create multiple directories or folders at once. 4 00:00:21,180 --> 00:00:22,740 ‫And really so much more. 5 00:00:23,610 --> 00:00:29,190 ‫You can also build a structure with multiple subdirectories using mkdir with the Dash option. 6 00:00:30,510 --> 00:00:33,870 ‫So why don't we just get into it and get practicing? 7 00:00:34,290 --> 00:00:35,220 ‫So go to Kelly. 8 00:00:36,120 --> 00:00:41,610 ‫If you want to list files in a directory that doesn't exist, you're going to get this error message. 9 00:00:43,050 --> 00:00:45,900 ‫So why don't we create the directory with M.K. dirt? 10 00:00:47,360 --> 00:00:49,040 ‫Change directly to the temp folder. 11 00:00:50,480 --> 00:00:55,640 ‫Now, if you want to create multiple subdirectories, you can always use the option. 12 00:01:12,140 --> 00:01:15,350 ‫And we'll check the subdirectories using the CD command. 13 00:01:16,250 --> 00:01:17,150 ‫All right, no problem. 14 00:01:17,780 --> 00:01:19,790 ‫They were loaded under the temp folder.