1 00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:00,880 Hello everybody 2 00:00:00,960 --> 00:00:02,180 and welcome back. 3 00:00:02,180 --> 00:00:08,790 And in this tutorial right here I will show you how you can perform two different attacks on the 4 00:00:08,800 --> 00:00:09,380 Metasploitable. 5 00:00:09,390 --> 00:00:11,030 So just follow my steps. 6 00:00:11,130 --> 00:00:17,290 If you have Metasploitable up and running, you should be able to exploit it with these two attacks. 7 00:00:17,310 --> 00:00:21,230 So the first one that we will do is an attack on Samba. 8 00:00:21,240 --> 00:00:26,980 Now I believe that it has the same vulnerability as on the OWASP virtual machine, 9 00:00:27,120 --> 00:00:33,930 but I could be wrong. So let me just first of all zoom this in, I will zoom it in twice, and what I will do 10 00:00:33,990 --> 00:00:36,720 is I will run my Metasploit framework console. 11 00:00:36,720 --> 00:00:42,080 After that we will search for some of the Samba exploits and we will see how we can exploit the Metasploitable 12 00:00:42,090 --> 00:00:43,680 virtual machine. 13 00:00:43,680 --> 00:00:46,020 So, let's wait for this to open... 14 00:00:49,250 --> 00:00:51,490 and OK. So we are good to go. Now 15 00:00:51,530 --> 00:00:53,270 right now what we want to do, 16 00:00:53,420 --> 00:00:56,280 let's say my OWASP is my Metasploitable. 17 00:00:56,300 --> 00:00:58,930 So you run a scan on it, 18 00:00:59,180 --> 00:01:05,110 it will finish in a few seconds, and you find out there are open ports. So the open ports for the Samba 19 00:01:05,150 --> 00:01:09,470 I believe is something like 445, or 139, or something like that. 20 00:01:09,530 --> 00:01:15,860 And then after you find out which version it is running, and on which port is it running, you can 21 00:01:15,860 --> 00:01:21,800 search for the exploit that will suit you. So we can see right here that it is running Samba 3.X 22 00:01:21,800 --> 00:01:26,690 Well, basically, 3.X which is basically any version from 3 to 4, 23 00:01:27,110 --> 00:01:28,730 and on the 445 port. 24 00:01:28,730 --> 00:01:30,910 Also, running the same version. 25 00:01:30,950 --> 00:01:37,370 So what we want to do is basically just click here, type here search samba, and it will list us 26 00:01:37,460 --> 00:01:42,710 all of the available exploits for this software. 27 00:01:42,710 --> 00:01:48,750 So let me just zoom this out so we can see it a little bit better, and we are not going to use 28 00:01:48,750 --> 00:01:54,320 auxiliary anymore. What we will use is the exploit. What we want to use is this one at the moment, 29 00:01:54,440 --> 00:02:03,650 so exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script. It came out in 2007, it's rated as excellent, 30 00:02:03,740 --> 00:02:07,730 and it says right here, Samba "username map script" Command Execution. 31 00:02:07,850 --> 00:02:14,090 So, for example, you could also check out some of the other ones, but let's say the upper one is only working 32 00:02:14,090 --> 00:02:19,370 for the versions from 2.2.2 to 2.2.6. 33 00:02:19,370 --> 00:02:28,370 So it wouldn't work for our own version. So let's use this one. And they repeat that you need to you to 34 00:02:28,370 --> 00:02:32,800 have the Metasploitable open for this to work. 35 00:02:32,870 --> 00:02:38,030 So now that we selected the exploit, let us show our available options right here. 36 00:02:38,180 --> 00:02:42,420 You can see that the available options are RHOSTS and RPORT. 37 00:02:42,560 --> 00:02:46,700 Now RPORT is already set as 139 which is correct in my case. 38 00:02:46,700 --> 00:02:48,250 Now it can also be 445. 39 00:02:49,160 --> 00:02:54,080 If you're running that on both ports you can actually check both of them, 40 00:02:54,590 --> 00:03:01,160 one after another. And what you want to set is set, and then RHOSTS, and then the IP address of 41 00:03:01,160 --> 00:03:06,320 your Metasploitable. So I will use the OWASP in my case, it doesn't really matter. 42 00:03:06,320 --> 00:03:11,780 After that what you want to do is actually select the payload that you will use in order to exploit 43 00:03:11,780 --> 00:03:12,860 this machine. 44 00:03:12,860 --> 00:03:17,570 Now the payload, you can check out your available payload with the show payload option that we covered in 45 00:03:17,570 --> 00:03:22,970 the previous videos. It will print out all of the payloads that you can use for this attack. 46 00:03:22,970 --> 00:03:30,050 Now the one that I found working on Metasploitable would be the cmd/unix/reverse, which is this 47 00:03:30,050 --> 00:03:35,300 one right here. So you could just copy that payload right here. 48 00:03:35,300 --> 00:03:36,020 The ranking, 49 00:03:36,020 --> 00:03:37,580 they all rank as normal, 50 00:03:37,580 --> 00:03:41,700 and this one is Unix command shell, double reverse TCP. 51 00:03:42,410 --> 00:03:50,150 So what we want to do is set payload, and then paste the payload that we're going to use. 52 00:03:50,150 --> 00:03:53,080 Once you select that you want to show options once again. 53 00:03:56,110 --> 00:03:59,990 And you will see that the only thing we need to specify in order to get to work, 54 00:04:00,010 --> 00:04:02,270 we need to specify the LHOST. 55 00:04:02,270 --> 00:04:04,540 So LHOST is our Kali Linux machine. 56 00:04:04,540 --> 00:04:09,040 So just type here your IP address, which in my case is .1.7 I believe. 57 00:04:09,040 --> 00:04:17,110 So set RHOST, and all you have to do after this is basically 58 00:04:17,170 --> 00:04:24,150 just type run. This will run on your Metasploitable and it should give you a reverse shell in return. 59 00:04:24,160 --> 00:04:28,210 Now since I'm scanning on the OWASP this will not work for me. As it says right here, 60 00:04:28,210 --> 00:04:34,660 exploit completed but no session was created, which I pretty much think it means that this virtual machine, 61 00:04:34,720 --> 00:04:37,580 which is the OWASP, isn't vulnerable to this attack. 62 00:04:38,000 --> 00:04:44,020 But this one should work on your Metasploitable. What you will get, is basically it won't prompt you for anything, 63 00:04:44,200 --> 00:04:47,670 but it will basically look like it came out. 64 00:04:47,680 --> 00:04:53,270 But once you type ls, it will list all of the files on the Metasploitable that 65 00:04:53,500 --> 00:04:56,050 are located in the directory. 66 00:04:56,050 --> 00:05:00,690 So, that is one of the attacks that you want to use against the Metasploitable. 67 00:05:00,790 --> 00:05:05,950 The other attack is on the FTP port which is Port 21. 68 00:05:05,950 --> 00:05:07,660 It is very simple to exploit. 69 00:05:07,690 --> 00:05:12,500 You just need to set RHOST and just click exploit. It is on the, 70 00:05:12,760 --> 00:05:16,840 I believe that on Metasploitable over port FTP, which is Port 21, 71 00:05:16,840 --> 00:05:19,350 it is running a version, 72 00:05:19,630 --> 00:05:20,440 pardon me, 73 00:05:20,440 --> 00:05:22,140 VSFTPD234, 74 00:05:22,280 --> 00:05:27,250 or something like that, which is basically vulnerable to this attack. 75 00:05:27,250 --> 00:05:34,210 So what we want to do, first of all, you can nmap the Metasploitable, if you want to, and see the 76 00:05:34,210 --> 00:05:43,450 RPORT 21 yourself. And after that you use exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor. 77 00:05:43,450 --> 00:05:45,930 So let me just close this so you can see better. 78 00:05:46,960 --> 00:05:50,300 Click here enter and then show your available options. 79 00:05:50,300 --> 00:05:55,540 So show options will show you that the only thing to specify is RHOSTS. 80 00:05:56,200 --> 00:06:04,000 So you specify the RHOSTS, which is basically the IP 81 00:06:04,000 --> 00:06:08,460 address of your Metasploitable, and all you need to do is click run right here. Now 82 00:06:08,470 --> 00:06:10,830 I won't be running this since I don't have Metasploitable running, 83 00:06:10,840 --> 00:06:16,180 and on OWASP this version of service doesn't exist. 84 00:06:16,180 --> 00:06:23,960 Basically, port 21 isn't even opened on OWASP. So those are two attacks that you can try on 85 00:06:23,960 --> 00:06:25,560 Metasploitable if you want to. 86 00:06:26,030 --> 00:06:27,760 You will not encounter it anywhere else. 87 00:06:27,760 --> 00:06:32,110 This is just some of the older versions that basically got patched long ago. 88 00:06:32,150 --> 00:06:38,900 So, these are not some of the real life attacks that you will encounter, but you never know. In the next 89 00:06:38,900 --> 00:06:43,340 videos we will try exporting the Windows machines. 90 00:06:43,360 --> 00:06:50,520 So that will be some of the real life attacks that you can actually perform with payloads, with the Meterpreter 91 00:06:50,570 --> 00:06:51,630 shell opened. 92 00:06:51,650 --> 00:06:56,870 So we will do that in the next tutorial, and I hope I see you there. Bye!