Congratulations on reaching this far! Our Ethical Hacking journey has come to an end!

You can move to other specific fields to build your skills, advance to a senior level, and get recognized as a top specialist.

My other three Linux related courses that can help you accomplish your goals are:

  1. Master Linux Administration: The Complete Linux Bootcamp (it's a prerequisite for the current course)

  2. Linux Administration: Build 5 Hands-On Linux Projects

  3. Linux Security: The Complete Iptables Firewall Guide

Take a look at the last lecture of this course called “BONUS” to get more details and a special offer.

My last piece of advice to you is to try to practice every day and, most important, give yourself some time! No one became an expert overnight!

Consistency is the key when you are learning a new technical skill. I’d recommend making a commitment to yourself to practice on a daily basis.